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Quality control tech

Virginia Beach, VA
February 23, 2017

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Virginia Beach, Virginra *****




l'alented, Lrpbeat and motivated Quality AssLrrance-feclrnician witlr l8 years'experience in fabrication and assernbling of structural fiberglass products. These include tiarneworks or shells fbr rnachinery and electrical components for various applications. Excellent in Certification of Conibnrance rnakingarrd knowledgeably skilled in readingand interpreting blueprints, diagranrs and drawings also tlrst articles and PPAP. Skilled in repairing, cleaning and calibrating srnall instrulrtents such as tnicrometers and calipers. Excellent in Excel, Gage R & R and capability analysis. Mernber of company Saf-ety Cornrnittee. Experienced in lab work with resins and other rnaterials. PROI'ESSIONA L T]XPERIEN(] E

Quafity Assurance I'echnician, Iten Industrie.s, Inc., Ashtabula, Ohio July 1998 .- Present

. Assists Quality Manager in various functions as needed

. Creates certificates of conformances, tlrst arlicles, and PPAP

. Calibration of small instruments (rnicrorneters, calipers, etc.)

. (lharting and graphing of capability studies arrd Gage R&R in Minitab and MS F.xcel

. [-Jsage and calibration of calipers, rnicrornelers. deptlr rnics. dial indicators, and counting scales

. I'esting of resins using viscorneters and lR scanners r Twist and torque testing on pultruded Inaterials using approved tlxtLrres and ovens

. Evalualion of materials sent fiom suppliers and alternative suppliers r Measurement and approval of parts fbr prodLrction o Active ISO 9001 Auditor


I- lueprint Reading Certification, A.shtabulu ('ount\,'fechnical (-areer ('ctmpus, Ashtabula, Ohicl 20lr2 Adnrinistrative Assistant Coursework. .lslttabulu C'ountv,loint Voccttional Sc'hool, Ashtabula, Ohio 1991 High School Diploma, Edgev,octd Senior l{igh Sclnol. Ashtabula. Ohio 1991 SKII-LS

o Strategic Thinking

o Mathenratical ReasoningAptitude

. BusinessDeveloprnentExperience

. Strong Organizational & Prioritization Ability

. L.ab Analytics

. T'rained in MS Excel & Minitab

. Safety conscior.and ls knowledgeable of OSHA cornpliance r

Quickly calches on

r [Jnderstands the functions of various rraclrinery (CN(]. purrch presses. rvater.let) KEY HIGTII,IGII'I'S

o Strong knowledge of Ballistics rnaterials

. Very lamiliar with regulations and reqLrirernents of Gclvernrnent contractors, such as ITAR o llas repaired a broad range of micrometers and calipers inclLrding: MitLrtoyo, Fowler, and Rrown & Sharpe

. Strong knowledge of ISO 9001 standards


David Zundel

Director of Strpply Chain/E,nvilontnental Hcalth & Safcty Manager Iterr lndLrstries. Inc.

(440) 8 B- r498

Known for (x) years

Patricia Ja rvis

L.ead QLral itv Assurance

Iten Industries. lnc.

(440) 3 t9-4218

Known fbr (x) years

Niles Waring

Director of l'f/Shipping & Receiving Manager

Iten lrtdustries, lnc.

(440) 8 t2-491

Known for (x) years

Dave AIlen

Senior Sales L.ngineer

Iten lndustries, lnc.


Knou'n for (x) years

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