Mary B-ar* Wosiiis
*S Buffion mr
eolumbia, SC **?23
sbiectiwes: -to
obtaln a part-iime pnsition that can utllize nny skills and experience as a LFI{ charge nurse. Prelvide for funther enrichment for ffiy nursing career' Educatlom: Fortland B-ligh Schooi Porttand' CT X96CI-1"964 Unive::sity of l-lartford Hartford' CT 1-954-1"956 Assoc:ates Degree in Accounting
rlinal,ReglonatTechschool lVliddietown,CTl-S77-1"978 Work fixpenienee:
h1! a rc,-r loa"-Ybfu.ry &* i * Wildwood Downs Rehab Columbia, SC 29223
11-7 Charge $lurse
S,4ay t993-ft1lay 2011 Alexander lVlanor
Eioomfield, CT 06OOG
3-13. Charge Nurse
As a fl-F[,i Charge Fjurse I assisted,.,vith the evair,ration of residefii needs, developed care plans !n order for eact-r nesident in rrrair"liain the highest level of functioning. t also assurned tlre responsibility to prepare sl.lift assignments anrl sehedules for the nursing assistants on rny tearrr in orden that they raiould be able to flare for each resic.ent according to tlreir leve! of care. I encouraged each nursing assistant to share inforrnation of changes in each reslclent iir order to pnovide excellent care and assist residents in rrraintalning the highest level of functioning. ! share infornration with the R"Ni" and or physician to assist in deterr-ninlng the b,:st course of care for each resident' mther Resp*$sfr hi Htties:,&ssist rruith family surport especia[]y with transltion of placerneert of resident to nursing home. lnstill positive aspec':s cf care given tc resirjents and assisting family nnernbers csl'lce:-ms' Teaching farniiy rnerrbers how io care fclr a reiative^ Teaching ciient or resldents gord heal:h lrabits' Adi-ninrstration ef m.:dications, observing fon effectiveness, and any adverse reaction" M,round care as or-dered bV the Fhyslcian^
ftlly $peelalties:
iV Therapy" Tr*ch care,/XV!aintenance. Penitoneal dialysis, Alzheirnen's Residents, Rehabilitation Post Surgery, Knee RepiacementaE"rd total Hip, Enteral Feeding, Hospice Care, FamilySupport, and ResicientlFa rn i ly Teachi ng"
Licerlsedl State of South Carolina 43997
References Upon Rr:ouesi