Foard, Martin Benjamin
Process Chemical, Mechanical, Nuclear, Environmental Engineer
Experience Overview
Extensive experience in chemical, mechanical, process, and, nuclear engineering. Expertise in all phases of the engineering process, including chemical process design, nuclear grade (NQA-1) calculations, piping and instrument diagram
(P&IDs), process flow diagrams (PFDs), heat and energy balances, design basis, design criteria, safety analysis, safety basis document preparation, USQ and USQD preparation and evaluation, process equipment selection and sizing, specification preparation, vendor identification and selection, and procurement engineering, and Operational Readiness Review (ORR). Project and engineering management experience, including the coordination of engineers and designers in the design of varied chemical and mechanical systems and components. Developed requirements, specifications, including system and component design descriptions, design status reports, procedures, and detailed cost estimates. Involved in all levels of design reviews and presented the results of these reviews to management in both oral and written reports. Planned, organized, directed and controlled various portions of large and small projects, to include the determination of staffing levels, schedule, and quality level. Significant and in-depth experience in the following areas:
• Department of Energy NQA-1 Nuclear Programs. Knowledge of, and commitment to a strong Nuclear Safety Quality Culture (NSQC)
• Uranium Enrichment Processes (gaseous diffusion, centrifuge, laser) and Highly Enriched Uranium Processing
• Commercial Fossil and Nuclear Power
• Hazardous/Radioactive/Mixed Waste Treatment
• Decontamination and Decommissioning (D&D)
• Quality Assurance Program Management and Implementation
• Procurement Engineering
• Environmental Remediation Projects including Mercury Treatment and Cleanup
• Department of Energy and Department of Defense programs Major Areas of Experience
Commercial Utilities and Engineering Consulting Firms Years of experience working directly for commercial utilities including Carolina Power and Light - now Duke/Progress Energy, Southern Company/Georgia Power, and the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), as well as engineering consulting firms including Sargent and Lundy Engineers, Burns and Roe Enterprises, and Bechtel Nuclear Security & Environmental.
As a member of the TVA Nuclear Engineering Branch, worked on design and procurement for the Bellefonte, Watts Bar, and Sequoya Nuclear Power Plants. While working on these projects, gained:
• Strong understanding of the US regulatory process for nuclear power plants and the documentation supporting that process;
• Experience in general plant operations, safety and USQ evaluations, and plant modification packages;
• Evaluation of licensing issues and ASME Code applicability;
• Review and development of system calculations, equipment specifications, subcontract specifications, vendor reports, operational mode calculations, design change packages, and design criteria documents; Education
Engineering, University
of Tennessee,
Knoxville, TN
Registered Professional
Engineer since 2000: TN
00101060, expires 7/31/2018
Certified Hazardous
Materials Manager, 11645,
Contact Information
Address: 1241 Bishops View
Ln., Knoxville, TN 37932
Cell Phone: 865-***-****
• Support of Engineering Management in overseeing discipline work, providing technical direction and reviewing the work of other engineers; and
• In-depth expertise with nuclear plant solid, liquid, and gaseous radioactive waste systems.
Hazardous, Radioactive, and Mixed Waste Treatment
Contributed significantly to design and operation of processing facilities for the treatment and disposal of hazardous wastes, radioactive wastes, mixed wastes, transuranic wastes, chemical warfare agents, and surplus UF6. Supervised the startup of a RCRA and Radioactive Mixed Waste Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facility. Was directly involved in the characterization, development of treatment methods, treatment operations, and disposal profiling of numerous waste streams from many DOE sites. This includes D&D planning for the Alpha-4 building at the Y-12 National Nuclear Security Complex and treatment and disposition of D&D wastes at the Oak Ridge K-25 site. Prior Experience
Uranium Processing Facility Project Office Support Contractor (System One)
- Principal Chemical Process Engineer 2016-Present Review and oversight of project deliverables and activities related to Chemical Process and Mechanical Systems in support of the Department of Energy (DOE) National Nuclear Security Agency (NNSA). Lead Chemical/Mechanical Process reviewer for a team of evaluating the 60% design deliverables package produced by the project Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC) contractor. Bechtel Nuclear, Security, and Environmental – Senior Mechanical Systems Engineer 2014-2016
Hanford Waste Treatment Plant (WTP) Project: Mechanical systems P&IDs and calculations associated with the Direct Feed Low Activity Waste (DFLAW) project. Earned a LeadeR+ award for outstanding work on the production of P&IDs to meet a critical milestone. Trained as a Responsible Engineer for procurement of Nuclear Grade components. Work location: Reston, VA Merrick and Company – Senior Process Design Engineer 2011-2014 Uranium Processing Facility (UPF) Project: Worked on contract with B&W Y-12 to perform process design calculations, producing design analysis calculations
(DACs) which conform to rigorous technical, procedural, and NQA-1 quality standards for chemical process equipment and gloveboxes for the UPF Facility. SHINE Medical Technologies, Inc.: Process design for a Molybdenum -99 Medical Isotope Production Facility.
Burns & Roe – Principle Process Design Engineer 2008-2011
• mPower® Small Modular Reactor Design
• Proposal Input for DUF6 Deconversion Plant
• Waste to Energy (2011): Plasma Waste Process (PWR)
• Brauning Peaking Turbines Project
• Combined Cycle Plant Modeling
Materials & Energy Corporation – Process/Operations Support Engineer 2001-2008
Startup and operation of a RCRA and Radioactive Mixed Waste Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facility. Formulated waste treatment protocols and procedures for use in these facilities, oversaw hazardous waste treatment. Foster Wheeler Environmental – Process Engineer 1999-2001
• Centrate Ammonia Removal System - design for municipal wastewaters
• High Level Radioactive Waste Processing
• Depleted Uranium Hexafluoride Conversion - process design and proposal preparation
Engineering Consultant Work 1995-1999
Westinghouse Savannah River Company: High level waste tank farms at the DOE Savannah River Site.
Teledyne Brown Engineering/ERC: Process design of chemical warfare agent neutralization and destruction systems.
Northeast Utilities-Millstone Nuclear Power Station Unit 1: Restart and Radioactive Waste systems.
Environmental Engineering 1988-1995
Department of Defense and Department of Energy Environmental Projects Environmental and waste management projects including CERCLA Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study, RCRA waste characterization and management plans, Spill Planning, Control and Countermeasures Plans, Pollution Prevention/Waste Minimization Planning, and Underground Storage Tank remediation.