Anay Perez
Houston, Tx 77080
Integral Technician in Clinic Lab and Bllod Bank
Clinic Lab and Blood Bank. Ivan Portuondo Hospital
Havana, Cuba
Sep, 1998 / Oct, 2013
be courteous to the patient, preparing the test, explain the procedure to the patient, show professionalism and
knowledge, select blood groups, transfuse patients, performing sampling, injections, channel veins and arteries take
blood pressure and other vital signs,
Medical Institute Salvador Allende. Havana. Cuba
1994 / 1998
Integral Technician in Clinic Lab and Blood Bank
High School Popular Republic of Angola
1991 / 1994
High School
Take a blood pressure
Take samples of blood and urine
Chanel veins and arteries
Transfusing the patients
Take vital signals
Put injections
Preparing the patients and technicals
Knowledges of the technicals
Knowledges of the lab and blood bank technicals
Basic computer knowledges
Determinating of blood groups