I Antuela Arapi, I am ** years old from albenia state in Europe. We are in usa 1 year. I finished university for nurses in 2010 and I like to work in the hospital and I want to work as early in the cleaning and later to do a school for nurses and diploma because I must study for the licenses. Please help with job please please II Antuela Arapi, work as early in the cleaning a job. I worked with before for 9 months in a cleaning company bankne, Janitronices services..dhe hotel facility, inc 40 Bondib hotels civic center plaza ny 12601. PoughkeepI Antuela Arapi, I am 27 years old from albenia state in Europe. We are in usa 1 year. I finished university for nurses in 2010 and I like to work in the hospital and I want to work as early in the cleaning and later to do a school for nurses and diploma because I must study for the licenses. Please help with job please please I need a job. I worked with before for 9 months in a cleaning company bankne, Janitronices services..dhe hotel facility, inc 40 Bondib hotels civic center plaza ny 12601. Poughkeepsie and we moved out of the city and fled from work. I'm very interested in the job please thank jun.sie and we moved out of the city and fled from work.