Jovette Graham
Work Experience
Administrative Assistant I I – (Key Staff) Capital Improvements Management
Services (TC I) 1303 N. Terminal D r ive, San Antonio, Texas 78216
Under direction, is responsible for performing a wide variety of professional administrative
d uties in support of the activities and services of an assigned department; coordinated
office services and provides information and assistance to the public regarding the assigned
Prepares correspondence for communication with other City departments as well as the
p ublic. Assists in providing a variety of responsible duties involved in coordinating the
administrative operations of assigned department. Monitored inventory of office supplies,
reviewed purchase requisitions and request s for payments. Researches, compiles and
analyzes data for special projects and various reports. Prepares reports outlining progress
of projects, documents, problems and issues. Organize and maintain filing system.
M aintain records released to specific areas of assignment. Prepare and monitor t ime and
a ttendance records.
Engineering Technician – US Army Corps of Engineers, Lackland Air Force Base,
San Antonio, Texas, March 2013 to September 2014 (retired)
Responsible for providing full range of construction contract administrative functions to
i nclude processing of construction contractor submittals, preparing documents to affect
t ransfer of construction/real property and closeout of construction contracts. Prepare
closeout/final payment document packages for contractor signature and forward to
contracting officer for final payment approval. Maintain and update database
correspondence and milestones to include t ransfer, final payment and contractor
evaluations. Subject matter expert in regards to review of construction contractor payroll
records to ensure that employees are compensated according to Department of Labor (DOL)
wage determinations awarded with the contracts. Work with prime contractors as well as
DOL personnel to ensure compliance with Davis-Bacon and Other Related Acts. Solely
responsible for payroll review of over seventy mili tary construction contracts which included
m ultiple subcontractors. Conducted t raining on how to perform contractor payroll review.
Administrative Officer – US Army Corps of Engineers Lackland Air Force Base, San
A ntonio, Texas, 2008 to 2010
Assigned responsibility for a wide variety of office and field duties related to the
construction program. POC on administrative matters. Prepared a variety of
correspondence including pay estimates, deficiencies, retainage, proposals. Performed data
acquisition and data entry into Management Systems. Produced Purchase Request &
Commitments (PR&C). Reviewed and coordinated contractor pay applications with
Resident Office project teams and processed with contract specified times frames. Verified
accuracy of numerical data and accruals are correctly identified. Coordinated any
d iscrepancies with team contractor for resolution. Oriented contractors in procedural
requirements for construction contracts and outlined requirements for paper work
administration. This includes submittals, pay applications, labor processes and payrolls,
safety reporting, correspondence. Established and followed schedules for contractor
submission of both administrative and physical data required to t ransfer and close out
construction contracts. Provided t imekeeping, t ravel, and supply t raining to all new
administrative employees. Assistant to Area Engineer, advisory services to the staff, on the
budget, personnel administration, expenditures, procurement, and property management.
Monitors funds/expenses (Government Orders, purchase requests, t ravel). Reviews office
reports, financial documents/correspondence.
Secretary - US Army Corps of Engineers, Waterborne Commerce Statistics Center,
N ew Orleans, Louisiana 2006 - 2008
Provided advice and assistance to both superiors/subordinates on administrative matters.
WCSC POC for management assistance, administrative and clerical functions and is
responsible for a variety of work including administrative studies and surveys, personnel
l iaison, operating budget, t ravel, cost accounting, property accountability, product printing
and distribution, preparation of charts, graphs and tables. Actively participates in office
meetings and conferences with regard to administrative matters. Advised the Director and
t he Deputy Director, WCSC on new or revised regulatory requirements. Coordinates the
p reparation of and administers the WCSC t raining and t ravel programs. Furnishes advice
and interpretations to other key personnel on all administrative regulations, procedures,
and policies. Maintains contact with other administrative types and organizational
elements of the New Orleans District and the Water Resources Support Center to discuss
i nterpretations of new or revised regulations, policies, etc., and prepares comments as
requested by higher echelons on administrative matters. Keeps WCSC personnel informed
of revised, rescinded or superseded regulatory material, and initiates memos and directives
to disseminate current information and requirements. Prepares and reviews a variety of
documents, such as t ravel orders/vouchers, purchase orders, cost vouchers, receiving and
delivery reports, personnel requests. Assist Director and Deputy Director in the preparation
of budget data. Prepares monthly estimate of obligations, and monitors ongoing
expenditures to assure performance within budget projections; requests additional funding.
Composes correspondence pertaining to t imekeeping and payroll matters. Coordinates with
support personnel for use of materials and projection equipment required for scheduled
Secretary, (OA), US Army Corps of Engineers, Operations Division, Regulatory
B ranch, Omaha District, Omaha, Nebraska 1994 - 2001
Reviews correspondence: content, grammar, spelling, and format. Keeps abreast of
policy/procedural developments or requirements. Prepare personnel actions: recruitments,
p romotions, awards, retirements, etc. Training Coordinator: coordinates t raining with
D istrict Training Office. Budget analyst assisted when requested. Procurement Officer:
p urchase supplies, equipment, furniture, computers, etc. Congressional contact with
senator aids, representative aids, reporters, on all congressional correspondence. Makes
t ravel arrangements and prepares orders/vouchers. Provide advice and guidance for field
admin staff and supervisors on administrative, t raining, and personnel matters. Manages
t he TAPES program, which include due dates, suspense's, goals and objectives are
appropriate. Assist budget analyst and Branch Chief with budget when requested. Perform
reporting, recording and t racking of t ransactions.
E ducation
Ft. Wadsworth Mili tary Business School, NO, Business, Bellevue University, Total Credit
hours earned semester: 33
Awards: Commanders Award, Humanitarian Award (9-11)
Windows Software, M icrosoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint (advanced level). Strong analytical
and organizational skills, phone manner, and office, etiquette.