*** **** ** *** #***. Bronx, NY 10475 H. 347-***-**** C.
E -ma i l
e rlikhnata l i a@gmai l.com
OBJECT I VE : Pa rt-time clerical position
Office Manager of Pelham MBCS Clinic 2013-
2014 Supervise and tra in clerical staff, supervise da ily operations
a nd procedures, control statistical and financial reports,
a ddress any concerns regarding building condition, and equipment,
r equi r ing office supplies, and other tasks.
I nt ake Special ist, Pelham MBCS Clinic, Bronx, NY 1998-2013
A ll aspects of intake process: receive phone cal ls, make and
assign appointments, check eligibil ity, benefits, and
obtain a uthorizations, enter demographic and
i nsurance i nformation into Anasazi.
Open and close cases in Anasazi, refer clients for outside
Create outstanding bal ance report, compile monthly intake
Send copies of records as requested, fi l l in as needed: D a ily
C lient List, Scheduler, other miscellaneous duties.
Clerk/Registrar, Bronx House JCC, M a in Office 1996-
S upport for the office manager, general office duties, covering
f ront desk, ma inta in registration fi les.
Clerk/Registrar, Bronx House JCC, I mmigrat ion Services 1994-
I nterviewing and counsel fami l ies to resettlement problems,
p rovide them with information about educationa l,
social, and vocational services, interact with various organizations
r egarding t he needs of community members.
Senior Clerk, Medical l ibra ry, Montefiore Hospita l, NY 1993-
C i rculation activities, technical processing of l ibra ry
m ateri a ls,
process interlibra ry requests.
D i rector, City Medical Libra ry, Leningrad, Russia 1985-
S upervise l ibra ry workers, acqui re books, journa ls and other
m ateri a ls for l ibra ry collection, prepare statistical and
f inancia l reports.
1994-1996 P ratt I nstitute, NY
M aster of Science ( l ibra ry and I nformation Science)
1966-1968 Leningrad institute of culture, Russia
BA in Libra ry Science
Computer skills: MS Word for Windows, Anasazi, Excel
Bil ingua l in Russian