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Assistant Medical

Baltimore, MD
March 17, 2015

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Nicole Ross-Sterret t

**** ******** **.

Gwynn Oak, MD, 21207

United States


nmrsterret t@yahoo.c om

Professional Experie nce

EMSI - Lint hicum, MD

Exami ner

November 2010- Present

Collec t blood, urine and other laborat ory specime ns and prepare them for testi ng

Schedule pati ents for tests

Operate elec troca rdiogram (EKG), and other equipme nt

Record pati ents' medic al history, vita l stati stics and informat ion such as test results in

medic al records.

Conduct Well ness studies

Balti more City Fire Departme nt-Bal timore, MD

Fire Fighter/ Paramedi c

February 1999- Decembe r 2008

Administer first-aid treat ment and life-support care to sick and/or injure d persons in

pre-hospital setti ng.

Perform emerge ncy diagnosti c and treat ment procedures, such as stomach suction,

airway manage ment or heart monitori ng, during ambula nce ride.

Observe, record, and report to emerge ncy room physician pati ent's condit ion or

injury, the treat ment provided, and react ions to drugs and treat ment .

Communic ate with dispatche rs and treat ment cente r personnel to provide informat ion

about situat ion, to arrange recept ion of vict ims, and to recei ve instruct ions for

further treat ment .

Drive mobile inte nsive care unit to specifie d locat ion, following instruct ions from

emerge ncy medic al dispatche r.

Inspect and test new and existi ng fire protect ion systems, fire detec tion systems, and

fire safety equipme nt to ensure that they are operati ng properly.

Present and inte rpret fire preventi on and fire code informat ion to cit izens' groups,

organiza tions, contrac tors, enginee rs, and develope rs.

Coordinate the distribut ion of fire preventi on promotiona l mate rial s.

Develop or review buildi ng fire exit plans.

Supervise and parti cipat e in the inspecti on of properti es to ensure that they are in

compli ance with appli cable fire codes, ordinance s, laws, regulat ions, and


Conduct fire drill s for buildi ng occupant s.

Will iam Brown Communit y Funeral Home-Balt imore, MD

Funeral Assistant

May 1997- October 2009

Perform a variet y of tasks during funerals to assist funeral direct ors and to ensure that

services run smoothly and as planned.

Greet people at the funeral home.

Offer assistance to mourners as they enter or exit limousine s.

Close caskets at appropriat e point in services.

Transfer the decea sed to funeral homes.

Direct or escort mourners to parlors or chapel s in which wakes or funerals are being


Place caskets in parlors or chapel s prior to wakes and/or funerals.

Clean and drive funeral vehicl es such as cars or hearses in funeral processions.

Carry flowers to hearses or limousine s for transportat ion to place s of inte rment.

Issue and store funeral equipme nt.

Perform general maint enanc e dutie s for funeral homes.

University of Maryland Medical Hospital-Bal tim ore. MD

Nurse Extende r

February 1997- February 1999

Answer pati ents' call signals.

Turn and repositi on bedridden pati ents, alone or with assistance.

Observe pati ents' condit ions, and report changes to professional staff.

Feed pati ents who are unable to feed themsel ves.

Provide pati ents with help walking, exerci sing, and moving in and out of bed.

Provide pati ent care by supplying and emptyi ng bed pans, applyi ng dressings and

supervising exerci se routine s.

Bathe, groom, shave, dress, or drape pati ents to prepare them for surgery, treat ment,

or exami nati on.

Collec t specime ns.

Deliver messages, document s and specime n

Perform cleri cal dutie s such as processing document s and scheduling appoint ments.

Educat ion

Balti more City Communit y College -Balt imore, MD

Complet ed coursework towards Emerge ncy Medical Techni cia n

June 2002

Balti more City Fire Academy-Bal ti more, MD

Fire Fighter/ Paramedi c

February 2001

Additional Skills

Basic Life Support Instructor 2002 until present*BLS CPR cert. 07/ 2013-07/2015

Assistant instruct or for Emerge ncy Medical Techni cia n and BLS trai ning @ Paul L.

Dunbar Senior High School and for Balti more City Fire Departme nt classes.

Healthc are lect ure for area church healt h ministri es.

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