Ma. Angelica Mae A. Benito
Personal Data
Date of Birth: May 23,1996
Place of Birth: Marikina City
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
Height: 5’3
Weight: 110 lbs.
Civil Status: Single
Address: Blk 49 Lot 117 Cityhomes Resortville Brgy.
Langkaan II Dasmariñas City, Cavite
Languages Spoken: English and Tagalog
Contact Nos.: 093********/090********
E-mail address: ****************@*****.***
Educational Background
Elementary Education
La Escuela de la Purisima Concepcion
b. Highschool Education
Zion Center of Knowledge School
c. Vocational Education
The Best Educational Support and Technology Inc. Dasmariñas City
Graduated under the course English Profiency-2014
Relevant Skills
Fast learner
Character References
Jeanefer T. Magsanay General Manager Dasmariñas City
Marife S. Cantado Property Specialist Dasmariñas City
Roland Dalloran Teacher Cainta, Rizal
I hereby certify that the facts stated above are true and complete to the best of
my knowledge and belief.
Ma. Angelica Mae A. Benito