Atul Dwivedi
Email id - a ***.*********@*****.***
Mobile -
Career Objective:
To work in a conductive learning environment where my skills,
k nowledge and experience makes positive contribution to the
organization to achieve its goal.
Work Experience (Power Plant): 4 years 5 m onths.
• Several years of combined hands on experience in Thermal
Power Plant operations for 50 TPH High pressure AFBC
Boiler /8 MW Steam Turbine power generation plant to 25 MW
Coal Handling Plant operations and maintenance.
P rofessional qualification:
• B.Tech i n M echanical Engineering f rom United College of
E ngineering and Research affiliated to Uttar Pradesh Technical
U niversity(UPTU) with 1st d iv. in J uly 2010.
About my Employer:
• S. R. Turbo Energy Pvt. Ltd., Ghaziabad,(U.P) incepted in 2000
is a service provider and trader in the field of operations and
maintenance, Erection & commissioning, E.P.C., consultancy
w ith clients all over the country.
C u r rent Client:
• Company - Shri Lakshmi Cotsyn Ltd.,
(Nov. 2011- till now)
D esignation - SH I F T I NC HARGE (Operations)
Work exp. - 3 year 4 months
Boiler - 50 TP H AFBC, under feed, Bi-Drum,
T HERMAX make.
S team T u rbine - 8 M W extraction cum condensing
t urbine, TRIVENI make.
Working P ressure/ temp. - 44kg/cm2, 440 deg. celsius
F uel used - R ice husk, Indian coal
P revious Client:
• Company - Galantt metal limited. Gandhidham,
Gujarat .
(Sept. 2010 – Oct. 2011)
Designation - Coal Handling Plant I ncharge.
Work exp. - 1 year 1 month.
Boiler - 110 TP H AFBC, over feed, single
d rum, THERMAX make.
S team T u rbine - 25 MW condensing turbine, Chinese
Working pressure/ temp. - 108 kg/cm2, 525 deg. celsius
F uel used - 100% Indonesian coal
Salary :
- Rs. 3,04,800 p er annum.
• Cu r rent CTC
J ob Description:
• Ensuring safe and reliable operation of entire plant and overseeing the functionin
of Boiler and T u rbine DCS operators .
• Analyzing reports of earlier shifts and monitoring carefully water parameters
such as p H, T DS, etc. of D M water .
• Handling e mergency operations such as Boiler /tu rbine t ripping and again
back plant to load as soon as possible.
• Responsibilty for load schedule preparation and maintain the loads
as per schedules.
• Handling Plant operations during H ot start-up, Cold start-up and S hutdown
• Acceptance/ rejection of fuel unloaded in the fuel yard.
• Optimizing plant operating parameters for plant efficiency and spotting in the
earlier stages.
• Maintaining various records and l og sheets per hour of operation.
• Assessing manpower requirements and effectively monitoring a group
of more than 40 people/shift f rom unskilled to skilled workers for smooth
operation of plant.
Personal Details:
F athe r’s name - Shri K.N.Dubey
A ddress - House no. I-15, H indalco Colony, Renukoot,
Sonebhadra, U.P.
M a r i tal Status - Unma r r ied
- 20.05.86
D .O.B.
Passport no. - J4940573
Declaration :