S teven L. Hayworth
***** *********** *****, ********** * i l ls, M I 48331 0-248-***-**** 0
Senior automotive executive with experience growing and running companies with full P &
L responsibilities on a national and international level. With experiences at both the OEM
and Supplier sectors, structured and postured companies for fast growth, market
penetration and new product int roduction/launch achieving high profits in a demanding
i ndustry.
Core Competencies
Strategic Business Planning Finance/refinancing/Budgets Quality Management Systems
Organic/Tactical Growth Company/Cultural Integration TS/ISO Certification
New Product Restructuring/Organizing Lean Manufacturing/JIT
Mergers/Acquisitions/JVs Operations/Manufacturing Continuous Improvement
Turn-arounds, Divestitures Customer Global Supply Chain
Relations/Satisfaction M anagement
SLH COLLABORATI VE GROUP, LLC, Farmington H ills, M I 2013-Present
P rivately held business to business enterprise. Representing multiple clients in Strategic Planning,
B udgeting and Business Development
P resident
Founded company to assist and consult with smaller business enterprises for the
p urpose of expanding their business and management expertise.
Selective Achievements:
• Facilitated business planning, budgeting processes and sale of $5M
t ransportation fi rm.
• Secured $27M purchase order for a tier 1 supplier of specialty commodities.
• Secured multiple RFP/RFQ’s for multiple suppliers of varied commodities.
• Worked for/with non-profit, CASY, preparing service men and women for the
re-entry into the job market.
P rivately held $550M automotive parts supplier of complex assemblies including
Powertrain Cooling Modules, Brake and Suspension Modules, and Interior Modules.
P resident & Chief Executive Officer
Recruited by owner and board of directors to change the financial and cultural
d irection and to grow the business in terms of revenue, customer base and product
offerings with full P&L responsibili ties. Set corporate tu rnaround strategies and
d irection through actionable goals and objectives, established new vision of Sales
and Marketing, selected executive management team, and secured funding for
f uture growth.
Steven L. Hayworth
P age 2
Selective Achievements:
• Achieved over 800% revenue growth with an excess of $500M in sales with
record net profits for years 2008-2012. Projected 2013 budgeted revenue to
g row by approximately 40%, with increased net profits while launching two
new facilities.
• Increased plant productivity from $138 in revenue per sq. ft. to $1,214 per sq.
f t.
• Diversified customer base to four major OEM’s and focused band width of
p roduct offerings.
• Divested ownership in one JV and acquired full ownership in another with
positive financial impact, realizing payback on investment in four months.
• Refinanced company twice: ini tially doubled the original borrowing base and
lowered interest costs. Changed financial institutions, increased borrowing
base by 60%, negotiated a term loan component and eliminated all owner
personal guarantees.
• Doubled manufacturing footprint with the launch of two new facili ties with
new product/programs.
L EAR CORPORAT ION, Southfield, M I 1986-2006
$18B Global Tier 1 Automotive Supplier of Total In teriors
Recruited from General Motors as Director of Corporate Quality to develop and
i mplement an organization-wide quality strategy. Promoted five times based on
achieved results.
P resident – Global Seating D ivision (2003-2006)
Promoted by Chairman and CEO to lead largest Global Division. Had full P&L
responsibili ty for $10.4B of Global Seating Division revenues, 60 Global seat
manufacturing, engineering/design/test facilities, and a total headcount of 43,000
people in 12 Count ries with three Regional Presidents.
Selective Achievements:
• Consolidated eight engineering/test facilities into four, saving $12M annually.
I ncreased revenues by $1.3 B and improved profit margins from 2.3% to
2.75%, with a f lat SGA.
• Reduced annual capital expenditures by $20M annually.
• In tegrated a Chinese acquisition and converted products to produce seat
cover for in- country use.
Executive Vice P resident – Global Pu rchasing (1998-2003)
Promoted by President and COO to strategically move purchasing from a
decentralized organization to a centralized, consolidated function. Led Global
P urchasing, Logistics, Supplier Quality and relationships, $13.2B in product
p urchases, $380M in t ransportation purchases, $100M in capital/equipment
p urchases annually, with a global headcount of 1200.
Selective Achievements:
• Consolidated approximately 30 local purchasing offices into th ree
regional/central offices in US, Germany and China.
• In tegrated 17 purchasing organizations as a result of acquisitions.
Steven L. Hayworth
P age 3
• Averaged 3.7% annually or approximately $2.5B in total cost savings in five
• Reduced the number of suppliers by 40%.
• Improved supplier relations index from 53% to over 90% as measured by
OESA and I HS.
Global Vice P resident & General Manager (1995-1998)
Promoted by President and COO to expand customer focused division (CFD).
G lobally responsibility for Ford Motor Company business including $3.2B of
revenue, direct reports in Sales, Engineering, Program Management, Finance,
Quali ty and Operations, eight manufacturing facilities in the U.S., Canada and
E urope, with a total headcount of 1800 employees.
Selective Achievements:
• Established first engineering/sales offices in Dunton, England to support
local development.
• Secured $400M interior business.
• Achieved Full Service Provider status with Ford (Engineering, Design, Test
and Manufacturing).
Site Plant Manager (1992-1995)
Promoted by Vice President, Ford/Chrysler Business Unit to lead P&L of two Just-
in-t ime seat assembly and sequencing facilities in Romulus, M I. Oversaw $490M in
revenue, supported multiple OEM customers, manufacturing, quality and delivery
of products in-sequence/broadcast with nine direct reports and a total of 740
Selective Achievements:
• Launched three new seating programs all under budget resulting in $3M
• Successfully negotiated two labor contracts without incident and maintaining
p rofitabili ty.
• Awarded most improved plant for profitabili ty(1.4% to 3.1% O/I) and
quality(534 ppm to 27 ppm)
• Successfully expanded one facility while continuing current operations, $87K
u nder budget and 3 weeks ahead of schedule.
Strategic Business Unit D i rector (1989-1992)
Promoted by President to direct the largest revenue generating business unit,
leading Sales, Engineering and Program Management on the General Motors full
s ize t ruck program with $1.3B in revenue. Responsible for engineering program
budget of approximately $30M annually, with seven JIT seat assembly and two
component manufacturing facilities.
S teven L. Hayworth
P age 4
Selective Achievements:
• Secured and launched the $480M GM full size t ruck program in seven
locations on time and within budget.
• General Motors Supplier of the year 1990-1992.
D i rector Corporate Quality - Southfield, M I (1986-1988)
H i red by the Executive Vice President, Manufacturing to establish a corporate
f unction
Selective Achievements:
• Established Corporate Quali ty Manual with all processes and procedures for
our manufacturing group.
• Achieved QS/ISO/TS certification at 22 of our facilities.
• Established a quality reporting system for both internal facilities and our
supplier base.
Original Equipment Manufacturer of Automotive Vehicles
D i rector of Quality/Reliability Engineering at D ivisional HQ (1984-1986)
Manager P roduction Control and Logistics (1982-1984)
Supervisor Plant Floor P roduction Control (1987-1982)
P roduction Control Mate rials Scheduler/ P roduction L ine – Assembler
Master of Business Administration
Bachelor of Science, Business Administration
Corllins University, S tockton, California
Associates of Science, I ndustrial Management
Longview College, Lee’s Summit, Missouri
E xecutive Program Series
Strategic Business Planning
Kelly School of Business, I ndiana University, B loomington, Indiana