Alejand ro Cruz
**-** *** ** ********* NY *****
Telf: 51 69062319
alejandrocru z montana78@ gmail. com
Busines s cons truction, maintenance and cleaning TRD Caribe as brigade
command er in Havana - Cub a
2005-2 012
Con struction Com pany, maintenance and hou sekeep ing GOBER provi din g
services to the Com pany Cub apetroleo CUPET as chief in Havana-Cuba.
2012-May 2014
Solar Com pany OMCO as Ass embler of sol ar panels, a produ ction line in
Phoen ix Ariz ona, United States.
1198: Graduated from the Poly technic Univers ity I PU “ulce Maria
Escalona ”s Technician in Civi l Con struction in Havana - Cub a
2004: Master's degree of Civi l Con structor at the Univers ity of Havana
Cub a.
2013: Basic Cou rse of Ass embly and Moun ting Solar Panels in Phoen ix-
Ariz ona.
Pos sess driver s licens e D 08326247
I own licens e OSHA 10 Hours
I have maintained stability in my work life because of my dis ciplin e and
dedication to the compani es I 've worked with.