J ulie M . R iordan
E rie, Pa *****
P hone: (***) 461 - 1987 C ell: (814) 440 - 6574
E - Mail: J ************@*****.***
Hum a n Re s o ur ce s a nd Ris k M a na ge m e n t
Energetic leader that is inspired by team. Skilled professional in negotiations and relationship
Acting fiduciary licensed by Department of State of Professional and Occupational Affairs.
Highly organized utilizing white boards, Outlook, and written notes that benchmark short
term and long term goals and projects.
Proficient in all Microsoft and Intuit programs. Quick adaptability to other software.
Comprehensive expert in all functions of Human Resource, Payroll, and Labor Laws including
but not limited to FLSA, FLMA, EEOC, Title VI. WC benefits, compensation package
development, L&I compliance, I9, 1099 contract labor, W2 payroll, 941, UC benefits,
retirement plans 401k 403b IRAs, negotiations/mediations, risk management, conflict
resolution, reporting and policies.
Extensive discipline utilizing Kaizen in the process of operation with perpetual data
collection, measurements, and feedback and implementation. Possess excellent
communication skills, strong analytical, business process analysis, governmental and
regulatory compliance, finance, and problem solving capabilities to find root cause and
sustainable solutions to better improve operations and financial standing.
Collaborate closely with diverse teams to meet short term and long term goals. Conduct
meetings for review and benchmarking business goals and mission objectives.
Expert in GAAP accounting, account reconciliations, budgeting, invoicing,
collections/receivables, payables, procurement, auditing and analysis of statements to
include but not limited to: Statement of Cash Flows, Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss,
Department Budget Analysis.
20 years of management of business, financial, human resources, facilities, staff, and
C hief Operating Officer 2 009 - 2014
A ffiliated Grounds Maintenance Group Inc. Erie, Pa N ational Management C ompany
M anage o ffice and f ield operations a nd finances f or 700+ locations for
t elecommunications, banks, m anufacturing, r estaurants, h ealthcare, c stores, and big
b ox retail throughout 37 states generat ing a m ulti - million dollar r evenue stream .
A ccountable for d irecting, administering, and coordinating the int ernal operational
a ctivities along with t he development of organization policies and f iscal g oals that cover
p ersonnel, financial performance, and growth of the organization through my
l eadership of the team and our vendors while m aintaining contractual, r egulatory,
g overnmental, procedural, and personnel policies.
D irector of Finance and P roperty
a nd Facilities M anagement 1 9 96 - 2009
S piegel Management Inc. Erie, Pa R E M anagement Company
A cting f iduciary for clients. O versee n m anagement o f multi - million dollar asset
p o rtfoli os. H andling c ont racts, market analysis and n egotiations. Accountable for a ll
a spects of f ield operations, financials, b udgets, human resources, public r elations,
m arketing, a nd employee development.
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J ulie M . R iordan
E rie, Pa 16504
P hone: (814) 461 - 1987 Cell: (814) 440 - 6574
E - Mail: J ************@*****.***
B usiness Administration and F inance J CC Olean NY
L icensed B roker – D epartment of State Bureau of Professional & Occupational
A ffairs
N ational Association of Professional W omen – M ember
C huck Peters
O wner, Altair Management, Inc. Erie Pa
C ell (814) 8 81 - 1813 or Office (814) 622 - 1121
D avid Brody
O wner, Seneca Realty Pittsburgh Pa
O ffice (412) 731 - 0891
C arl Martz
P artner, Hart McConahy & Martz Erie Pa
O ffice (814) 455 - 0987
J ames Spiegel
P resident, Spiegel Management Inc. Erie Pa
C ell ( 814) 434 - 6193 or assistant Patti Weber (814) 397 - 1228
Jennifer Kohler
Chief Executive Officer, Affiliated Grounds Maintenance Group Inc., Erie pa
Cell 814-***-**** or Office 814-***-****
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