I. personal information
Name Sheeba Hassan
Present position
(Contractual Basis)
Dept of Linguistics, University of
Kashmir, Srinagar
Present Address
Dept of Linguistics
University of Kashmir Srinagar.
Contact No 901-***-****, 019*-*******
Email ************@*****.**.**
Languages English, Hindi, Urdu, Kashmiri
II. Academic Qualification
PhD 2009 "Role of Media in Language Contact: A case
(Linguistics Study Kashmiri-Urdu"
) Department of Linguistics, University of
Kashmir, Srinagar.
M.A. 2004 Department of Linguistics, University of
(Linguistics Kashmir, Srinagar.
NET national 2004 UGC, India
test for
PGDCA 2002 National Institute of Software Technology
sponsored by J & K Women's Development
Corporation, J & K Govt.
B.Sc. 2000 University of Kashmir, Srinagar.
Certificate Course:
Certificate 2006 National Institute of Software Technology, Srinagar.
Course in
JAVA, Html,
. and
s of
II. Areas of Interest/Specialization:
Language and Media
Historical Linguistics
Field Linguistics
Language Contact
Computational Linguistics
III. Subjects Taught:
General Linguistic
Historical Linguistics
Computational Linguistics
Communicative English
Language and Media
Functional English
English Language Teaching
IV. Conferences/Seminar attended:
1. Global Language: A threat for the Mother tongue of Indian Population,
paper presented in the National Seminar on Globalization: Issues and
Perspectives at the Dept of Linguistics, Aligarh Muslim University,
Aligarh, 7-8 Feb.2006.
2. Diffusion of Urdu Language in social life of Kashmir Masses:
introspection, paper presented at National Seminar on Linguistics of
Contemporary Hindi and Urdu, at the Dept of Linguistics, Aligarh Muslim
University, Aligarh, 29-31 march 2006.
3. Language Contact and Changing Paradigms in Naming paper presented in the
National Seminar on Perspectives in Linguistics, at the Dept of
Linguistics, University of Kashmir, Srinagar, 7-8 November 2006.
4. X-Bar Theory Applied to Kashmir: A V2 Language, paper presented at
International Conference on South Asian Languages ICOSAL, at the Dept of
Linguistics, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, 7-9 January 2008.
5. Language Use in Kashmiri News Papers, paper presented in the National
Seminar on Perspectives in Linguistics, at the Dept of Linguistics,
University of Kashmir, Srinagar, 7-8 November 2008.
6. Hindi ke Vikaas mein Kashmiri print media ki Bhomika, paper presented in
the National Seminar on Hindi ke Vikaas mein sanchar-makhem ki bhomika,
at the Department of Hindi, University of Kashmir, Srinagar, 17-18 April
7. Problems & Issues in Translation, paper presented in the National
Seminar on Classical Text Translation, Department of Linguistics,
University of Kashmir in collaboration with Central Institute of Indian
Languages, Mysore, 8-9th August 2009.
8. Media Induced Language Valorization: A Case Study of Print & Electronic
Media in Kashmir, presented in the National Seminar on 31st All-India
Conference of Linguistics (AICL 2009), University of Hyderabad,
Hyderabad, India, Dec 15-17, 2009.
9. Linguistic Provisions in Electronic Media in Kashmir : A Multilingual
Society, paper present in the National seminar on Linguistic Diversity in
J & K, Department of Linguistics, University of Kashmir in collaboration
with Central Institute of Indian Languages, Mysore, 10-12 November 2011.
V. Invited lectures at national or international
Urdu Orientation Course in Workshop on Orientation Course in Urdu
Syntax Urdu for Urdu Govt. organized by Northern Regional Language
school Teachers in Centre, Central Institute of Indian
Education Department Language, HRD Ministry, Govt. of India,
Punjab University Campus, Patiala at
SIE, Srinagar, from 6-7 March 2007.
Kashmiri Orientation Course in Workshop on Orientation Course in
Syntax Kashmiri for Kashmiri organized by Northern Regional
Kashmiri Govt. School Language Centre, Central Institute of
Teachers in Education Indian Language, HRD Ministry, Govt. of
Department India, Punjab University Campus,
Patiala at SIE, Srinagar, from 19-21
March 2008.
VI. Publications:
1. Naming Implications of Kashmiri-Urdu Contact on Changing Paradigms of
Naming among Kashmiri, 2006, Co-author, Nazir Ahmad Dhar, NSPL 2006
Proceedings of National Seminar on Perspectives in Linguistics,
Department of Linguistics, Kashmir University. pg nos. 157-170.
2. Urdu in Language Contact Situation in Kashmir: An Appraisal, 2006,
NSPL 2006 Proceedings of National Seminar on Perspectives in
Linguistics, Department of Linguistics, Kashmir University, pg Nos.
3. X-Bar Theory Applied to Kashmir: A V2 Language 2008, Co-author,
Nazir Ahmad Dhar, Interdisciplinary Journal of Linguistics IJL Vol.
1. 2008, Dept of Linguistic, Kashmir University. pg Nos. 247-266,
ISSN: 09743421.
4. Language Use in Kashmiri News Papers. 2009, Co-author, Nazir Ahmad
Dhar, Interdisciplinary Journal of Linguistics IJL Vol. II. 2009,
Dept of Linguistic, Kashmir University. 69-82, ISSN: 09743421.
5. Globalization: A Threat for Mother Tongue in Indian Perspective,
2010. Interdisciplinary Journal of Linguistics, IJL Vol. III. 2010,
Dept of Linguistic, Kashmir University,, 223-234 ISSN:
6. Language Use in Advertisements: A case Study print and Electronic
Media in Kashmiri, 2010, Co-author, Nazir Ahmad Dhar, Vitasta, vol
15. 2010. Dept of Hindi, University of Kashmir,, 103-120.
ISSN: 0975-6663.
7. Electronic Media and Multilingualism: A Study in Electronic Media in
Kashmir Valley. Vol (5).2012, Interdisciplinary Journal of
Linguistics; Dept. of Linguistics, University of Kashmir, 225-
230, ISSN: 09743421.
8. Language Preference of Kashmiri Multilingual Society viz-a-viz
Electronic Media, 2014, News Media Discourse :Issues & Perspectives,
Aejaz Mohammad Sheikh (Ed), Forth coming, pg nos, 89-115
9. A Phonetic Study of Kashmiri Palatalization. Coauthor Peri
Bhaskararoa, et al. Reprint from: Minegishi, M. et al (ed.). Field
Research, Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Informatics [Working
Papers in Corpus-based Linguistics and Language Education - No.3].
Tokyo: Tokyo University of Foreign Studies. 2009. 1-17pp.
10. Naming and Changing Paradigms among Kashmiri Culture, The
Transdisciplinary Review, Vol/summer. Centre of History and Culture,
South Korea. 2010. 131-159. ISSN 2093-6222
VII. Training Programmes /Faculty Development programmes/ Workshop and
Refresher Courses.
1. Participated in workshop on "Orientation Course in Urdu" organized by
Northern Regional Language Centre, Central Institute of Indian
Language, HRD Ministry, Govt. of India, Punjab University Campus,
Patiala at SIE, Srinagar, from 6-7 March 2007.
2. Participated in workshop on "Orientation Course in Kashmiri" organized
by Northern Regional Language Centre, Central Institute of Indian
Language, HRD Ministry, Govt. of India, Punjab University Campus,
Patiala at SIE, Srinagar, from 19-21 March 2008.
3. Attended 28 days Refresher Course in Historical Linguistics, organized
by Central Institute of Indian Language, Mysore, HRD Ministry, Govt. of
India from 21 January to 14 February 2009.
4. Attended 5 Days Workshop on Dialectal Survey in Kashmir by Urdu
Teaching and Research Centre, CIIL, MHRD of Secondary and Higher
Education, Govt of India & University of Kashmir from 28th July-1st
August 2008.
VIII. Teaching Experience:
1. Worked as Lecturer (Contractual basis) in Govt. Degree College
Boys, Anantnag, Kashmir for the academic session 2004.
2. Working as Lecturer (Contractual basis) in Linguistics in the
Department of Linguistics University of Kashmir, Srinagar since
VIII. Research Experience.
a. Worked for Ph.D (Linguistics) at the Department of Linguistics,
on the issues on "Role of Media in Language Contact: A Case
Study on Kashmiri- Urdu" under the supervision of Prof. Nazir
Ahmad Dhar from 2005 to 2009.
IX. Completed Projects/ Consultancies
1. Worked as Project Fellow for developing the data in Devenagari Script
of Kashmiri for Open Office in GIST sponsored by CDAC-Pune.
2. Principal Investigator of a project titled Pronunciation of Kashmiri
sponsored and financed by South Asia Language Resource Centre,
University of Chicago, Illinois.
X. Membership:
Member of Board of PG and UG Studies, Department of Linguistics,
University of Kashmir, since 2005.
Member of Board of Entrance Examination (Syllabus) in PG
Linguistics, University of Kashmir, since 2007.
Member of Editorial Board of Interdisciplinary Journal of
Linguistics (IJL) Vol. II. 2009, Dept of Linguistics University of
Kashmir, Srinagar.
Member of Editorial Board of Interdisciplinary Journal of
Linguistics (IJL) Vol. III. 2010, Dept of Linguistics University
of Kashmir, Srinagar.
Member of Editorial Board of Interdisciplinary Journal of
Linguistics (IJL) Vol. IV. 2011, Dept of Linguistics University of
Kashmir, Srinagar.
Member of Editorial Board of Interdisciplinary Journal of
Linguistics (IJL) Vol. V. 2012, Dept of Linguistics University of
Kashmir, Srinagar.
Member of Editorial Board of Interdisciplinary Journal of
Linguistics (IJL) Vol. VI. 2013, Dept of Linguistics University of
Kashmir, Srinagar.
XI. Achievements/Contribution:
I have developed the first online pronunciation dictionary from
Digital Dictionary of South Asia individually as Principal
Investigator which will be launched very soon on under the project title
Pronunciation of Kashmiri, sponsored and financed by South Asia
Language Resource Centre, University of Chicago, Illinois.
Name and Address : Sheeba Hassan
Ph.D (Linguistics)
Contractual Lecturer
Department of
University of Kashmir