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Animal Science specialize in Poultry and Animal feed

August 19, 2014

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Curriculum Vitae

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Family name

Aksum University Sh ire Cam pu s

Dawit Mamo

First na mes Perman en t address

Full name Dawit Mamo Zegeye D aw it Mam o Zegeye

C ollege ofAgriculture and Ru ral D evelopment

Eth iopian


C ell ph on e: +251 (0-914-******

13December 1976 E.C

Date of birth E -mail: davelephant60@yah

Place of birth Tigray, Eth iopia P .O.Box 314, Axum Un iversity-Shire

C am pu s, sh ire Endaslasse, Tigray, E th iopia



2. Educatio nal backgro und

Yea rs attended Academic

Name and place o f credentia ls Main Subjects

From To

School/Univ ersity o btained

PTC+, Barneveld, Netherlands Intern ational Poultry h usb andry and

August May

Diploma Animal feed

24/2013 30/2014

Mekelle Un iversity, Ethiopia Sept. July MSc degree Livestock Production

2001 2002 and Pastoral

Developmen t

Mekelle Un iversity, Ethiopia Oct. July BSc degree Animal Science,

1996 1998 Rangeland And

Wildlife Science

12 th Grade

Wukro Comp rehensive Sep . June Natural Science

Secondary Schoo l, Ethiopia 1991 1996 co mplete


Wukro Megabit Elementary Sep . June Elementary Science

Schoo l, Eth iopia 1984 1991 school

co mplete

3. Sho rt Trainings

A. B asic FRG train in g I (Certi ficate)

B. B asic FR G train in g II (Certificate)

4. Wo rk Experience

Name a nd pla ce of work Time/period Title of work/post Emplo yer


Axum (Shire Campus), August 2002 – Nov Axum University

Tigray, Ethiop ia 2005

Humera, Tigray Ethiopia Jan 2002– Sep. 2003 Junior Research Officer (II) T ARI

Humera, Tigray Ethiopia Jan. 2001–Jan. 2002 Junior Research Officer (I) T ARI


I was also involved in additional research activities and univ ersit y committees besides to lecturing.

5. Administrative Responsibilities

Responsibility Time Pla ce

Research and Developmen t Coo rd in ator o f September 2003 - Axum University Sh ire


Sh ire Campus October 2004 Campu s, Eth iopia

Research and Developmen t of Vice dean of Fro m October 15/2014- Axum University Sh ire

Sh ire campus Au gust 15/2015 Campu s, Eth iopia

Con tinuous Education and Train in g Since September 2004- Axum University Sh ire

program Coordin ator Agugu st 2005 Campu s, Eth iopia

Community service Coordination Since October 2003 - Axum University Sh ire

Agugu st 2005 Campu s, Eth iopia

Scholarsh ip Committee on Departmen t of September 2003 - Axum University Sh ire

Animal science and Eco-tourism October 2004 Campu s, Eth iopia

Appeal and Disciplin ary affairs-in terim Starting from September Axum University Sh ire

co mmittee on Department of An imal 2004 Campu s, Eth iopia

science and Eco-tourism

6. Lang uage skills

La nguage Speaking Writing Rea ding Listening/Understanding

Tigrigna Excellent Excellen t Excellent Excellen t

(Mo ther


Amharic Excellent Excellen t Excellent Excellen t

En glish Excellent Excellen t Excellent Excellen t

7. Softwa re related experience

Well acqu ainted with d ifferent p ro grams includ in g:

- Statistical p ackages such as GMP-5, SASS.

Publica tion, presentation, Report, Educa tion papers and Project

Ia. Publication/ articles in Jo urnal

1. Dawit, M., Hans. B and Yaynshet.T. 2011. Crop damage by Afr ican

elephants assessme nt in Kaft asherar o national Park, Ethiopia.

African Journal of Ecology. 4 Jul 2013. ISSN: 1365-2028.2013

John Wiley & Sons Lt d, Afr. J. Ecol.Available online

2. Dawit, M., Hans. B and Yaynshet.T. 2011. De mography, Threat s

and Community per ception of Afr ican elephant (loxodanta African)

in Kaft asherar onat ional par k, Tigray, Ethiopia. I.J.S.N., VOL. 3(1)

2012: 30-36 ISSN 2229 – 6441. Int ernational Journal of Science

and Nat ure .Available online

3. Dawit, M., Hans. B and Yaynshet .T. 2011. Tr ends of Afr ican

Elephant. ISSN 978-3-8473-0631-3. Available online (Book).

4. Dawit, M., Hans. B and Yaynshet.T. 2011. Management and

Conservation of Afr ican Elephant (Loxodansta africana) in Kaft a

Sherar o National Park.Nat ural Resour ces Management for Climate

Change Adapt at ion. Proceedings of the Twelft h Conference

Et hiopian Soil Science Sociwety. Mar ch 17-18, 2011. EIARAddis

Abe ba, Et hiopia.


5. Girma G. and Dawit M. 2014. Challenges of farmer s innovat iveness

in Ce ntr al z one, Tigray, Ethiopia. International Jour nal of

Agr icult ural Policy and Rese arch. ISSN 2350- 1561. Vol.2(5), pp.

215-223. htt p://www.jour nalissues.or g/jour nals-home.php?id=1.

II. Presentation

1. Dawit. M. 2011. Paper Presen tation at 12th Ann iversary of So il Science Society.

Organ ized for Journal publication. Ap ril, 2011, Addis Abeba, Ethiopia.

2. Dawit. M. 2010. Participating on Region al review Conference. May, 2010, Mekelle,

Tigray, Ethiopia.

2. MSc. degree Thesis:

Dawit, M. H. Bo uer, Y. Tesfay. 2010. Man agement and Conservation of African

Elephan t (Loxodanta african a) in Kafta Sheraro Nation al Park, Tigray, Ethiopia.

3. BSc. Deg ree: Practical attachment and senior resea rch project report:

1. Dawit, M. 2006. Iden tification o f Honey bee flora as view of honey bee qualityat

Wukro Killite Awu laelo. Practical Attachment, Mekelle University, Tigray, Ethiop ia.

2. Dawit, M. 2005. Effect of particle size on the performance of layers

. S enior Research Project, Mekelle University, Mekelle,Ethiopia.


Project Proposal Development

1. Beef Farm establishment in Aksu m Un iversity Shire campus: project proposal is


Community Services

1. partcipating in co llection o f need assessments for s tackholders

2. En viron mental club participation

3. Pu rchasin g commite fo r beef

4. Giving titorial for female studen ts in 2004 E.C fi rst semester

5. Feasibility study in selekleka tigray development association train in g and

demonstration center. Certeficat and report submited

Pa rticipa tion in resea rch work a s Principal investigator (ongoing resea rch activ ities)

1. Adaptation Trial of C owpea accession s in north western zone o f Tigray, Eth iopia

2. Adaptation Trial of Peagen pea accessions in north western Tigray, Ethiopia.

3. Adapattion Trial of Soyb ean accessions in no rth western zone of Tigray, Ethiopia.


s/N Name Po sitio n E-mail Cell phone

1 Mewael Kiros Dean College of mewaelk +251*********

Agricu lture

2 Dr. Gizachew Vice dean for gizish1981 +251*********

Yonas Academic Affairs

3 Tewelde Vice dean for Teweld ******@*****.*** +251*********

Geb retensae research and

Development affairs


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