Prateek Kulaiya
E -mail id
Contact no. : 977*******
Car r ier Objectives
To work in a challenging and responsible position
w here my professional background can be utilized for
t he progress of organisation and to update myself.
Educational Qualification
Course School/college Board/Univers Year M a r ks
ity B .E. Radharaman Rajiv Gandhi 2014 68.5 %
( electronics e ngineering P rodhyogiki
& college V ishwavidhya
communicati B hopal( M.P) l
H SSC Sonali Public M .P. Board 2010 62.6%
H .S School
G una( M.P)
SSC Saraswati M .P. Board 2008 72.2%
V idhya M andir
H .S. School.
Got Kho-Kho Certificate in College.
Got Chess Certificate in College
Ext ra Cu r r icular Activities
Membership in I E T E.
Got Robotics Certificate F rom MAN IT.
T echnical Skills
M icrosoft Office.
T raining
One Month M ajor t raining at National Fertilizer L td.,
G una.
One Day I ndustrial Visit from I T I M ankapur Plant
w ith Certificate.
P roject
M inor project on At mega 32 Development Board.
M ajor project on Automatic Room Temperatu re
Cont roller Fan Speed.
Personal Details
N ame- P rateek Kulaiya.
F athe r’s Name- M r. P raveen Kulaiya.
D ate of Bi rth- 02 Aug 1993.
H obbies- Playing Chess, Kho-Kho, Cricket.
P ermanent Address- Bazariya Colony, Chanderi, D IST.
Ashoknagar (M.P)
D eclaration
I hereby declare that all the above information given by me is
t rue and correct to the best of my knowledge.
Place: Bhopal (PRATEEK