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Customer Service Representative

Etobicoke, ON, Canada
July 15, 2014

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**** ******* * * *** sce nt, Mi ssi ssauga, ON

shi pra.mathur@gmai l .com


Cl i e nt Re l ati ons, Marke ti ng and Eve nt manage me nt profe ssi onal wi th ove r 10 ye ars of

i nte rnati onal e x pe ri e nce i n Me di a, Re tai l banki ng, Ai rl i ne and Fashi on i ndustri e s. Qui ck l e arne r,

re sul t ori e nte d and hi ghl y moti vate d wi th a posi ti ve, e ntre pre ne uri al spi ri t. Ex ce l l e nt

i nte rpe rsonal, l e ade rshi p and communi cati on ski l l s.

Professional Experience

Radna Events, Mississauga

March’13 - Present: Lead Event Planner and Co-founder

● Busi ne ss de ve l opme nt

● Eve nt pl anni ng and e x e cuti on

● Work wi th ve ndors, sponsors and partne rs

● Trade shows, confe re nce s, l unche ons, award functi ons, offi ce parti e s and othe r

marke ti ng i ni ti ati ve s.

● Fund rai si ng and pri vate e ve nt manage me nt - Star Media Group, Mississauga

October’12 - March’13: Community Manager

Torstar corporati on's ne w onl i ne me di a ve nture se rve d the busi ne ss communi ty of Canada's

si x th l arge st ci ty wi th dai l y, onl i ne, l ocal busi ne ss ne ws, i nformati on and busi ne ss i nte l l i ge nce . I

he l pe d l aunch and grow the startup, we ari ng mul ti pl e hats.

Manage d corporate and busi ne ss accounts

Cl i e nt re l ati onshi p manage r

Manage d company's soci al me di a pre se nce

Pl anne d and e x e cute d PR and ne tworki ng e ve nts

Supporte d marke ti ng campai gns and promoti ons

Le d mul ti -channe l sal e s e fforts

Li ai sone d wi th te chni cal te ams supporti ng IT syste ms l i ke portal, CRM and bi l l i ng


● Pl aye d a ke y rol e i n Product manage me nt through fe ature /i ssue

pri ori ti zati on/i de nti fi cati on

● Ex e cute d offi ce manage me nt tasks whe n re qui re d

TD Canada Trust, Mississauga

June’11 - October’12: Customer Relations Coordinator

● Pri mary coordi nator and poi nt of contact for al l branch ope rati ons

● Unde rstand custome r ne e ds, i de nti fy opportuni ti e s to promote and se l l TDCT products

and se rvi ce s to custome rs

● Acti ve l y parti ci pate d i n branch i ni ti ati ve s to i ncre ase sal e s and e nsure a posi ti ve

custome r e x pe ri e nce

● Li ai son be twe e n di ffe re nt de partme nts wi thi n the branch

● Provi de e x ce pti onal admi ni strati ve support to branch pe rsonne l

● Re sponsi bl e for organi zi ng vari ous e ve nts for the branch, such as custome r conne cti on


TD Canada Trust, Winnipeg

August’07 – June’11: Customer Service Representative

● Re cogni ze d and re sponde d to the custome r's ne e ds, i de nti fi e d opportuni ti e s to se l l TD

products and se rvi ce s

● Usual l y amongst the hi ghe st score rs i n the sal e s re fe rral proce ss

● Re sol ve d custome r compl ai nts and handl e d di ffi cul t custome r re l ati onshi p si tuati ons

● Consi ste ntl y re cogni ze d for e x ce pti onal se rvi ce l e ve l s

● Organi ze d and manage d many e ve nts for the branch l i ke FEF ( Fri e nds of the

e nvi ronme nt) and CMN ( Chi l dre n’s Mi racl e Ne twork)

MEXX – Liz Claiborne International

August ' 06 – August’07: Sales Leader, Winnipeg

Le d a te am of Fashi on consul tants

Se t sal e s targe ts and he l p te am achi e ve those

Make sche dul e s and manage te am budge t/hourl y costs

V i sual me rchandi si ng and store appe al, compl i ance wi th company gui de l i ne s

Jet Airways

Jan ’05 - Feb ’06: Bangalore International Airport, India

June ’03 - Jan ’05: Indira Gandhi Airport New Delhi, India

Positions Held: Public Relations Executive, Customer Services Executive

● Faci l i tate passage of V IPs and Comme rci al l y i mportant Passe nge rs ( CIPs), l i ai son wi th

the i r protocol s and se curi ty pe rsonne l

● Al so re sponsi bl e for cl ub pre mi e r/busi ne ss cl ass and custome r se rvi ce e scal ati ons

● Trai ne d and me ntore d ne w hi re s

● Re ce i ve d se ve ral custome r appre ci ati on and e mpl oye e awards

● Re pre se nte d Bangal ore to the Je t ai rways “Care ” te am, de di cate d to se rvi ng the vi cti ms

of ai rl i ne mi shaps and the i r fami l i e s



University of Waterloo, ON ( 2014- )


Sri V enkateswara College, New Delhi, India ( 2000-2003)

● Major i n Economi cs, mi nor i n Engl i sh and Pol i ti cal Sci e nce

● Acti ve i n e ve nt manage me nt and cul tural fe sti val s


Seth Anand Ram Jaipuria School, Kanpur, India ( ’98-’02)

● Studi e d i n Engl i sh me di um throughout


Proje ct, Product manage me nt

Software acce ptance te sti ng

Inte rne t re se arch, Soci al me di a marke ti ng/adve rti si ng

MS offi ce sui te ( Word, Ex ce l, Powe r poi nt), Googl e Apps e tc

Ope rati ng Syste ms: Wi ndows 7, 8, XP, i OS, Ubuntu l i nux

Extra Curricular

Parti ci pate d and rai se d funds i n wal k for bre ast cance r acti on i n Ottawa, 1998

Rai se d funds and organi ze d e ve nts for Le prosy Foundati on Indi a

He l pe d organi ze vari ous fashi on shows and dance compe ti ti ons

Won Indi an cl assi cal dance and mode l i ng compe ti ti ons throughout school and col l e ge

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