Timothy R. Yurkovic
Fairview PA. 16415
McDowell High School graduate 1976
Erie County Vo Tech Building Maintainence graduate 1976
Gannon Radiology Science graduate 2004 Accociate Degree
U.S. Navy Hull Maintainence Tech 1976 to 1979. welding, pipefitting, some sheetmetal,
blueprint reading, assembling high pressure hoses, hydrolics and firefighter. Worked on
Submarines and Ships
Hammermill Paper CO. 1980 to 2000 Pipefitter, Maintainence including welding, blueprint
reading, hydrolics, pneumatics, and pump repair. Worked in Papermill,Pulpmill,and
Finishing room. If the papermill opened back up I would be first in line to go back.
Hamot Medical Center Rad Tech 2004 to 2013
Currently @ Mohawk Paper Co.
Self motivated always wanted to be a pipefitter. Still do some plumbing and electrical for
friends and family.
Built my house with help from friends, everything except the blockwork.