K er rville, Texas 78028
M ay, 2014-July 2014 C renwelge Motors
K er rville, TX 78028
J ob Title & Description: Outside "BusinessLink" commercial sales rep.
Curcumstances on Leaving Position: I was expected to bring in at least 15 sales
f rom outside sales calls within 3 months from a small market to a dealership that
h as a bad reputation from their service department. Was misled in order to recruit
f rom Oregon. Not willing to advertise through sponsorships to grow business as
expected. Dealership could not handle any t rue fleet business growth due to
service department capabilities. Ultimately was not a good fit for me after leaving
O regon.
Nov. 2013-May 2014 Ron Tonkin Dodge, I nc.
19300 S.E. McLoughlin Blvd.
G ladstone, Or 97027
J ob Title & Description: Fleet Specialist for Dodge/Ram product sales to
commercial and fleet & retail customers. Specialized in state & local government
b ids. Courtesy delivery business and sales extensively increased through my
e fforts with various fleet companies. Examples: Enterprise Fleet Mgnt, Wheels I nc.,
A R I, etc..
Curcumstances on Leaving Position: Desire to re-locate to the great state of Texas
w hile I am still young enough! Had a job opportunity that ultimately turned out to
be a bad choice.
J uly 2005- Oct 2013 Town & Country Chrysler Jeep Dodge of Wilsonville
27490 SW 95th Ave
W ilsonville, OR 97070
503-***-**** (number transfers to their Honda store)
J ob Title & Description: Fleet manager primarily with I nternet sales also during
t he fi rst few years of employment. Position consisted of Chrysler vehicles sales to
f leet/commercial and retail customers. Specialized in state & local government
b ids. Courtesy delivery business and sales extensively increased through my efforts
w ith various fleet companies. Examples: Enterp rise Fleet Mgnt, Wheels I nc., AR I,
e tc..
Circumstances on Leaving Position: Store sold by owner with intent to move us
i nto a new dealership. Property acquired but new owner of present building
r enigged on lease agreement giving dealership 2 weeks to vacate. Owner could
f ind a temporary facility quick enough in Wilsonville. Manufacturer decided to
t erminate franchise agreement with T&C.
2003-2005 Timberline Dodge Chrysler Jeep (No longer in business)
2510 NE Sandy Blvd.
Portland, OR 97232
J ob Title & Description: Fleet & I nternet Manager C hrysler product sales/leasing
t o commercial, government & fleet/retail accounts .
Circumstances on Leaving Position: Disagreement of changes in lowering my
commission structure. Ultimately this dealership was closed by the manufacturer
i n 2 years time after I left.
1988-2003 Bryan Bickmore Dodge & Gresham Ford
9500 SW Canyon Road
Portland, OR 97224
J ob Title & Description: Fleet/Lease Manager Dodge and Ford vehicle sales and
l easing to commercial and fleet & retail customers. Specialized in state & local
government bids.
Circumstances on Leaving Position: Working with new management later on plus
position offered at Timberline seemed to be a better fit for me at the time. This
dealer principal ultimately sold his dealership to another dealer that had a ter r ible
r eputation. Most employees didn't last with new employer.
1987-1988 I nternational Copier Systems (No longer in business)
2100 SE Belmont
Portland, OR 97214
Job Title & Description: General Sales Manager . M anaged of sales stall
r epresenting Toshiba Copiers in Portland metropolitan area. Duties included
H i r ing, t raining; and assisting owner with various business functions.
C ircumstances on Leaving Position: Not a good fit for me at this time in my life. I
w as over my head as a sales manager. Decided to go back into the car business.
1986-1987 Carlson Chevrolet Company (No longer in business)
38415 Proctor Blvd.
Sandy, OR 97005
Job Title & Description: Fleet/Lease Manager Chevrolet sales and leasing to
v arious businessthroughout the area. I ncludes both personal and telephone
contact, the w r iting of bid proposals, follow-up calls, and processing of the
p aperwork involved in selling and vehicle deliveries.
1984-1986 T imberline Dodge, I nc.
2510 NE Sandy Blvd.
Portland, OR 97232
Job Title & Description: Fleet & Lease Manager Dodge sales and leasing to various
b usinesses throughout the area .
Circumstances on Leaving Position: Opportunity offered to go back into office
equipment business and become a general sales manager for I nternational Copier
1980-1984 Finzer Business Systems, I nc./Wittco Systems I nc.
5618 NE Hassalo
Portland, OR 97213
J ob Title & Description: Sales Representative M inolta and Ricoh copier sales
r epresentative for Southeast Portland ter r itory.
Circumstances on Leaving Position: Opportunity to become fleet manager for
T imberline Dodge with a greater income potential.
R eferences:
• Asit Rathod 503-***-**** Previous Finance & Desk Manager
• Chris Ma r tinez 503-***-**** General sales manager @T&C Honda.
• John Moor 503-***-**** Sales manager @ T &C Honda
• Abbe Johannson 503-***-**** Finance Manager @ Covert Ford in Austin, TX
• Steve Christian 503-***-**** Service manager previously w/Bickmore
D odge & Beaverton Dodge. Cur rently a funeral sales director with
S kyline/Dignity.