R esume: Tanmoy Auddy
Tanmoy Auddy
Kolkata: 700 039
Contact no.: 090********
E mail: *****.********@*****.***
R esume: Tanmoy Auddy
O b j ec t i v es
To achieve professional and personal excellence by positive and honest determination coupled with constant
learning and improvement by accepting and fulfilling targets for both the areas.
P e rso n a l D e t a i ls
Father’s Name: Late Tulshi Charan Auddy
Date of Birth: 15 July 1990
Gender: Male
Blood Group: AB+
Nationality: Indian
Religion: Hindu
Passport Number: K6652258
INDoS Number: 11NL1435
CDC Number: MUM 219225
English, Hindi and Bengali
Languages Known:
Academic Qualification
Year of Passing Institute University Stream DGPA
Neotia Institute of
West Bengal
Bachelor in
2013 8.16
University of
Nautical Science
Management &
Year of Passing Examination Board School Percentage
West Bengal
Council Of Higher
Higher Secondary Tirthapati
2009 78.14
West Bengal Board
Of Secondary
2007 Madhyamik 80.66
S T C W’95 & F a m i l i a r i z a t i o n Co u rse D e t a i ls
Serial No. Name of Training Course Issuing Authority Certificate Number
R esume: Tanmoy Auddy
Fire Prevention And Fire Fighting. Mercantile Marine
1 FPFF12812190000
Academy, Kolkata.
Mercantile Marine
2 Elementary First Aid. EFA0731213038
Academy, Kolkata.
Mercantile Marine
3 PST0861211034
Personal Survival Techniques.
Academy, Kolkata.
Proficiency In Personal Safety And Mercantile Marine
4 PSSR0711213032
Social Responsibilities. Academy, Kolkata.
Mercantile Marine
5 Oil Tanker Familiarization OTF0011306104
Academy, Kolkata.
Co r e Co m pe t e nc i es
Quick Learner
Hard Working
Team Worker
Friendly Nature
H o b b i es
Playing Football Cricket & Caroms
Reading Story Books
Listening to Music
I hereby declare that all the information given herewith is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
R esume: Tanmoy Auddy
Date: Tanmoy Auddy