Full Name : Satish Shrik rishna Kulkarni
Address : B2/191 Chitravani CHS L td,Pimpri Pada, Offl Gen A K
Vaidya Marg,
M alad East, CITY : Mumbai 400097 Count ry : I ND IA
Date of Bir th : 17/04/1960
Qualifications : SYBSc (Chemistry & Physics)
E xperience : a) December1982 to January 1985 worked as a medical
representative for a
leading pharmaceutical company.
b) March 10, 1988 to 31st December 2011 worked for a
nationalised bank in
clerical cadre from March 1988 to October 2001,
Deputy Manager from October 2001 to September 2010 &
M anager cadre
f rom October 2010 to December 2011.I am well versed in
general banking,
day to day activities in running of the branch, bancassurance.
L anguage for
Correspondence : ENGL ISH
Languages Known
Speak/Read/ Write : Marathi / H indi/ English
Note : I met with an accident in year 1985, sustaining spinal
i njuries, classified as
Paraplegic,doing all my activities independently except I have
to take support
O f a stick while walking.