La C o y a O d e m
*** ****** ** * *. l Nashville, TN l 615-***-**** l lodem2007@gmail. com
O b jectiv e
My goal is to obtain both a respe ctable and steady place of employment, so that I may utilize my B ache lor's degre e and my
Master's degre e, and most importantly, utilize my organiz ational, situational handling, and leade rship skills. I would also like
to be given the opportunity to use my knowledge, exper ience s, and char ismatic persona lity to aid a company in their quest to
rea ch their long-term goals.
B ethel University- Nashville, TN 07/2012-05/2013
MB A GP A 3. 7
Include d course s in Human R esource Manage ment, Infor mation Tec hnology, S tatistics, and Acc ounting
Middle Tenne ssee S tate University - Murfre esbor o, TN 08/2007-12/2011
Major-Ma nage ment
R ece ived B ache lor's Degr ee in B usiness Manage ment
Include d course s in F inance, Acc ounting, Marke ting, and Human R esource s Manage ment
P earl-C ohn High S chool - Nashville, TN 08/2003-05/2007
B usiness
Honors Gra duate
C oncrete S kills- P roficienc y in Microsoft Work, Exce l, Outlook, and P owerP oint. P roficienc y in S cheduling, Typing 60 wpm,
Data Entry, and Editing.
Transf era ble S kills- C ommunication skills, Analytical P roblem S olving, and Orga nized Worke r.
Old Hick ory Cre d it Un ion
Assistant B ranch Manage r 06/2012-P resent
Assist the B ranch Manage r in developing staff to their highest potential by identifying their are as of exper tise and
encour aging and motivating them to high perf ormanc e standards. Achieve or exce ed the established sales and service goals
through building of member rela tionships, both internal and exter nal including all cre dit union products, service s and
insurance products.
Assist members by opening acc ounts, proce ssing loan applications, closings and disbursements of funds. Answer
questions and provide information rega rding all share products and loan products. Encoura ge and promote sales of
cre dit union products and service s with emphasis toward sales of insurance products that assure the financ ial stability
of both the member and the cre dit union in times of disability, death, illness, etc.
R ece ive and proce ss member's financ ial transac tions, including deposits, withdrawa ls and loan payments. S ell teller chec ks,
trave l car ds, etc. B alance cash draw er and make settlement of daily activity.
R esponsible for opening/closing branc h per branc h. Have the decision-making responsibility in the absenc e of the branc h
manage r. R esponsible for daily teller draw er audits and assist branc h manage r in balanc ing the ATM and vault daily.
Monitor all branc h activities to insure they are in compliance with established cre dit union policies and proce dure s
Gymb oree
Assistant S tore Manage r 03/2007-4/2012
S upervise thirteen employees ( including employees at sister company Janie & Jack)
Hire new employees, Train new employees, and handle bank deposits
R ecruit potential employees
Handle P ayroll
Comc ast
C AE 01/2011-01/2012
Manage /perf orm acc ounting activities for customer acc ounts
P erfor m all aspec ts of technica l support/troubleshooting
Up sale any and all products on ever y call
C onsult and offe r our exper tise in rega rds to any and all products C omcast offe rs
Do all of the above in a timely manner while meeting/exce eding company expec tations.
E xtra Cu rricu lar Act ivities Hon ors Volu n teer S ervice s
The S cholars Aca demy Dea ns List Habitat for Humanity
C hildren Miracle Networ k