Lamar Hood
Charlotte, NC ****9
OBJECTIVE To obtain a Fire/Life Safety Technician position for Geras that requires
strong written and oral communication skills.
SKILLS Communication
• Write daily reports to building management
• Document all building Incident reports and report them to building
• Assistant to Unit Safety Officer, Conducted weekly safety briefings
• Spearheaded crew for emergency billeting of 10,000 inbound Army
personnel in support of Operation Enduring Freedom
• Directly supervises arena evening security operations
• Logged all personnel’s billable time and presented it to superiors
• Designed new form for fire panel continuation documentation
• Organized Time Warner Cable Arena security console forms into
virtual format.
• Serve as President of Fire Technology Club
EXPERIENCE Shift Supervisor Allied Barton Security Services, Time Warner Cable
Charlotte NC, September 2007 to present
Staff Sergeant U.S. Air Force, Pope AFB
June 2000 to June 2006
EDUCATION Central Piedmont Community College,
Fire Technology major
August 2011 to May 2014
Community College of The Air Force
Structural Technology major
June 2000 to 2007
National Fire Protection Association
Society of Fire Protection Engineers
Student Veterans of America
Fire Technology Club(President)