Bonnie Czander Lorenz
Flourtown, PA 19031
**** – present Montgomery County Health Department – Willow Grove, PA – Environmental Health Specialist – Responsible for
conducting inspections of food facilities and preparing reports on performance acceptably and scientific deficiencies
following Montgomery County Food Health Code. Deliver presentations to various audiences on the scientific and
technical data pertaining to the Health Code. Educated facilities on preventative methods for violations. Write citations
for facilities with repeat violations followed by court hearing. Perform safety inspections of public schools, camps and
mobile home parks. Respond to residence complaints of general nuisance to West Nile Virus. Document findings of
complaints and follow through until compliance is met.
2010-2010 - Knox County Department of Health – Knoxville, TN – Environmental Specialist – Perform inspections on existing
facilities according to State of Tennessee Health Code. Conduct follow-up inspections on the facilities that have
critical violations. Set up a method to respond to any public complaints of the facilities. Developed a Report
Inspections database for inspections performed and recording critical violations.
2007 – 2010 – Restaurant 553 – Sylva, NC –Co Manager – Bookkeeping of daily operations of Restaurant. Responsible for sales,
marketing to public and booking large events. Maintain customer satisfaction of restaurant. Ordering and inventory.
Responsible for training staff on sanitation and consistency of quality products. Maintained a score of 100 plus from
Health Department Sanitation Inspections.
2004 – 2007 – St Johns County Health Department – St Augustine, FL – Environmental Specialist II – Assign inspections food
facilities to inspectors. Review food facility inspections performed by co-workers. Assisted with team on investigated
food borne illness outbreaks, gathered information from public infected. Performed sanitation and safety inspections
on foster care homes. Wrote reports on violations and resolutions. Evaluated proposed projects of Water and Onsite
Sewage Treatment Systems. Performed health and safety inspections for public bathing facilities, day care centers,
assisted living facilities, public schools and migrant labor camps. Assisted on Public Health Program, “Step Up
Florida” to educate public on health life styles.
2001 – 2003 – SC Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation – Columbia, SC – Compliance Health Officer – Audit
Manufacturing operations’ with OSHA standards for employee safety and health., including inspection of operations,
identifying potential health hazards, issuing reports, conducting employee interviews and follow-up visits to ensure
compliance: analyzing and reviewing scientific data for efficacy and safety. Perform full-shift monitoring of
employees for noise and chemical exposure. Interpret laboratory data on samples of chemical exposure.
1999 – 2001 – SC Department of Health and Environmental Control – Columbia, SC – Natural Resource Tech. III – Interpreted
laboratory analysis of private well water samples for homeowners. Educated homeowners on owning a private well
and well water contamination. Established a database on well water samples and test results. Editor of “Newsbits”
Newsletter for well drillers.
1998 – 1999 – Passaic County Department of Health – Paterson, NJ – Environmental Health Specialist – Educated Industrial clients
and their employees about hazardous substance in the work place and “Right to Know” law. Investigated complaints
about environmental incidences, air quality, noise and water quality. Performed air quality samples at several
manufacturing facilities. Provided expertise for clients in understanding the environmental permitting process in New
Jersey and Federal Government requirements. Prepared a Newsletter on the latest news and guidelines in Passaic
Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia, Bachelor of Science Major: Biology, Minor: Chemistry
East Carolina University, Greenville, NC, Bachelor of Science: Human Health and Environmental Sciences
Volunteer Work:
Ground Zero – World Trade Center, NY – fit tested employees for respirators.
Hurricane Shelters – St Augustine, FL – insured safety of special needs patients during 2004 Hurricane season
Flu Clinics – Montgomery County, PA – assist in organization of flow of public obtaining their annual flu shot
West Nile Spray – Montgomery County, PA – assist in mapping out areas of spraying for adult mosquitos in areas of positive tests of
West Nile Virus.