Lela Campbell
Victorville, CA 92394
AA Business Administration
Veterans Hospital (06/1990 to 2003 Loma Linda, CA) – Administrative Assistant - all clerical and administrative support for Nuclear Medicine Service. Performed personnel actions, payroll, budget, departmental calendar, interacted with veterans and public, management and vendors. GS-5/10.
Lockheed Advanced Development (1985 to 1989 St Louis.MO) Top Secret SBI
Human Resource Assistant promoted to Engineering Assistant.
Duties included all administrative duties, human resources activities, responsible for control of air traffic and visitors to remote classified facility.
Federal Aviation Administration (1975 to 1980 St Louis, MO) Administrative Assistant to Flight Surgeon GS-6/8. Secret Clearance. Provided all administrative and stenographer support for medical department and assisted in the air traffic controllers physical, certified according to federal regulations.
Army Aviation Materiel Command (1967 to 1969) Top Secret Clearance. Stenography and administrative support in aircraft repair during Vietnam war. GS-5
Army Records Center (1965-1967) Secret Clearance. Reviewed and processed records of veterans according to federal regulations. GS-4