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Edisha Forest Development Gorporatlon Llmlted
(Formerly Orissa Forest Development Corporation Limited)
(A Government of Odisha Undertaking)
clN-u020050 R19625GC000445
Regd. Off: Plot No. A/84 Kharavel Nagar, Unit-lll, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, PIN-751001 Te I e p h o n e ; - O 67 4 - 253 4086, 253 4259 F a x: 0 67 4 -253 5 9 3 4
[Website: www,odishafdc.com E-mail lD;general@odishafdc'coml Advertisement no tA568 date ._lO,6A,2018
{suB-prvIsIoNAL MANAGERSI. 20 18
The Odisha Forest Development CorporationJtd., invites applications through direct recruitment to the following vacant posts on contractual basis through written, medical, physical endurance tests followed by personal interview/viva-voce. Interested candidates can download the detailed job description, qualification, experience and application form from OFDC Ltd., official website y 4l&!di!hqld9.ca!q' Last date of submission of application form is 25th July, 2078.
The Odisha Forest Development Corporation Ltd.
Name of the Post
Category wise vacancy Total
no. of
s.c. s.T. SEBC U.R
Assistant Malager
(Deputy Divisional Manager
4 J 7 I4
Rs.9300/- +
Grade pay- Rs 4600/-
Total - Rs. 139O0/-
Junior Manager
(Sub-Divisional Manager
8 1 1.7 J1
Rs.9300/- +
Grade pay - Rs. 42OOl
'l'rrtal - Rs 135O0/-
-,{ tg €1 I w @ffi's[Ga ffimgr ffie
.,Odisha Forest Development Gorporation Limited
(Formerly Orissa Forest Development Corporation Limited) lA Government of Odisha Undertaking)
cl N-u020050 R19625GC000446
Regd. off: Plot No. A/84 Kharavel Nagar, Unit-lll, Bhubaneswar, odisha, PIN-751001 Te I e p h o n e : - 067 4 -2534086, 253 4269 F ax : O 67 4- 2535934
[website : www.odishafdc.com E-mai] D:*******@*********.**** Eligibility criteria for Direct Recruitment to the posts of Assistant Managers
(Deputy Divisional Mangers) and Junior Mangers (Sub Divisional Mangers), 2OLB Applications are invited from intending eligible candidates for filling up following vacant posts through direct recruitment on contractual basis in the prescribed application from, details of which can be down loaded from the OFDC Website www.odisha-fdc.com within 25tn July, 2OI8'
Details of the Posts
Name of the Post
Category wise vacancY Total no.
of posts
s.c. s.T. SEBC U.R
Assistant Manager
(Deputy Divisionn I Manager
4 J 7 I4
Junior Manager
(Sub- Divisional Manager
8 1 5 I7 31
The selected candidates aBpointed on contractual basis for six yea-rs from the 2
date of appointment as per the following:
ii. The selected candidate appointed on contractual basis shall draw consolidated remuneration equal to initial of corresponding pay plus Grade pay' No D'A', H.R.A & Medical allowance will be paid. The remuneration during contractual period is detailed below:
Subject to satisfactory performa-nce the remuneration shall be enhanced by ten perJent on completion of each year of service'
on the date of satisfactory completion of contractual service of six years they shall be deemed to have regularly ppointed.
formal letter of regular
ting authoritY.
tleJ to draw the time scale of pay plus
es' admissible in the corresponding pay
the CorPlrt'ir I itirt,
Reservation of vacancies or posts, as the case may be for the candidates' Belonging to the Scheduled castes and Scheduled Tribes shall be made in accordance with the provisions of the odisha Reservation of Vacancies in Posts and services (For scheduled castes and scheduled Tribes) Act' 1975 and the rules made there under; and
Belonging to SEBC, Women, SPorts
Handicapped Person shall be made in
1 ;i- k-^-
person, Ex-servicemen and Physically
accordance with the provisions made
Rs. 9300/- + Grade PaY -'Rs 4600/'
Total - Rs. 13900/-
Asst. Manager
(Deputy Divisional Manager)
Rs. 93OO/- + Grade PaY - Rs' 42OOl-
Total - Rs. 13500/-
Jr. Malager
(Sub-Divisional Manager)
under such Act, Rules, orders or Instructions issued in this behalf by the Government from time to time'
lt, EligibilitY Criteria
The candidates for the above post must:-
i. Be a citizen of India.
ii. have attained the age of twenty one yeafs and must not above age of thirty two yea-rs by the 1"t. day of January, 2OL8
Providedtheupperagelimit,i p""tofreservedcategoryofcandidates referred to in Rule 2 above shall be relaxed in accordance with the provisions of Act. Rules, orders or Instructi ftr the time being in force for the respective categories:
Providedfurtherthatpersonswhocomeundermorethanonereservecategory should be eligible only for one ben :fit of relaxation which shall be considered more beneficial to him'
iii. Have passed Bachelors'Degree from recognised University or Institution in India with at least one of the fono*ing subjeJts at t!9 under graduate level namely Botany, chemistry, GeoloSr,
ffi"trr*atics, Physics, Statistics,
ScienceandAnimalHusbandryandZoo ogroraBachelor'sDegreeln g: a-no
tion with Odia as a language subject: or
ent examination with Odia as a language or
language in Middle English School standard
:hooi &"Mass Education Department Of Odisha/
Odisha: or
v. Not have more thal one spouse livin
Provided that the Government may' for
vii. Be willing to serve in forest areas al and
difficult terrain and inhospitable areas'
5. Physical standard: 'nation
/ test and conform to
Candidates who qualify the written exarnl
followingphysicalstandardwillundergophysicalendurancetestasmentioned belowinclauseitoiiitobeconsideredforfurtherinterview. i.Amalecandidateshallnotbelessthan163c.e to m'inheightanclshallhavechest at least 89 cm' l50 cm in lieight and shall have ckrest
to nt lcnot E4 cnr
ysical endurance test of walking :-
r any injury during the test'
subiect or
Have passed in Odia as language
above from anY school affiliated
subject in the final examination of Class VII or
io" CBSE or ICSE recognised by the State
J-"t lL^)
. t' 6.
Holding of Examination:
The competitive examination shall be held for selection of candidates for direct recruitment to the service as per syllabus prescribes for the purpose in the following manner.
The written test will comprise both objective type aptitude test and English comprehension test of 25O marks. Personal Interview will he held of 50 marks' The test will be of the level of graduation standard' The total marks for competitive examination will be 300' Distribution of marks for different type of examination is given below. b.
A. General English
General Knowledge
Quantitative aPtitude
Logical reasoning
English comPrehension
B. Personal interview/Viva Voce 50
IL There will be separate competitive examination for appointment-to the posts of Assistant tvlanager (Deputy Divisional Managers) and Junior Managers (sub Divisional Managers).
The date and plice of examinations shall be notified by the Corporation through email I postl official web site of OFDC Ltd'
Receipt of Application:
Applicatlons shall be received by registered/speed post only' App_lication along *itrr,"qrisite testimonials/documettts in an envelope size 23X10 CM super scribing "Application for the p
separately must reach on or before
shbuld be addressed to the Managi
Corporation Ltd., Plot No. Al84,
751001, Odisha. APPlications rec
ame shall have to be received within the
stipulated date.
Selectlon Procedure
selection for the post of Asst. Manager and Jr. Man-ager shall be made on the basis of written test, physical enduraice and personal interview' There will be no l-I-r"rr.irrg for physicaL endurance test. The date, time and venue of such tests shall be intimated in due course to the eligible applicant The written test would be conducted at th-e schedule venue, date and time which would be intimated through admit card'
The interview will be conducted by a selection panel who would assess the suitability of the candidate for the job as well as.his. overall personality and attitude towards work, The selection wt uld be on the basis of written test and with a Rank draft of Rs' 1000/-(Rupccs
he Managing Director, OFDC ltd' And
Bhubaneswar. This amount is not
The candidate must have registered his naine in the local employment exchange in the state.
canvassing or unfair means adopted in any form will make the candidate ineligible for selection.
candidate selected on the basis of selection list will be called for subsequent selection process.
No queries on the matter will be entertained'
L4. Candidates selected for different tests and finally selected will be intimated by e-mail/post/notice board. Their nernes will also be notified in the web site of OFDC www.odishafdc.com.
15. The selected candidates will be required to join within 15 days of issuance of appointment letter. Request for extlnsion of joining time will not be ordinarily entertained.
L6. Training in Diploma Course in Forestry:
i. Final selected "rt
did"t". shatl be required to under go training in a recognised Forest College to obtain the Diplomaln Forestry for a designated duration, Cost of training will be borne by includes Equipment
Allowances, tuition fee and to for Bedding, clothing, caution money and other dep will be borne by the
. candidates nominated for the training.
ii. During the training, selected candidates shall be granted a. -stipend as may be
fixed by the Corpoiation from time to time or paid salary if they join training after being in service as in-service trainee'
iii. They shalf be entitled to draw actual travel expenses for their journey to and fro the place of training as per the eligibi
iv. Every candidate selected shall be a
t.rt"iy bond to effect that he/shs I
College and shall serve the Corporation
out of the forest training Collegi, failing which he shall be liable to refund all the money in one instalment expended uy trre corporation for his training in the said College,
v. only successful completion of training in tfre Forest college & probation, the candidates shall be considered for future regularisation to the service' L7. Probation:
shall be subject to successful
of 2 (two) Years from the date of
ndividual basis bY the APPointing
rtion, an employee is liable to be discharged
from service without notice or without assigning any reason, at the sole discretion of the Appointing Authority'
18. Execution of Bond.
The appointment shall be subject to execution of a bond of Rs' 6'00 lakhs in case of essl, Manager (Deputy Oivisional Manager) and Rs. 5.00.lakhs in case of Jr. Manager (sub-Dvisionat Manager) for a minimum period of Five yeafs' 19. Other Conditions:
i. All appointment in the corporation will be subject to the selected candidates being found medically lit by the Corporation,s approved Medica] professionarT-vro or pubtic Sectoi Hospital/or from a Government Doctor not below the rank of chief Medical Officer. In the event, on medical examination, the candidate is found medically unfit, the offer shall stand automatically cancelled' ii. Not withstanding any of the above, the Corporation reserves the right to change' delete, amend, modify any of the above conditions and the decision of the corporagnn is firrirl aird birrding on the candidate applying for appointment to LLU Puat,
20. No T.A. & D.A. will be payable by corporation for attending written test or personal interview or physical endurance test'
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Post applied for
1,. Name of the candidate
(in Block letter)
2. Father's /Husband'
3. Date of birth (As recorded in the Class lOth certificate/girth Certificate).
4. Present Address/Postal Address:
Odisha Forest Development Gorporation Limited
(Former yorissaForestDeve opmentCorporationLimited)
(A Government of Odisha Undertaking)
Regd. it-III, Bhuba,2534269
1 E-mail ID:
(Strike off which is not applicable)
(Separate application to be submitted for different posts) Recent
Passpo rt
No./Colony/La ne
Post Office
Police Station
Ue e-llo.
Email (MandatorY)
5. Permanent Address
6, Nationality' "" State of Domicile
7. Category whether SC/ST/SEBC/Unreserved
B. Gender Male/Female)
9, Maritalstatus(Married/Unmarried)
1O. Age as on 01'01.2018:
Post Office
Police Station
r 11. Name of the Employment Exchange:
Where the candidate has registered
his/ her name (With Regd, No. & Validity Date.
' '12. Language Known:
i. Spoken
ii. writing
iii. Mother tongue
13. Educational Qualification (Starting from H.S.C. or equivalent) Name of
Year of
Name of
Boa rdl
Percentage Division/Clas
Subject taken
14. Details of Experience/Previous Employment, if any Name
of the
lnstitution/Office r
where employed
Duration Basic pay last
drawn and
total pay
From To
15. Details of Bank draft:
Name of the Bank Bank draft No. & Date Amount
I hereby declare that all the information given in this application are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and in the event of any information being found false, my candidature will be liable for rejection.
Note: i) Your Admit Card and other correspondences will be sent through e-mail. ii) No column in the application should be left blank. iii) Incomplete application shall be summarily rejected.