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Educational Associate

Hollis, NY, 11423
January 10, 2018

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**-** * *** * S treet

Jamaica, N Y 1 1423




● Strong v erbal a nd c ommunication s kills i n E nglish, C reole a nd H aitian

● Knowledgeable o f c omputers; W indows. M icrosoft W ord, E xcel a nd P owerPoint t ypes 3 5 w pm

● Customer S ervice C ertificate, i ssued b y America W orks. EXPERIENCE:

11/2007-10/2017 S elf E mployed Jamaica/Bronx, N Y


● C reated s hopping l ists a nd p urchased g roceries a nd o ther h ousehold i tems

● Maintained b udgets b y d eveloping a nd o verseeing e xpenditure

● Paid h ouse b ills a nd k ept r ecord o f c redit p ayments

● Organized s ocial a ctivities a nd f acilitated p lay d ates

● Ran e rrands t o t he p ost o ffice, b ank o r s tore 04/1998 1 0/2007 N YC B oard o f E ducation Brooklyn, N Y Educational A ssociate

● Instructed s tudents i n a cademic s ubjects, u sing a v ariety o f t echniques s uch a s p honetics, multisensory l earning, a nd r epetition, i n o rdered t o r einforced l earning a nd t o m eet s tudents' v arying needs a nd i nterests

● Employed s pecial e ducational s trategies a nd t echniques d uring i nstruction t o i mprove t he development o f s ensory- a nd p erceptual-motor s kills, l anguage, c ognition, a nd m emory

● Taught s ocially a cceptable b ehavior, e mployed t echniques s uch a s b ehavior m odification a nd p ositive reinforcement

● Modified t he g eneral e ducation c urriculum f or s pecial-needs s tudents b ased u pon a v ariety o f instructional t echniques a nd t echnologies

● Met w ith p arents a nd g uardians t o d iscuss t heir c hildren's p rogress, a nd t o d etermine t heir p riorities for t heir c hildren a nd t heir r esource n eeds

● Planned a nd c onducted a ctivities f or a b alanced p rogram o f i nstruction, d emonstration, a nd work t ime t hat p rovided s tudents w ith o pportunities t o o bserved, q uestion, a nd i nvestigate

● Established a nd e nforced r ules f or b ehavior a nd p olicies a nd p rocedures t o m aintained o rder a mong the s tudents f or w hom t hey a re r esponsible

● Conferred with parents, administrators, testing specialists, social workers, and professionals to develop individual educational plans designed to promote students' educational, physical, and social development

● Maintained a ccurate a nd c omplete s tudent r ecords, a nd p repared r eports o n c hildren a nd a ctivities, as r equired b y l aws, d istrict p olicies, a nd a dministrative r egulations

● Established c lear o bjectives f or a ll l essons, u nits, a nd p rojects, a nd c ommunicated t hose objectives t o s tudents

● Enthusiastically e ncouraged a nd n urtured a cademic e xcellence EDUCATION:

St J ohn's U niversity J amaica, N Y Associate D egree Liberal A rts

Monsignor S canlan H igh S chool B ronx, N Y High S chool D iploma

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