Alexandria B eck
**** * **** * ** D allas T x.***16
Excellent c ommunication a nd c omputer s kills. A w orking k nowledge i n Q uickBooks a nd s oftware programs, r esults-driven a ttitude w ith t he a bility t o m eet a nd e xceed p roject e xpectations w hile w orking either i ndependently o r a s p art o f a t eam a nd s uperior o rganizational s kills w ith a p rofound a ttention t o detail.
Dallas C owboys W arehouse
April 2 017- A ugust 2 017
(Supervisor B ookkeeper)
● Develops s ystem t o a ccount f or f inancial t ransactions b y e stablishing a c hart o f a ccounts; defining b ookkeeping p olicies a nd p rocedures. M aintains s ubsidiary a ccounts b y v erifying, allocating, a nd p osting t ransactions. B alances s ubsidiary a ccounts b y r econciling e ntries. Starbucks D allas L ove F ield A irport
March 2 016 D ecember 2 016
● Promotes c offee c onsumption b y e ducating c ustomers; s elling c offee a nd c offee g rinding a nd brewing e quipment, a ccessories, a nd s upplies; p reparing a nd s erving a v ariety o f c offee drinks, a long w ith p astries a nd c ookies. Sweet C onvenience & C osmetic S tore J anuary 2 009 December 2 015
(Shift S upervisor )
● Proven c ompetency o f d ealing w ith c ustomers f rom v arious c lasses, a ssisting t hem w ith o rders and a nswering t heir q uestions r egarding p roducts a nd s ervices
● Excellent c ommunication a nd i nterpersonal s kills a nd k eenness t o d etail
● Assisted i n m aintaining c ompany b ook k eeping r etained c ustomer o rders
● monitoring s urveillance c ameras & s ecuring t he p ermissies
● Employee T raining a nd w eekly s cheduling
● Produce e fficient a nd e ffective i ndividual c lient p rofiles r esulting i n i ncreased c ustomer l oyalty
● Multi-task w ith a ccuracy t hereby e xecuting e ach t ask i n a t imely m anner
● Excelled w ithin d eadline-intensive
● environment, i nsuring a ccurate a nd o n-time c ompletion o f a ll p rojects, w hile h andling i ncoming and o utgoing c alls e fficiently i ncreasing c ustomer s atisfaction
● Responsible f or a ll a dministrative d uties p roviding e fficient r ecord o rganization, a ccurate d ata entry, p rofessional r eception d uties, a nd i nsightful r esearch a nd d evelopment i nformation Trans T ech J une 2 008-August - 2013
Customer S ervice R epresentative
● Customer c are, p rovided i nformation a bout t he c ompany a nd t he p roduct
● Inbound, o utbound c alls a nd a ccount c heck u p
● Established c ustomer a ppointments
● E xcelled t he n eeds o f e ach c lient
Education F ranklin D . R oosevelt H igh S chool C lass o f 2 008