Hydia imom Willis
An ambi ous young adult who’s mo vated and experienced in restaurant and retail stores.
Qualifica ons
Excellent communica on skills
Flexible employee
Leadership quali es
Strong sense of genuine hospitality
Ability to work 8 hour shi s or more
Possess’ many posi ve quali es
Work Experience
Pure Life Nutri on Center
To provide a healthier outcome in life with the usage of nutri onal drinks in replace of medica on.
Make nutri onal drinks for the customers
Worked the cash register
Greeted the customers as they walked in
Cleaned the store at the end of the shi
Restaurant business which thrives to fulfill its customers wishes. Greet customers as they sat down t at their table with great hospitality Take orders, state the daily special, and make sure everything is correct Served the customers their meal and made sure that they were sa sfied Cleaned sec on, wiped down tables and booth seats
Dufry- Newark Airport
A retail store whose duty was to fulfill the wishes of the passengers of the people. At the beginning of each shi money had to be counted and verified Collects cash, checks, and credit payments from customers and makes change for cash
Educa on
2013 EASTORANGE High School
High School Diploma