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J E N N I F E R A B E N A A . A F E K U
Self motivated and organized professional with 5+ years of diverse teaching and research experience. Excellent oral, grammar, and
communications skills. Strong organizational and time management skills, Ability to multi-task and work effectively under pressure.
Extremely goal oriented, and great in the areas of, Education, Hospitality, Promotions, Marketing, Journalism, and Administration.
Georgia State University Atlanta, GA
Major: Bachelor of Arts in African-American Studies, Minor: Hospitality August 2005- May 2010
Nkuranshe Empowerment Organization, Cofounder May 2010- Present
Organized and hosted the first annual Youth Leaders conference in February 2011, in collaboration with Ghana Youth Leaders. Event
provided open forum on a variety of topics facing various cultures in Africa. Over 200 participants gathered to discuss issues that
plagued the community. This event was headed by a panel of prominent community leaders in the city of Atlanta, including city
Councilman Kwanza Hall.
Fulton County School System Atlanta, GA
Educator/Substitute March 2007-Present
§ Responsible for maintaining current academic curriculum ranging in the areas of Math, Language Arts, Reading, History,
Science, Health, and Physical Education in the event of an absence of an educator.
§ Maintains a positive learning atmosphere in the classroom.
§ Promptly assumes all duties of the regular classroom teacher in accordance with school rules. This included the bus duty,
lunch room duty, play ground duty, hall duty, and other assignments assigned by the building’s principal and their
administrative staff.
§ Follows the instructions left by the teacher or alerted the administrators that there were no plans to follow.
Rolling Out Magazine Atlanta, GA
Intern/Freelance Writer July 2010- August 2010
§ Received collaborative list of a variety of article topics and their expansion limits by the editors.
§ Utilized expansive network and reference sources to collect data to support articles.
§ Gathered information and content material regarding the subject topic.
§ Planned and prepared the overall format of the article while organizing collected information and the subject matter to
effectively communicate subject matter.
§ Submitted completed articles to the editors.
Certified Entertainment Atlanta, GA
Promotions Assistant August 2003- November 2009
§ Headed promotions campaign inclusive of online advertisements, on industry wide websites, along with the company’s
official website.
§ Distributed advertisements for Certified Entertainment’s events on university campuses in the Atlanta area.
§ Documented meeting content to be provided for leadership team.
CNN/Turner Broadcasting Atlanta, GA
Intern May 2005-August 2005
§ Produced/Co-Edited news packages and scripts.
§ Shadowed news anchors and gained relevant insight on their careers.
§ Researched archived information for the Lou Dobbs Tonight Show, and distributed the footage nationwide.
Industry Magazine Atlanta, GA
Staff Assistant/Intern June 2004- August 2004
• Arranged and typed the current events that took place in the city and across the nation in the Industry Status Magazine.
WRFG/89.3 Atlanta, GA
Radio Assistant December 2002-January 2003
§ Assisted with clerical and administrative portion of the station.
§ Operated broadcasting equipment with in the studio.
§ Presented international and local news through the air