K a ren A. Chaloupka
Cleveland, Ohio 44105
Objective: Seeking an employer who needs a very motivated
individua l; a meticulous, organized self-sta rter who is able to multi-task in a fast paced
M y corporate integrity a l lows for great f lexibil ity as well as a loyal, calm, objective and
effective work ethic.
My goal is to commit whi le achieving growth and stability.
Work Experience:
A LS TR IBOLOGY; 2012-2013 Customer Service/Sample Processing/Data Entry
• Received and l ined al l John Deere and CSX oil/fuel samples daily; processed
via data entry – comparing/modifying database to incoming sample
Answered /followed up with al l calls from customers looking for sample
results or information about the process involved
D & F Distributors; 2011 Office Manager/Order Processing/Administrative
• Maintained al l aspects of customer service on a daily basis; including but not
l imited to order entry, expediting, shipping, receiving, invoicing, accounting
Manned multi-line phone system while fulfil l ing receptionist duties
• Maintained multi-fil ing systems to facilitate heavy daily use and cross
r eferencing
2005-2010 Tempora ry special ist in the Cleveland a rea for var ious household named
a gencies in an a ccounting a/o administrative a/o customer service capacity; a lso a stay at
home parent.
C rossworld Awning Company; 2003-2004 Office M an ager/Customer
• M a inta ined daily orders/scheduling/troubleshoot
• Bil l ing and collections for approximately 350 customers
• Monthly bank reconcil iation
• D a ily customer interface handl ing compla ints, new orders, repai rs etc.
J NA Cleaning Systems, I nc.; 2001-2002; Office M anager, Accounting, Payroll
• Monthly bank reconcil i at ion (3 accounts)
• Payroll twice/month for approximately 75 employees
• Bil l ing and collections for approximately 250 clients
• All customer service/complaints, employee dispatch, etc.
• Secreta ri a l, receptionist, fi l ing duties
stay at home pa rent/ bookkeeping; 1997-2000
Olechem Shipping Company; 1990-1996; I nternational Tanker Broker for
petrochemicals, gasoline, crude oil products
• Successfully developed and mainta ined minimum of 12 accounts per month as I
p rocured new accounts
• Acted as negotiator/ l i a ison between cha rterers and vessel owners
• Monitored each voyage from start to finish including daily logistics; trouble
shooting and overal l success of each voyage
T r ansammonia, I nc.; 1984-1990; Operations M an ager-Petrochemicals
• Controlled a l l aspects of operations for 6 traders; moving average 150,000
m ts/month
• M an aged 2 assistants in CT and Switzerland
• M i nimized costs by efficient scheduling and tak ing prompt, decisive actions in
c ritical situations
• M a inta ined positive working relationships with intercompany personnel, clients,
ship owners/agents, storage termina ls and surveyors
• Ca r r ied out operational transactions including scheduling of contractual
deliveries, barge/vessel cha rters, L/C issuance and documentation prepa ration
• Ensured quantity/qual ity of cargoes with surveyors
• Negotiated terms for storage; domestic and international
• Completed a l l invoicing and collections
Continuing Education :
• Citibank Letter of Credit P rogram, New York, New York
• Documentation Prepa ration for Export/ Import, New York, New York
• Petroleum Tankship Operations, New York, New York
• M icrosoft excel/word classes/Horizons Lea rning Center, Ga rfield Heights
• T r i nity H igh School, Ga rf ield Heights, Ohio
Core Competencies-
• F luent in MS office/word/access/excel/checkbook solutions/peachtree/quickbooks
solutions/cit rix-profit 21
• Type 50-60 WPM
• Above average vocabula ry usage coupled with a honed speaking abil ity
• L iteracy Volunteer / avid reader
• Effective proofing and grammatical capabil ities
• Various A/P and A/R experience
• 8,000-10,000 strokes per hour-ten key capabil ity
• Excellent figure aptitude
• Self starter-work well independently or as pa rt of a team
• P rofessional appearance and performance