R ick D. Boehm
**** ** **** ***., *********, WA *8665 360-***-**** or 360-***-****
P osition of I n terest: P rogram D i rector, T reatment & Recovery P rogram
Summa ry
Fifteen years extensive experience providing leadership and innovation of
behavioral health care services, with ten years working directly within a large
Health Maintenance Organization(Kaiser Permanente, NW Region). Following
several promotions, I became the NW, Regional Clinical Director of Chemical
Dependency or Addiction programs within the KP H MO medical model of
i ntegrated medical & behavioral approach to health and wellness. Strengths in
clinical supervision, program management, staff hi ring and development,
budgetary, and program evaluation. Strong interpersonal communication skills in
i ndividual and group settings, coupled with the ability to communicate, model and
teach highly complex clinical approaches with a variety of important medical
personnel and leaders in the KP H MO, allowed myself, and our department an
i ncredible opportuni ty to fully integrate “Addiction Services” within the system of
care offered at all KP Clinics and Hospitals, and eventually leading to the
establishment of a full continuim of services for Addiction Medicine for Health Plan
Members in our service area.
P rofessional Experience
Dept. of Addictionology, Kaiser Permanente,
N W Region, Portland, OR 03/1979-12/1990
1. M a rch 1979-June 1981- H i red as one of 3.5 M aste r’s Level Counselors
to provide Alcohol/Substance Abuse Services (start up program)to the large
health plan member population, in non-mental health model of care;
reporting to L icensed Clinical Social Worker employed as the lead clinician
and clinical supervisor in the program . I was only clinician hired who
u nderstood non-mental health model of intervention and how a large H MO
could provide effective services using accepted t reatment standards of the
t ime. Duties included psycho-social assessments, substance abuse
assessments, t reatment planning, 1:1 counseling therapy, couples/family
t herapy, interventions, facilitate group therapy and psycho-educational
sessions. Program development skills, learned in graduate school, coupled
w ith my undergraduate t reatment exposure and practical experiences
working as a “counselor in t raining” at SWARF, provided confidence to help
K P NW develop their very fi rst substance abuse intervention and t reatment
p rogram for health plan members.
2. J une, 1981- Ma rch, 1985- P romoted to Counseling D i rector, for all
clinical aspects of the KP, NW Region Substance Abuse Services, by new
Medical Director, Dr. Robert Senft. Reported directly to the Medical
D irector, who had authority for program. My responsibilities, in addition to
50% direct service to member patients, included clinical supervision of all
M aster’s Level Counselors as well as other clinical staff, staff scheduling and
maintaining hours of operation. Other responsibilities included ongoing
p rogram development, quality of care management, budget management,
p roviding t raining and extension of services to additional clinics/hospitals,
cost management related to “outside referral for substance abuse care”, and
participation in budget development, short and long term as well as
p roviding effective Public Relations with other medical
departments/personnel as well as KP management with the goal to develop
u nderstanding of the necessity chemical dependency as a “primary medical”
d iagnosis in need of specific t reatment.
3. M a rch 1985-July 1989- P romoted to Counseling Di rector,
A dolescent Chemical Health P rogram. Our overall substance abuse
services program had become very efficient, effective and was highly utilized
by our health plan members and employer groups . At the same t ime we
offered almost no adolescent services and the community, schools and
i nf luential employer groups were continually pressuring management and
our department’s quality of care reviews, to allow extensive use of inpatient,
hospital based and/or residential care combined with outpatient models. All
t he models were expensive and costs for predicted referrals, combined with
t he negative publicity, regarding KP lack of quality care for “kids”, led to a
u nique opportunity to develop, implement, and evaluate with a
N IDA/NIAAA full multi-year research project offering a full continuim of
care for substance abuse including residential, day, and outpatient
t reatment, bundled within a family systems model of intervention parents
had to attend for adolescents, 12-18, to receive services. I was given
responsibili ty for the vision and creation of this clinical program with the
conditions the program must be research based (KP Research Department),
use best practice standards of care, develop a cost effective model, offer
services to community and non-KP health plan members as well as prioritize
our members, with the primary goal to establish (this was pre-ASAM
C riteria) criteria which would match presenting symptoms of alcohol/drug
use/problems with appropriate levels of care or t reatment necessary for the
least, int rusive level of care which will allow or promote recovery in the
substance abusing adolescent/family. Responsibilities included wri ting all
policy and procedures necessary for state approvals in Oregon/Washington,
RCW requirements for residential facili ties serving minors, an exhausting
recruiting process to staff our new program (hi ring and t raining all staff).
I retired from KP at the end of 1990, using my accumulated vacation time
and medical leave, under the family medical leave act, to adopt my son from
South Korea. This allowed the opportunity to be the father at home of a new
child before returning to work.
M H N/ Healthnet M ilita ry Family Life Consultant (MF LC ) 2+yrs.-
P resent
~Conducts suicide, violence, PTSD, TBI Risk Assessments, post deployment;
~Connects military personnel/family with mili tary resources as needed;
~Utilizes info gathered to refine assessment skills & program evaluation;
~Provides ongoing support for service member/family;
~Requires constant communication regarding r isk potential;
~Goal: to reduce domestic violence, violence against others on/off mili tary
base, substance abuse, acts of suicide;
~Participate in systematic data collection among all mili tary
personnel/families exposed to war-time deployments;
Boehm Counseling & Consulting Services 13yrs.-
P resent
~Conducts Employee Assistance Assessments(EAP) for violence, domestic
v iolence, substance abuse, depression and suicidal ideation/behavior-both
employer mandated and self referral;
~Conducts r isk assessments for local courts, lawyers, and probation officers;
~Conducts r isk assessments for parents, schools, health insurance requests,
t reatment agencies, both outpatient and residential/hospital;
~Consultation t raining for colleges, K-12 school districts, mental health and
substance abuse professionals;
Evergreen H igh School Distr ict (2400 student population,) 9 y rs.
~Student Assistance Program In tervention Specialist for Prevention,
I n tervention, Assessment, Referral & Support related to violence and
Substance abuse prevention & in tervention programs related to federal
D rug Free Schools & Communities Act as well as the Washington State
P revention/Intervention Programs;
~Responsible for identifying, assessing, in tervening, t reatment referrals
and ongoing support as students reintegrate back in to the school, family
and community post intervention/treatment;
~Collection of data on students involved to develop, manage and evaluate
effectiveness of program data used by state and federal agencies for
needs assessment, program funding, program effectiveness, replication.
~Program emphasized violence prevention post Columbine H igh School
V iolence near Denver, Colorado;
Cur r iculum/T raining Di rector, Educational Service District 112- 3yrs.
~Curriculum Director responsible for conceptualizing, implementing,
managing and evaluating Washjington State Prevention & In tervention
p rogram grant to support the development of school based student
assistance programs with goal of prevention, in tervention, identification,
referral, and reintegration support of student’s exhibiting symptoms
related to bullying, harassment, violence and substance abuse;
~Managed a large t raining grant to prepare school district personnel-
superintendents, administrator, certified teachers, and classified staff,
as well as the student population;
~30 school districts were involved over a geographical area covering 6
counties in southwest Washington State;
~Required team development, developments of standardized policies and
p rocedures, organizational development all while meeting both state and
federal drug free school and communities Act which is conditional on
Federal Funding of local schools.
Core Competencies
* C linical Supervision Skills *Program Management/Evaluation
* Licensed Mental Health Counselor * Medical Model (HMO) Service Delivery
* In tegrated Medical Model & Behavioral health * Staff Training, Up/Down
+Excellent Writ ten/Oral Communication +Organizational/Team Building
+Outpatient/Inpatient Management +Substance Abuse/MH Assessment
s kills
+Master Addiction Counselor (MAC) * EAP Assessments/Collaboration
L icenses, Certifications, Education, Awards, Publications
Washington State University
* Master of Science Degree, Clinical Psychology/Addictions-
*Bachelor of Science Degree, Psychology/Alcoholism T raining Cert.
Washington State Depa rtment of Health
* L icensed Mental Health Counselor, L ic.#: L H00005696
*Chemical Dependency P rofessional Certification CP00002340
National Association of Alcoholism & D rug Abuse Counseling
* Master Addiction Counselor Certification MAC501835
Outstanding Manager Award, Kaiser Permanente, NW
*Awarded for the Development of the Adolescent Chemical Health Program;
*An innovative IP/OP, research based model of care within a large H MO;
*This was the fi rst and only model offering residential and outpatient care
i n Kaiser Permanente system of Health Care nationally.
• Adolescent Chemical Dependency in an H MO, F reeborn, PH.D., Beaudet,
P H.D,
Boehm, MS, Brenes, MS.
• Adolescent Chemical Health Program, Residential Clients-A Summary.
Freeborn, PH.D., Beaudet, PH.D., Boehm, MS, Brenes, MS.