Zach Wheeler
Charlotte, NC 28226
• Lawrence Technological University
o BFA in Interior Architecture and Design
o 2008-2013
• Muskegon Catholic Central
o Diploma
o 2004-2008
• AutoCAD
• Sketch Up
• Photoshop
• I l lustrator
• Hand Drafting
• InDesign
• Revit
Job H istory:
• Uncle Vern’s Pro Hardware
o May 2004 – August 2008, June 2009 – August 2009, May 2010 – August 2010
o Screen and Window Repairman and Clerk
I f ixed and built new screens and/or windows when i t was needed. I
a lso assisted customers when the help was needed.
• American Eagle Outfit ters
o September 2008 – December 2008, September 2009 – April 2010
o Salesman and Outfit ter
• Richard Ross Designs
o March 2011-August 2012
o Interior Design Assistant
Design work using AutoCAD, meetings with clients, organizing the
fabric library, installations at clients homes, accessorizing, running
e rrands
• ACO Hardware
o September 2012-Present
o Cashier/Customer Service
Run the cash register, put stock away, re-arrange sales f loor displays
• Zak Luk Designs
o July 2012-Present
o Freelance Designer
Residential and Commercial In terior Design
Extra Cur ricular:
• Sigma Pi Fraternity, In ternational
o Sam Spady Fundraising Chair
Planned an event for the Sam Spady Foundation to make college
s tudents aware of drinking and its r isks if they are not safe while
d rinking.
o Interfraternal Council and Student Government Representative
Attended a meeting every week and recorded notes on the upcoming
events and activities that other organizations were having on and
a round campus.
o Social Chair
Planned one to two events every month in the fall 2010 semester. This
consisted of events with other organizations and our annual Parent
D inner.
o 1st Counselor
Alumni Relations and Sergeant at Arms. I am in contact with the
a lumni of our fraternity chapter, I plan events with them, and I
r eceive feedback from them to improve our chapter. I also control our
weekly meetings and dismiss fellow fraternity members when it is
• Competed in the Spring 2010 and Spring 2011 Ghiordes Knot Competition
• Competed in the Spring 2011 I IDA Competition
• Competed in the Spring 2011 ASID Competition
• Participated in the Summer 2011 DIFFA Dining by Design with Richard Ross
• Competed in the Fall 2011 Hagopian Rug Competition
LinkedIn Account: h t tp://