D avid ( Jian H u a) J i ang
Tel: 1-778-***-**** Emai l: dav id.j h . jian g@gmai l .com
M ailing A ddress: 222-8120 Colonial D riv e, R i chmond, B C, Can ada
A chance t o wo r k u nder expe r ienced engineers a pply i ng m y e ngineeri n g skills
• University of B r itish Col umb i a
Civil E ngineerin g P rogr am GPA : 91% 09/2011-Pr esent
E xpected D egree: Bachelor of A pplied Science
• Camosun College I nte rurb a n
Civil E ngineerin g Technology P rogram GPA 3.91/4.0 09/2008-06/2010
Civil E ngineerin g B ridge P rogram GPA 3.86/4.0 01/2011-06/2011
D iploma, A dvance D iploma
Yang, T., Shor aka, M . B., & J iang, J. (2012). Seismic Per formance Evaluation of S teel M oment Resisting F rames
Designed U sing t he Perf ormance-Based P lastic D esign Ap proach. 15 WCEE. L i sbon: WCE E.
• P osition:
R esear ch Assistant 05/2012-Pr esent
For P rofessor: D r. Si egfried F. S tiemer ( U BC)
Study Topic: Per formance Based A naly sis and Testing of E xisting Concr ete Road Side and Median Barriers
Studied t he p revious f ull scale crash tests on concr ete barriers conducted i n U BC 1991 by D r. F rankin
Navi n
Pr epared repor ts of f indings about crash tests for t he M ini st ry of T ran sportation and I nf r ast ructures
D esign ed test i ng p rocedures f or series of l inked f reestanding concr ete barriers
Per form ed testing procedur es for l inked concrete bar r iers i n U BC st ructural l ab
• P osition:
R esear ch Assistant 01/2012-pr esent
For P r ofessor: D r. T ony Yang ( UBC)
Study Topic: A pplication of Perf ormance Based P lastic D esign on Moment F rames
Built f inite element st ructur al models using Perf orm3D (CSI) an d OpenSees
Per formed non-linear analy sis on st ructural p rotot ype of m ul t iple t all momen t f r ame st ructu res
Per formed post pr ocessing analy sis u sing M atlab
E stimated expected loss of st ructures u nder various g round motions
• P osition:
Tea ching Assistant 09/2010-12/2010
For I nstructor: D r. P a tricia Wrea n ( Camosu n Col l ege I n t erurb a n ) ---Cour se: P H YS 191
Tutored f irst year Physics and Calculus to ensure students better understanding of the material
Pr epared pr ogr essive teaching p lans for professors
• McGr a th
E ngi n eering L t d, V a ncouver, B C 05/2012-07/2012
Worked as F ield Technologist and D ata A naly st
Per formed l ife cycle assessmen t and condit i on survey on Cam bie B ridge i n Vancou ver, BC
Evaluated conditi ons of existing bridges and roadways
Per formed on-site i nspections f or concrete st r u ctures
E ngine er ing L td, Vict or i a, BC 06/2010-01/2011
Worked as Technologist
Pr epar ed f ield reviews and on-site testing reports f or clients
Per formed concr ete, masonry, and wood mater i als testing on site per A STM and CSA standards
Per formed l ife cycle assessmen t on t hree of t he r oadway b ridges f or Saanich M unicip alit y, BC
Per formed site i n spections and checks for concr ete retrofit const ruction defici encies
Pr epar ed as-bui lt d r awings f rom field measurements f or contra ctors and clients
• Cement Heads
Concrete Ltd, Vict or i a, BC 01/2007-
Worked as Carpenters Assistant/ Laborer
Assisted carpenters regarding home renovation
Progressed to assist in foreman duties and organization of construction site
Level I I I first-aid attendant
Recipient of RJC-John H Read Scholar ship 2013
Recipient of T rek Excellence Scholar ship 2012
Recipient of t he NSE RC U nder graduate Research A w ar ds 2012
Recipient of t he I ke Barber T ran sf er Scholar sh ip 2011
Recipient of the Stantec E ngineer ing Civil A chi evement Awar d 2010
Recipient of the Thurber E ngineer ing Civil A chi evement A ward 2009
Listed on Dean's honor l ist on every school t erm 2009-2012
• Compu t er S kil l s
Experienced w ith M icrosoft Word, Excel, and P roject
Proficient w ith A utoCA D 2012, Civil3D 2012, Autodesk Revit, and Matlab
Proficient with Perform 3D, SAP2000, and OpenSees Navigator
• Structural D e sign/Ana l ysis
D esign ed st ruct ural elements u sing t imber, s teel, and reinforced concr ete
Implemented static push-over analy sis on h i gh-rise st ructural models
Implemented dynamic t im e-h istory analy sis on varies st ruct ural models
A naly zed outputs f rom structural analysis programs
• Geotechni cal D esign
Calculated stabi lity of natural and construct ed slopes
D esigned temporary and permanent retaining st ructures
Calculated bearing capacity of soils
D esigned shallow and deep foundations
Perf orm ed d irect shear testing, u nconfined compr ession testin g, and t ri-axial testing of soil
M astered k nowledge of consoli dation t heor y and settlement, compaction t h eory and contr ol
• Survey i ng
Used Total Station and data collector for d i stance an d angle measu r ement
Set up control surveys for land development projects
A pplied topographical data gathering and contour mapping using Civil3D
Carried out Total Station data collection as par t of route and subdivision sur v eyin g
D esigned Layout of a su r v ey control networ k
• Drafting
Dr afted isometric and o rthogr aphic d r awings both by hand and i n A utoCA D 2012
Dr afted connection details f or both structural steel and concr ete using Revit
Drafted detailed laboratory setups using Google Sketch-up
Em ployed custom b lock t itles, cross-ref erenci ng, custom d r awing scales, d imensi on styles, l ayering and
dr af ting standar ds
Created a topogra phical map based on a g roup of points coll ect ed f rom surveying by Civil3D 2012
D esigned u nderground u ti l ity l ayout of a subdivision usi ng C i vil3D 2012
A cademic/Cur r iculum Repr esentative of U BC Civil Club 2012-2013
Treasurer of CSCE (Canadian Society of Civil E ngineering) 2012-2013
Student Representative of SE A BC (St ructural E ngineer Associ ation of B r itish 2012-2013
Beer M anager of U BC Civil Club 2011-2012
Sport s: swimming and playing basketball
Others : w ine t asting and t ravelling a round t he world
Tony Yang Sigi S tiemer Patri ck M cGrath Greg O vestaas
U niver sity of B riti sh Univer sity of B riti sh
McGrath E ngin eering GOAL E ngineer i ng
Columbia Columbia
Assistant P rofessor Professor Professor/Engineer M aterial E ngineer
yang@civi l .ubc.ca sigi@civi l .ubc.ca pat ***@****.** govest aas@goalengineer i ng.com
1-604-***-**** 1-604-***-**** 1-604-***-**** 1-250-***-****