Antioch, TN 37013
Phone: 615-***-****
Email: **************@*****.***
Professional Profile
provides Eager to equip young adults and older adult learners
one-on-one and group with essential intellectual skills that will enhance
encouragement, their future endeavors, careers, and lifestyles.
mentoring, and Dedicated to enthusiastic and dynamic teaching as a
tutoring of various means of creating and nurturing a lifelong love of
subjects to the knowledge in academic-minded individuals.
middle and high
school students
Tiffany Hearn
865-***-**** Education and Awards
Manager Certification in Technical Geometry
Department of Energy Summer 2007 Sarah Simpson Training Facility,
Knoxville, TN; 40-hour course
"Joe is truly a Certification in Language!
gifted educator. He Summer 2008 Sarah
is dedicated to Simpson Training Facility
education and Knoxville, TN
extremely motivated.
He is also a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Economics and History with
supporter of the Teacher Licensure (Concentration in Mathematics)
community. . ." August 2001-December 2005 Maryville College, Maryville,
Larry Ervin High School Diploma (Honors Program)
865-***-**** August 1997-May 2001 Glencliff High School, Nashville,
Director, TN
Multicultural Affairs
W. E. B. Dubois Award (Maryville College, 2005)
Maryville College Keepers of the Covenant Award (Maryville College, 2005)
Voices of Praise Leadership Award (Maryville College,
his ability to 2004-2005)
connect with
individuals, his
heart for the Leadership/Extracurricular Activities
community and his Team Leader, Fulton High (August 2008-Feb 2012)
uniqueness in Attended Stellar Awards Workshop Training (November
conveying information 2010)
is absolutely Fulton High School representative at "Failure Is Not An
amazing Option" Conference, Atlanta, GA (August 2007)
Fulton Leadership Team (August 2007-Feb 2012)
Dr. Jon Rysewyk Student representative at Conference "Ethical Decision
865-***-**** Making in Business" held on Hilton Head Island, SC (Fall
Executive Principal, 2004)
Fulton High Participated in the musical production, The Fantasticks,
(Spring 2003)
Maryville College Fighting Scots Football Team (August
one of the 2001-November 2003
strongest educators I
know. He is Computer Skills
committed to bridging Proficient with Microsoft Office Suite program (Word,
educational gaps Excel, PowerPoint, etc.)
amongst students with Geometers Sketchpad
diverse backgrounds. Promethean/Smart/Interactive Board
He would be an asset Working knowledge of the Internet
to any educational
Dr. Stephanie Taylor
865-***-****, Work Experience
Assistant Principal, Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools, Antioch Middle
Fulton High School, Instructional Support-Mathematics, Jan
Learning Lab, Education Coach, Sept 2012---Present
Cumberland Heights, Teacher/Education Coordinator,
March 2012---June 2012
Fulton High School, Teacher, Oct. 2006-Feb.2012
a born teacher; Pre-algebra, Algebra I, Technical Geometry, Academic
his enthusiasm and Orientation, Honors Geometry, Math Workshop, ACT
his gentle wit Preparation, Language X!, Choral Instructor
enliven his University of Tennessee/Upward Bound Program,
classroom. Students Instructor, Summers (2008-present)
in a class we Algebra I, Algebra II, Advanced Algebra, Trigonometry,
co-taught called him Pre-Calculus, Calculus, Personal Finance, Marketing
the 'best on the Maryville College, Instructor, June 2006-July 2006
planet.' I agree." K-12 Learning Program (Learning Center), duties included
tutoring students ranging from kindergarten to the
Dr. Mary Kay Sullivan twelfth grade and teaching a time management and reading
865-***-**** strategies course to incoming freshman
Retired Professor, William Blount High School, Interim Teacher, Jan
Maryville College 2006-May 2006
Eleventh Grade U.S History/Twelfth Grade Economics
Foster Chapel Baptist Church, Choir Instructor,
May 2005-Feb. 2012
Select, compile, distribute, teach, and direct musical
selections for seven music ministries within the
"I believe that Joe church
Fitzgerald will Maryville College, Instructor, August 2004-December 2004
become a master
teacher, because Taught Freshman Orientation class
he has high Maryville College, Office Manager, August 2002-December
expectations for 2005
himself and his Multi-Cultural Affairs Office, Duties include general
students, and he office duties and assistance in planning activities for
possesses the ability students
to help young people
the complex economy." Professional Affiliations
FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes)
Multicultural Affairs Board (Maryville College)
Dr. Sherry Kasper Maryville College Ambassador
Associate Professor Maryville College Concert Choir
of Economics Off Kilter (offset from concert choir)
Maryville College Voices of Praise (Gospel Choir)
Mu Chi Sigma (Step Team)
Sigma Lambda Kappa (American Sign Language club)
Peer Mentor (Maryville College)
BSA (Black Student Association)