W. David Pelham
Personal Office
P.O. Box **** Fujairah Colleges
Fujairah, United Arab Emirates P.O Box 1626
***- *- ***- **** **** (from US) Fujairah, United Arab Emirates
***- **- ***- **** **** (from US) 001- 971- 9- 201- 1100 (from US)
***********@*****.*** ****.******@***.**.**
College Director Serve as the Director (president) of two
Higher Colleges of Technology colleges in the Higher Colleges of
Fujairah, United Arab Emirates Technology System and report to the
January 2010 to Present System Provost. HCT is a system of
colleges (17) funded by the Emirati
Government to prepare Emirati national
students for leadership and management
positions in business and government
organizations. Students are taught in
English and students often spend as many
as 2 years improving their English skills
before entering bachelor s level programs
in business, engineering, information
technology, education or health care. The
colleges are transitioning from offering
diplomas and higher diplomas to bachelor s
degrees. Oversee all aspects of the daily
operations of the colleges including
academic, student services and business
operations. Also work with the local
community to insure that the college s
programs are meeting its needs and to
garner the community s support for the
college. Serve on the HCT System Budget
Superintendent/President Served as CEO and reported directly to the
Cuesta College five member elected Board of Trustees for
P.O. Box 8106 the San Luis Obispo County Community
San Luis Obispo, CA 93403 College District. Cuesta College is a state
March, 2008 to December, 2009 assisted comprehensive community college
located on the Central Coast of California
with two campuses, two centers, a budget
of approximately $60 million and an
enrollment of over 15,000; 10,000 FTES.
Accomplishments: Led successful move to
have Cuesta removed from accreditation
warning status in first few months in
position though College joined
approximately 20 other CA community
colleges back in warning status when 6
year cycle was completed. Hired all three
vice presidents and two deans while in job
due to extreme administrative turnover
before my arrival. Oversaw significant
enrollment growth. Began new strategic
planning process.
Superintendent/President Served as CEO and reported directly to the
College of the Siskiyous seven member elected Board of Trustees
800 College Avenue for the Siskiyou Joint Community College
Weed, CA 96094 District. College of the Siskiyous is a
August, 2002 to February 2008 state assisted comprehensive community
college with two campuses in Northern
California, with an annual budget of over
$16 million and enrollment of 2,400 FTES.
COS includes growing academic divisions
that focus on university transfer and career
preparation. The College also offers
residence halls, a full slate of intercollegiate
sports including football and a full program
of student activities. My external relations
responsibilities included lobbying on the
state and federal levels, fundraising through
the COS Foundation and solicitation of
grants from public and private sources.
Accomplishments during tenure: led efforts
that resulted in over $50 million new dollars
coming to the college from public and
private sources; completed the planning for 4
new buildings and the construction of 1;
secured funding for the construction of the
College of the Siskiyous (cont.) Rural Health Sciences Training Institute;
established an endowment for the Rural
Health Sciences Training Institute that
included partnerships with the federal
government, local foundations, and local
donors that provided $5 in matching funds
for every $1 raised locally; led the College
through a successful reaffirmation of
accreditation in 2004; restructured the annual
planning and budgeting process to increase
campus involvement; led College through
planning process that resulted in a new 5 -
year strategic master plan and 20-
year facilities plan; led COS through some of
the worst budget years in California
Community College history and consistently
balanced the budget with faculty and staff
receiving raises in 5 of 6 years.
Vice President for Academic Affairs Had supervisory responsibility for
College s instructional program which
Spartanburg Technical College
P.O. Box 4386 included over 100 full- time faculty, 100
Spartanburg, SC 29305 part- time faculty, and approximately 3500
February, 1999 to July 2002 students. Direct supervisory
responsibilities included; Library, five
academic divisions, distance learning,
and curriculum development.
Served as a member of the President s
Council. Had budget responsibility for
eight million dollars. Regularly assisted
with legislative and foundation relations.
Campus projects included; revision of
summer schedule of classes to enhance
access to different markets; development of
a yearly class schedule; expansion of
computer science program to provide more
training in network administration, internet
programming and web page design;
organized community taskforce that
included representatives from school
districts, industry, vocational schools,
media, and community groups to develop
strategies to change the image of technical
education in the area; orchestrated the
expansion of a scholarship program that
Spartanburg Technical College (cont.) involved recruiting 30 new local industry
partners, after the expansion, the number of
scholarships available tripled; developed
and implemented a significant
reorganization of the Academic Affairs
unit; worked with staff and community
leaders to make College a leader in
wellness education in the area.
Vice President for Student Services Had supervisory responsibility for Library,
Lake City Community College Athletics, Student Advising, Housing,
Rt. 19, Box 1030 Student Activities, Admissions, Registrar,
Lake City, FL 32025 Performing Arts Center, Financial Aid,
July, 1995 to February, 1999 Testing and Articulation, Student Judicial
(1995- 1996 served in interim capacity) System, Disabled Student Services, and
Minority Outreach Programs. Budget
responsibility for over 2 million dollars.
Served on the President s Executive
Council and the College s Budget Review
Committee. Campus projects included :
successfully worked with
staff to improve customer service
orientation and budget/audit
responsiveness; served for 3 months as
Interim and founding Director of
Workforce Development Board.
Chair/Associate Dean Had supervisory responsibility for all
Arts & Sciences instruction in the Humanities, Social
Lake City Community College Sciences, Math, and the Sciences. Our
Rt. 19, Box 1030 division included 30 full- time faculty,
Lake City, FL 32025 40 part- time faculty, and approximately
October, 1990 to July, 1995 1,200 students. Division budget was in
excess of 1 million dollars.
Accomplishments included: guided
curriculum revisions in response to
changing needs and state requirements ;
served as liaison with transfer institutions
and state division of community colleges;
scheduled classes in five counties and six
Assistant to the President Coordinated strategic planning for the
Lake City Community College College, supervised special projects for the
Rt. 19, Box 1030 President, participated in writing grants,
Lake City, FL 32025 assisted the foundation in fund- raising
January, 1989 to October, 1990 campaigns, and represented the President
and the College at functions the President
was unable to attend. Lobbied on the state
and federal levels. Wrote institutional an
research and effectiveness manual for
Intake Worker Served as a child protective services Intake
Florida Department of Health and Worker for a night crisis unit.
Rehabilitative Services
US Highway 1
Titusville, FL 32780
August, 1981 to August 1982
Boys Town/Haven House for Boys Served with my wife, as a teaching parent
North Wilkesboro and Raleigh, NC in a group home for adolescent boys who
February, 1981 to June, 1981 had a history of behavioral difficulties
and/or criminal violations
Adjunct Instructor Taught Public Speaking
University of South Carolina Spartanburg
800 University Way
Spartanburg, SC 29303
August 2001
Adjunct Instructor Taught Public Speaking
Spartanburg Technical College
P.O. Box 4386
Spartanburg, SC 29305
January, 2000
Adjunct Instructor Taught Public Speaking, Human Relations,
Lake City Community College and Student Development
Rt. 19, Box 1030
Lake City, FL 32025
August, 1989 to December, 1998
Instructor/Director of Forensics Taught Public Speaking, Debate,
Moore Hall, SCDA Organizational Communication, and Intro
Central Michigan University to Graduate Research. Coached Speech
Mt. Pleasant, MI 48859 and Debate Team. The Debate Team
finished 22nd in the nation my final year
August, 1985 to December, 1988
of coaching. Qualified 2 teams for the
National Debate Tournament. The
Program had qualified only a few teams for
the NDT in its previous 40 years history.
Directed intern program my last 6 months
at the university.
Graduate Fellow/Teaching Assistant Taught Public Speaking and Interpersonal
Speech Department Communication. Also served as an
Wayne State University assistant speech and debate coach for
Detroit, MI 48226 nationally ranked speech and debate
August, 1982 to August 1985 program.
Adjunct Instructor Taught Public Speaking.
Henry Ford Community College
5101 Evergreen Road
Dearborn, MI 48128
August, 1984 to May 1985
Adjunct Instructor Taught Public Speaking.
University of Central Florida
P.O. Box 25000
Orlando, FL 32816
January, 1981 to May, 1981
Assistant Professor Taught Public Speaking, Persuasion, Oral
Piedmont College Interpretation, Intro to Dramatic Arts, and
P.O. Box 10 Basic Acting. Designed Speech Minor
Demorest, GA 30535 and directed theatre productions.
Served as men s and women s track
January, 1978 to December, 1979
Ed.D., Educational Leadership, University of North Florida, Jacksonville, Florida. Minor
coursework in Higher Education, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida.
Additional Doctoral Level Work, Communication, Rhetorical Processes and
Industrial/Organizational Psychology, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan.
M.A., Communications, Morehead State University, Morehead, Kentucky.
B.A., Individual Directions (Speech, Psychology, & Political Science), Carson Newman
College, Jefferson City, Tennessee.
A.A., General Education, Brevard Community College, Cocoa, Florida.
Co- Chair, San Luis Obispo k- 16 Council; Member, San Luis Obispo Economic Vitality
Council; California Community College CEO Executive Board; Founding Chair,
Northern California Rural Community College Association; President, Weed Rotary
Club; President, Madrone Hospice Board of Directors; Vice President, Siskiyou County
Community Services Council; Vice Chair, Advisory Committee on Legislation,
Communit y College League of California; 2020 Vision for Career and Technology
Education Writer s Award, South Carolina Department of Education; Chair, South
Carolina Technical College Council of Instructional Officers; Member, Executive
Committee of South Carolina Council of Instructional Officers; Chair, Instruction
Subcommittee of the South Carolina Council of Instructional Officers; South Carolina
Representative to the National Council for Occupational Education; Distinguished
Alumni Award, Brevard Community College; Chair, District 5 (Michigan, Indiana, Ohio,
Wisconsin and Illinois) National Debate Tournament Committee; Member, National
Debate Tournament Committee; President, Michigan Intercollegiate Speech League.
Member, Board of Directors, Sierra Vista Hospital, San Luis Obispo; Member, Rotary
Club of San Luis Obispo; Member, Board of Directors, Economic Vitality Corporation of
San Luis Obispo; Member, United Methodist Church of San Luis Obispo; Member,
Southern Oregon Universit y Advisory Board; Chair, Institutional Positioning Committee,
SOU Advisory Board; Member, Board of Directors of Madrone Hospice, Yreka, CA;
Member, Community Services Council, Siskiyou County, CA; Appointed Member,
California Senate Taskforce on Community College Governance; Member, California
Community College Taskforce on Title Wave II; Member, North Spartanburg Rotary
Club; Chair & Founder, Community Task Force for Technical Career Awareness in
Spartanburg; Member United Way Success by Six Steering Committee; Member,
Southern Regional Education Board High Schools That Work Technical Assistance
Team; Member, Executive Committee of the Upstate Hub for Math and Science
Education; Member, School- to- Work Advisory Council, School District 7, Spartanburg,
South Carolina; Member, School- to- Work Advisory Council, School District 5,
Spartanburg, South Carolina; Member, Education Committee, Spartanburg Area
Chamber of Commerce; Member, Dixie County High School, School Improvement
Team, Cross City, Florida; Member, C olumbia County School District, Business
Advisory Committee; Chaired, Council on Ministries, First Untied Methodist Church,
Lake City, Florida; Chair, Higher Education Committees, First United Methodist
Churches, Lake City, Florida and Mt. Pleasant, Michigan; Member, Steering Committee
for Educational Leadership Graduate Programs, University of North Florida; Member,
Executive Oversight Committee, North Florida Talent Search Program; Member, Board
of Directors, Wesley Foundation, Central Michigan Universit y
Institutional Budget Processes; Transparent and Predictable, presented at the
Annual Conference of the Higher Colleges of Technology, Dubai, UAE, 2010.
The Changing Role of the Community College Registrar: Would Your President
Rehire You?, presented at the AACRAO Conference, San Diego, CA, 2006.
Developing, Cultivating and Growing a Rural Foundation, presented at the
NCCCF Conference, Anaheim, CA, 2004.
Paths to Creating Steady Streams of Unrestricted Income, presented at the
NCCCF Conference, Anaheim, CA, 2004
Occupational Education for a Lifetime: Technical Program Articulation, With
No Loss of Credit, presented at the National Council for Occupational Education s 2001
National Conference, Fort Lauderdale, FL, 2001.
Technical Scholars: Lessons Learned and Future Plans, presented at the
Community College Future s Assembly, Orlando, Florida, 2001.
The American Community College Movement, keynote address, presented at
Global Partnerships- Welcoming the Twenty- First Century, Nanjing, China, 1997.
Gender Issues in Community College Administration, presented at the
Southeast/Southern Region Meeting of the Association of Academic Affairs
Administrators, Chattanooga, Tennessee, 1995.
Alternative Perspectives on the Worship Service, presented at the Annual
Meeting of the Speech Communication Association, San Francisco, California, 1989.
The Role of the Intern Coordinator: Developing Intern Sites, Dealing with
Departmental Constraints, and Addressing Supervisor s Needs, presented at the Annual
Meeting of the Speech Communication Association, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1988.
Selected Presentations (cont.)
A National Study of Supervisor s Perceptions of Student Interns with Gail
Mason, presented at the Annual Meeting of the Speech Communication Association,
Boston, Massachusetts, 1987.
Evaluating the Director of Forensics: A Model with David Ling, presented at
the Summer Argumentation Conference, Alta, Utah, 1987.
Director of Forensics as Manager, presented at the Annual Meeting of the
Speech Communication Association, Chicago, Illinois, 1986.
Disadvantages: Links, Threshold, and Uniqueness, presented at the Michigan
Association of Speech Communication, Battle Creek, Michigan, 1985.
The Leadership Dialogues: A Book Review Community College Times, 27, #3,
Key Issues Relating to Special Admit Programs and Rural Areas invited paper
in hearing report Concurrent Enrollment: Do Current Practices Reflect State Priorities?,
Assembly Committee on Higher Education, State of California, February 17, 2004.
Technical Scholars: A Three- Way Partnership for Career Development
Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 25, 783- 791.
Shared Premises in Value Argument in the Organization, in Spheres of
Argument, edited by Bruce E. Gronbeck, Speech Communication Association,
Annandale, Virginia, 1989.
Profile of Academic Debate with Willis Watt, lead chapter in Prima Facia: A
Guide To Academic Debate, edited by John Midgley and Stephen Wood, Kendall/Hunt
Publishing Company, Dubuque, Iowa, 1986.
Led in the development of Title III grant that funded enhanced student success,
retention efforts and matching grant for Health Sciences Endowment, College of the
Siskiyous, Department of Education, United States Government, 2006.
Reorganized administration of federal Gear- Up grant to move it from being at risk
of not being funded again to it becoming a national model for community partnerships.
College of the Siskiyous, Department of Education, United States Government, 2002.
Selected Grant Activities (cont.)
Coordinated the development of School- to- Work and Tech Prep grants
Spartanburg Technical College, Department of Education, State of South Car olina and
United States Government, 2001, 2000, and 1999.
Participated in development of Title III grant that funded faculty and college
development activities in use of technology in the classroom, Spartanburg Technical
College, Department of Education, United States Government, 2000.
Authored Computer Networking in the Liberal Arts, Lake City Community
College Foundation, 1995.
Authored Student Literacy Corp, Department of Education, United States
Government, 1991.
Authored Title III Grant Eligibility Application, Department of Education,
United States Government, 1989.