Kent A.
Chamberlin, Ph.D.
Department of Electrical and Computer
University of New Hampshire
Kingsbury Hall (voice: 603-***-****,
FAX 862-1832)
N.H. 03824 3591
1968 1973
Thesis: Design of a Digital Phase Lock Loop for Airborne Naviga tion
1982 Ph.D.OhioUniversity
Dissertation: VHF Air Ground Propagation
Modeling Professional Experience Summary
1985 Present Professor
at the University
of New Hampshire Dept. of
Electrical and Computer Engineering
(Spring) Visiting Professor:
SRM University, Chennai, India
2001 Fulbright
Distinguished Chair in Antennas and Computational Electromagnetic at the University
of Aveiro, Portugal
1993- 1994 Visiting Prof. at The Pennsylvania State University Department of Electrical
Engineering. One-semester appointment to
the Applied Research Labs
1985 Asst. Prof. at Ohio
University Department of Electrical and Computer Engineer ing
(Fall) Visiting Professor
at the FAATechnicalCenter
1977 1981
Senior Research Engineer
with the OhioUniversityAvionicsEngineeringCenter
United States Citizen, Married,
Three ChildrenResearch Experience
Below is a listing of research
programs participated in along with the sponsoring agency and dates:
Low Cost, High Bandwidth, and Non-Intrusive
Machining Force Measurement System, The National Science Foundation, June 1,
2009- May 31, 2012
The Use of Datacast Signals for Public Safety
Applications, National Institute of Justice, January 2006- December 2007
Data Collection and Analysis of Low Altitude
Propagation Effects for Mobile Radio, U.S. Navy (SPAWAR), Feb. 04- Feb. 05.
Modeling the
Wireless Ground-to-Ground Communication Channel, Department of Justice
(Project 54), June 2001- July 2004.
Distance Education Module Development, part of an
E2T2 (Enhancing Education Through Technology) grant
obtained for the SeacoastProfessionalDevelopmentCenter as part of the No
Child Left Behind program, 8/04- 2/05.
"Digital Air-Ground Link Modeling", Federal
Aviation Administration, 7/1/98-9/30/01.
"Sidewall Dielectric Damage by RIE: Detection by
Scanning Probe Microscopy and the Effect on Signal Propagation", Semiconductor
Research Corporation, 4/1/98-3/31/2001
Development and Evaluation of a Distance Learning
Classroom, Davis
Educational Classroom, 1/99 - 12/99.
Development of the GELTI Propagation Model, Federal
Aviation Administration, 5/96- 9/97.
Electric Field Measurement by Scanning Probe
Microscopy to Detect the Effect of Nanoscale Material
Inhomogeneity on Signal Propagation in High Density Interconnects,
Semiconductor Research Corp., 10/96-12/97.
Propagation Model for Digital Radio in Airborne
Platform, MadenTech (Subcontract from the U.S.
Army), 9/95-9/96.
Development of Digital Signal Processing Techniques
for Avionics Instrumentation Package, Airfield Technologies, 1/95-8/95.
Modeling Propagation Path Loss for the Microwave
Landing System (MLS) Operating on Humped Runways, CTA (subcontract from the
Federal Aviation Administration), 8/89-12/93.
Application of the Finite-Difference, Time-Domain
Approach to aid in the design of low-cost, computer cabinetry that will meet
FCC requirements for Radio Frequency Interference, Digital Equipment Corporation,
Investigation into reflection from terrain and
building surfaces as applied to Microwave Landing System Modeling, CTA (subcontract
from the Federal Aviation Administration), 7/92-9/92.
Capability Enhancement of the COSITE Computer Model
for Use in Air-Ground Communications Facility Design and Telecommunications
Analysis, Information Systems and Networks, Inc. (subcontract from the Federal
Aviation Administration), 10/90-3/92.
Enhancement of FAA Modeling Capabilities, Pabon, Sims, Smith & Associates (subcontract from the
Federal Aviation Administration), 2/87-2/88.
Enhancement of FAA Modeling Capabilities,
Information Systems and Networks, Inc. (Subcontract from the Federal Aviation
Administration, 11/86- 11/87.
Development of a Graphics-Oriented,
Finite-Difference, Time-Domain Code in the C Programming Language, Microsoft
Corporation, Summer, 1988.
Modeling and Validation of VOR and TACAN Errors
Resulting from Near Zone Parasitic Scatterers, Graph-Tech, Inc. (subcontract
from the Federal Aviation Administration), 11/84-8/85
VHF Omni-Range Maintainability and Course Accuracy,
Federal Aviation Administration, 4/85-8/85
Modeling and Validation of VHF Air Ground
Communications Coverage in the Presence of Long Range Radar Antennas, Ohio
University, Graph-Tech, Inc. (subcontract from the Federal Aviation Administration,
Microwave Landing System (MLS) Critical Areas Investiga tion,
OhioUniversity, Federal Aviation
Administration, 9/83-11/84
Extension and Validation of the Geometrical Theory
of Diffraction Propagation Model, OhioUniversity, Electromagnetic CompatibilityAnalysisCenter
via Southeastern Center for Electrical Engineering Education, 6/82-1/83
Delivery of GTD Glide Slope Model and Opera tions
Manual, OhioUniversity,
Government of India,
Study of Glide Slope Signal Derogation Due to
Presence of Aircraft Near Glide Slope Critical Area, Federal Aviation Administration
Interference Measurements on Emissions from Industrial, Scientif ic, and
Medical (ISM) Equipment and Their Effects on ILS Localizer Receiv er Perfor mance,
Federal Aviation Administration
Development of Ground to Air Coverage Area
Prediction for VHF/UHF Commu nications, Federal Aviation Administration
Other research efforts include: A
centralized computer monitor system for O Hare Airport (FAA); Development of
the Memory Aided Phase Lock Loop (MAPLL) for use in low freq uency
navigation for NASA; Development of a mathematical model and computer simula tion
for the Memory-Aided, Phase Lock Loop (MAPLL) for the Naval Avionics Facility
in Indianapolis; Evalua tion of Omega navigation receivers for the U.S. Coast
Guard; Investigation of snow effects on the ILS Glide Slope.Consulting (abbreviated)
Remcom, Inc.: Provide engineering support and analysis relating to
electromagnetics modeling efforts.
New Hampshire Public Television: Performed a signal
coverage study as a pre-pilot program to implement datacasting for public
safety applications.
KAI, Inc.: Performed FDTD analysis of heating effects of an
antenna positioned in oil-bearing soil.
Penn State Applied Research Labs: Performed a preliminary
study of coastal effects on HF propagation using FDTD and investigated the use
of GTD for HF air-ground propagation modeling.
City of Willoughby, Ohio: Provided technical and administrative support for
the procurement, flight testing, and installation of a VOR navigation aid.
Raytheon Service Company: Evaluated an existing computer
model of mono-pulse radar perfor mance in a space-frame radome.
Information Systems & Networks Corporation: Aided in
specifying a frequency management strategy for siting multi-channel, air-ground
communication facilities.
Pacific Telecommunications Corporation, Alaskom
Division: Investigated radiation patterns for meteor burst
communication systems. This effort included computer simula tion and airborne
data collection for directional 40 MHz. systems operating in the pres ence of
irregular terrain.
General Electric Company: Analytical and computer modeling
study to access magnetic field behavior due to currents on irregular surfaces.Memberships
IEEE (Senior Member): Antennas and
Propagation Society and Electromagnetic Compat i bility Society, Sigma Xi, Tau
Beta Pi, Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society (ACES), and International
Union of Radio Scientists URSI)Honors
Awarded a Fulbright Distinguished
Chair in 2000
Received a UNH Industrial Research
Consulting Center Research Award
Awarded a Fulbright Fellowship in
1993, but was unable to accept because a family member could not take a
requisite vaccine.
Received the Radio Technical
Commission for Aeronautics William E. Jackson Award presented by the FAA Administrator
Professional Service
Associate Editor for IEEE
Transactions on Antennas and Propagation
Associate Editor of the
International Journal for Computing
Proposal Reviewer for National
Science Foundation, the National Institute for Health and the American
Association for the Advancement of Science
Session Chair for numerous IEEE
and URSI conferences
Refereed, Invited, and Award-Winning Papers
Keith Spaulding and Kent Chamberlin,
Measurements Relevant to Electrical Energy Transport Both
On and Off Acupuncture Meridians, February 2011, Journal of Complementary and
Alternative Medicine.
Kent Chamberlin, Intermodulation
Product Interference: Theory and Practice, Keynote Address, International
Conference on Communications & Computing (ICCC '10), Chennai, India, April
Benjamin McMahon, Kent Chamberlin
& Scott Valcourt, Datacasting in the Mobile
Environment, Journal of Networks,
Issue 7, 2008.
Jason Chan, K. Sivaprasad, and Kent
Chamberlin, Modeling Frequency-Dependent Stripline Losses at High
Frequencies, IEEE Trans. Packaging
Materials, March 2007
Kent Chamberlin and Shahaji Bhosle, A Robust Solution for Preprocessing
Terrain Profiles for Use with Ray-Tracing Propagation Models, IEEE Trans. on Antennas & Propagation,
October 2004
Chamberlin and Maxim Khankin,
Measuring the Impact of In-Vehicle-Generated EMI on VHF Radio Reception in an
Unshielded Environment, Proceedings of the 2004 International Symposium on
Electromagnetic Compatibility and winner of an Excellence of the Presented Papers
Award, Sendai, Japan
Chamberlin and Dragan Vidacic,
Analysis of Finite-Differencing Errors to Determine Cell Size When Modeling
Ferrites and other Lossy Electric and Magnetic Materials Using FDTD, IEEE Trans. on
Electromagnetic Compatibility, November 2004
Todd S. Gross, Kevin G. Soucy,
Ebrahim Andideh, and Kent Chamberlin, Detection of Plasma-Induced, Nanoscale Dielectric Constant Variations in Carbon-Doped
CVD Oxides by Electrostatic Force Microscopy, Journal of Applied Physics, 35 (2002) pg. 723-728.
Todd S. Gross, Christopher M. Prindle, Kent Chamberlin, Nazri bin
Kamsah, and Yuanyan Wu,
"Two-dimensional, electrostatic finite element study of tip-substrate
interactions in electric force Microscopy of high density interconnect
structures," Ultramicroscopy
Journal, 87 (2001) pg. 147-154
Kent Chamberlin, Mikhailo Seledtsov, and Petar Horvatic, "Modeling Large and Small-Scale Fading on the DPSK Datalink Channel Using a GTD Ray-Tracing
Model", invited paper, Proceedings of, the 2000 Applied Computa tional
Electromagnetics Symposium, Monterey, Califor nia.
Jennifer Bernhard, Kent
Chamberlin and Chris Williamson, "A Student Perspective
on an Internet-Based Synchronous Distance Learning Course Experience," The Journal of the American Association of
Engineering Education, January, 2000.
Bruce Archambeault, Kent
Chamberlin and Omar Ramahy, "EMC
Modeling of Shielded Enclosures with Apertures and Attached Wires in a
Real-World Environment", Journal of the Applied Computational
Electromagnetics Society
Kent Chamberlin, Terrain-Effect Modeling
Using the Geometrical Theory of Diffraction, invited paper, The Radio Science
Bulletin, International Union of Radio Science, March, 1997.
Chamberlin, An Automated Approach for Implementing GTD to Model
2-Dimensional Terrain Effects at Microwave Frequencies, IEEE Transactions on
Electromagnetic Compatibility, February, 1996
Chamberlin and Lauchlan Gordon,
Modeling Good Conductors Using the Finite-Differ ence, Time-Domain Tech nique,
Transactions on Electromagnetic Compati bility, Vol. 37, No. 2, May,
Chamberlin, Ken Komisarak, and
Kondagunta Sivaprasad, A Method of Moments Solution to the Twisted-Pair
Transmission Line, IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compati bility, February,
Chamberlin, Overview
of Terrain-Effect Modeling Using the Geometrical Theory of Diffraction,
Invited Paper, Proceedings of the 1994 Beyond Line of Sight Conference, University of Texas, August, 1994.
Chamberlin, Applications For Theory of Re-Radiation By
Non-Linearly Terminated Antennas, Invited Paper, Proceedings of, the 1993
URSI/IEEE Symposium, Kyoto,
R. Luebbers, K. Kunz, and K.
Chamberlin, An FDTD Analysis of Transient Response
from Non-Linearly Terminated Scatterers, IEEE Transactions on
Antennas and Propagation,
Vol. 41, no. 5, May 1993.
Chamberlin, Kent, Computer Modeling Of MLS Signal Strength in The Presence Of
Runway Hump Shadowing, Invited Paper, Proceedings of ANTEM 92 Sympo sium on
Antenna Technology and Applied Electromagnetics, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, August, 1992.
Chamberlin, Jarrett Morrow, and Raymond
Luebbers, Frequency-Domain and FDTD
Predictions of Harmonic Radiation by Nonlinearly-Terminated Dipole, IEEE Trans ac tions on Electromagnetic
Compatibility, November, 1992.
Luebbers, R.J., Kunz, K.S., and
Chamberlin, K., Finite-Difference, Time-Domain
Solution to the Wave Equation for Classroom Applications, IEEE Transactions on
Education, November, 1989 (Special Edition on Electromag netics).
Chamberlin, Kent A., Quantitative
Analysis of Intermodulation Product Interference, IEEE Transactions on
Electromagnetic Compatibility, Novem ber, 1989.
Chamberlin, Kent A., The
Effect of Tree Cover on Air Ground, VHF, Propagation Path Loss, IEEE Transactions on
Communications, September, 1986
Chamberlin, Kent A. and
Luebbers, Raymond J., An Evaluation of Longley- Rice and GTD Propagation
Models, IEEE
Transactions on Anten nas and Propagation, AP 30, No. 6, Novem ber,
Conference Papers (abbreviated)
Todd Gross and Kent Chamberlin, Low Cost, High Bandwidth, and Non-Intrusive
Machining Force Measurement System, Proceedings of 2011 NSF Engineering
Research and Innovation Conference, Atlanta, Georgia
Dan Brogan and Kent Chamberlin, Comparison of Single-Fre quency Monopulse Techniques that Mimic the Results of Multiple-F requency,
Single-Ape rture Interferom etry, 159th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of
America, Baltimore, MD, April 2010
Dan Brogan and Kent Chamberlin,
Phase and Amplitude Monopulse Techniques to Increase
the Accuracy of Within-Beam Bearing Estimates of Volume Scatterers, 158th
Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, October 2009, San Antonio, TX
Daniel S. Brogan and Kent A.
Chamberlin, Use
of Within-Beam Mapping in Conjunction with Kalman
Filtering to Improve Angle of Arrival Estimation Accuracy in Multi-beam
Echo-Sounding, 158th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, October
2009, San Antonio, TX
Kent Chamberlin, Andrew
Kun, Scott Valcourt and Benjamin McMahon, Evaluation of Datacasting in the
Mobile Environment,, Invited presentation, the 2008 International Wireless Communications
Expo in Las Vegas, February 2008
Scott A. Valcourt, Pushpa
Datla, Kent Chamberlin, Benjamin McMahon, Information Integration for Public
Safety Officers, in Proceedings of the SPIE Defense & Security Conference,
Orlando, FL, March 2008.
Scott A. Valcourt, Pushpa
Datla, Kent Chamberlin, Benjamin McMahon, Using Two-Way Datacasting to Deliver
Real-Time Public Safety Information, in Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE International
Conference on Technologies for Homeland Security, Boston, MA, May 2008.
Kent Chamberlin,
Christopher Glynn, Kondagunta Sivaprasad, "Transmission Line Axon Model
for Acupuncture Therapy," Invited, presented at the 2007 North American
Radio Science Meeting, Ottawa, ON, Canada.
Kent Chamberlin, Andrew
Kun, Benjamin McMahon, Scott Valcourt, "Measuring Datacast Channel
Characteristics for the Mobile Environment," Invited, presented at the
2007 North American Radio Science Meeting in Ottawa, ON, Canada.
Scott A. Valcourt, Kent
Chamberlin, Benjamin McMahon and Andrew Kun, Systems Engineering of
Datacasting for Public Safety Vehicles, 2007 IEEE Conference on Technologies
for Homeland Security, Woburn,
Kent Chamberlin, Scott A.
Valcourt, Benjamin McMahon and Andrew Kun, "M