Personal Resume
Personal Data: Name:Nationality:The social situation: Addresses: E-mail: Dr. Saleh Abdullah Rasheed Al-Mezel SaudiMarriedP. O. Box 100420 Jeddah 21311 Mobile: *******************@*****.***
Current Position: - Associate Professor of Mathematics.
- Vice President for Academic Affairs (University of Tabuk)
Department: Mathematics Department, King Abdul Aziz University.
Degrees: 199*-****-**** B.Sc. (King Abdul Aziz University) Master of Philosophy (Swansea - UK)M.Phil title: Generalisation of the Banach-Stone theorem Doctor of Philosophy (Cardiff - UK)Ph.D. title: Trace Theorems for Sobolev spaces on domains with piecewise smooth
boundaries (Functional analysis)
Appointments: 199*-****-**** 199*-****-**** 2006 - 200*-****-**** - Teacher, Ministry of Education. Teaching Assistant, King Abdul Aziz University. Assistant Professor, King Abdul Aziz University.Associate Professor of Mathematics.Dean of Admission and Registration (University of Tabuk)Vice President for Academic Affairs (University of Tabuk)
Conferences / workshops Attended:1- "A workshop on Computation and Analytic Problems in Spectral Theory" Wales, Gregynog, 11-16-July 1999.2- "A workshop on International Society for Analysis, its Applications and Computation" Italy, Padova, July 2002.3- "A workshop on ICDL" Virgina Tech, USA, July 2005.4- "A workshop on Designing and delivering effective instruction for distance learning" Virgina Tech, USA, August 2005.5- "A workshop on The higher education teacher concoction " Jeddah, King Abdulaziz University 26/11/056- "ISO 9000:2000 Series Foundation Training Course" Jeddah, June 2006.7- "Internal Quality Management System (QMS) and Auditor Training Course" Jeddah, 2006.
8- TheISAAC(International Society for Analysis, its Applications and Computation) board, the Turkish Mathematical Society Ankara. 13-18 Aug. 2007.
Professional Affiliations:
1- Member, Academic Accreditation in mathematics department, 20042- Coordinator, Mathematics (Calculus II), 2004, 2005/2006, 2007-3- Member, Quality Management program (Science Collage), 20064- Member, Mathematics Lap. 20045- Coordinator, Mathematics Lap. 20076- Member, Development and Academic Accreditation in Science College, 2007.7- Member, The preparation of the final report of the College, 2007.8- Vice President for Academic Affairs (University of Tabuk) 2010.9- Dean of Admission and Registration (University of Tabuk) 2008-2010.10- Member of the Standing Committee of the Scientific Affairs and upgrades of the Scientific Council of the University of Tabuk 200911- Chairman of the Standing Committee to develop curricula and lesson plans at the University of Tabuk 2010 12- A member of the Standing Committee for Student Disciplinary University in Tabuk 200813- A member of the Standing Committee for the preparation of the annual report of the University of Tabuk 200914- A member of the Advisory Standing Committee at the University of Tabuk 200915- Member of the Standing Committee of the Supreme Supervisory restructuring education at the University of Tabuk 2008.16- Member of the Council of the University of Tabuk in 1429 so far.17- Chairman of the Standing Committee on branches at the University of Tabuk in 1432 so far.18- Chairman of the Standing Committee for the preparatory year at the University of Tabuk for the year 1432 so far19- Chairman of the Standing Committee of the cooperative and the burden of study at the University of Tabuk in 1432 so far20- Member of the Standing Committee Admission and Registration at the University of Tabuk in 142*-******- Chairman and member of the Standing Committee of Academic Affairs at the University of Tabuk in 1429 so far.
Electronic Databases
University of Tabuk 2006