should a resume have a "Reason for Leaving" line? general resume assessment request
Feb 6, 2006 at 5:01 pm
1. Please note my "rules" about the first page and last five years.
2. I am referring to long experience resumes.
3. Generally 11 pt font is used to bring a resume to 3 or 2 pages. 10
point is used to get resume to one or two pages.
Larson J. Rider
408-***-**** office
408-***-**** cell - after hours
Original Message
From: Adrian Howard
Sent: Monday, February 06, 2006 8:51 AM
To: L-Perl-Jobs-Discuss
Subject: Re: should a resume have a "Reason for Leaving" line? general
resume assessment request
On 6 Feb 2006, at 16:29, Larson Rider wrote:
You make some good points, but some of your absolutes aren't.As I said "my personal biases" :-)
That said, my doleful rants down the pub on the occasions when I've had
to wade through CVs usually get grumbles of agreement from fellow
Font, I agree with a 12 point for this resume due to a lot of white
space, however 11 point is now common, even 10 point if there are
large blocks of text.If it's common I've not seen it. Somebody sends me several pages of 10pt
text then it's going to go straight in the bin :-)
It's not just the legibility issue. If somebody gives me four pages of
10pt text then I /know/ they are giving me far too much information and
don't know how to communicate succinctly.
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Adrian Howard: As I said "my personal biases" :-) That said, my doleful rants down the pub on the occasions when I've had to wade through CVs usually get grumbles of agreement from fellow sufferers. If it's common I've not seen it. Somebody sends me several pages of 10pt text then it's going to go straight in the bin :-) It's not just the legibility issue. If somebody gives me four pages of 10pt text then I /know/ they are giving me far too much information and don't know how to communicate succinctly. Adrian
Follow upsAdrian Howard: On 6 Feb 2006, at 16:58, Larson Rider wrote: [snip] [snip] The right way to reduce a resume to one to two pages is to cut material - not reduce the font size. The reason for people saying "2 pages max" is to reduce the amount of information - not the point size :-) AdrianLarson Rider: Todd. excellent points. I agree, The synopsis I speak of is a very short paragraph telling the reader what they are about to read and guiding them to your strengths. One pet peeve I have about resumes is when a technology list is used and the technology is not re expressed in the resume. Makes the list practically worthless. I do not recommend technology / skill lists. Put them in each job is generally better. I have found that most people do not know how to write a cover letter. I suggestLarson Rider: Todd, I agree that a list should be brief and should be repeated in the body of the resume. I like the list to have skill levels next to the skills with years of experience, but I hate the whole frat page to be devoted to such a list. I have found most hiring managers love my short cover letters because it tells then exactly why I sent that candidate, and why they are interested. About listing technologies "around" a candidate... Fastest way to bomb in an interview is to list technologies that
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