R esume
Jack Y. Edelstein, Ph.D.
**** ****** **., * ** Arbor, M I 48105
Tel: 734-***-**** email: j ***@*****.***
• An ability to communicate effectively in building collaborations and solving p roblems,
• A deep understanding of challenges and opportunities to attaining sustainability,
• A willingness to question conventional thinking and to move forward with action-centric
p rograms, inspired by an entrepreneurial mindset
P rofessional Experience
Energy Conservation Liaison
J anua ry 2008 - present
Planet Blue, Office of Campus Sustainability, The University of M ichigan
Ann Arbor, M I
w ww.planetblue.umich.edu
Responsible for engaging faculty, staff, and students throughout U M Campus regarding
best practices for sustainability and energy conservation behavior:
• Cultivate awareness about energy and sustainability via outreach and education
• Provide campus-wide sustainability t raining emphasizing energy conservation and
• Helped achieve a 13% reduction in utili ties consumption in 68 buildings
Founder / Owner 2003 –
( under contract management since 2008)
p resent
JonesWoods Properties L LC
Ann Arbor, M I
w ww.JonesWoods.com
• Designed and built first L EED certified residence in Ann Arbor – August, 2007
Executive Di rector
2000 - 2002
US-Israel Science and Technology Foundation (USISTF)
Washington, DC
w ww.Usistf.or g
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• Collaborated with scientists, business leaders, and government officials to increase
opportunities for bi-lateral technology commercialization
Managing D i rector ( 50%)
MBA Domestic Corps, University of Michigan Ross School of Business
Ann Arbor, M I
• Worked with nonprofits throughout the US to enhance their capabilities via student
i nternships
Lecturer ( 50%)
U niversity of M ichigan Ross School of Business
• Taught business plan wri ting to graduate, undergraduate, and executive education
s tudents
Senior Consultant 1992
– 1995
Formative Evaluation Research Associates (FERA),
A nn Arbor, M I
w ww.feraonline.com
• Designed survey instruments and led evaluations of educational and social service
p rograms
E ducation
Post-Doctoral Research Fellow
T ECHN ION Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel
PhD in U rban, Technological, and Envi ronmental Planning (UTEP)
1984 - 1991
University of M ichigan, Ann Arbor
• Dean’s Honor List
• Rackham Dissertation Fellow
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M asters of U rban Planning (M UP)
College of Architecture and Urban Planning, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
• Graduate Teaching Assistant, Dean’s List
Bachelor of Science in Landscape Architectu re
1972 - 1976
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Selected Publications & P resentations
E delstein, Jack “Promoting Sustainable Behavior with Desk Lamps: Results of a Pilot
S tudy”, forthcoming.
Edelstein, Jack Y, Marans, Robert W, “Awareness, concern and intent as antecedents of
energy conservation behavior”, (in review).
Marans, R, Edelstein, J “The Human Dimension of Energy Conservation & Sustainability:
A Case Study of the University of M ichigan’s Energy Conservation Program”, Journal of
Sustainability in H igher Education, Volume 11, N umber 1, 2010.
“Campus-wide strategy for Energy Conservation: Case Study of the University of
M ichigan”, ACPA Institute on Sustainability, Harvard University, June, 2009.
“Promoting sustainable behavior with motion sensing power strips and desk lamps” AASHE
A nnual Conference, 2010, Denver, CO.
P resident of the Board 1995-
HERO - Homeless Empowerment Relationship Organization
Ann Arbor, M I
w ww.hero-usa.org
Helped establish a program to provide one-on-one mentoring for homeless or at-r isk adults
and families. Recruited board members and volunteers, helped attain financial stability
t hrough grants and fund raising events – including an annual benefit featuring nationally
renowned comic Louie Anderson.
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Secretary of the Board
Ann Arbor Holocaust Memorial Foundation, Ann Arbor, M I
Project to erect a Holocaust memorial on the University of Michigan, designed by
i nternationally renowned artist Leonard Baskin. Coordinated $340,000 capital campaign
culminating in a benefit concert featuring violinist Isaac Stern.
Dr. David E Cole, Chairman
Center for Automotive Research
Ann Arbor, M I
[Chair of Dissertation Committee]
Lar ry Crockett
The University of M ichigan (retired)
[Former boss at U M]
Kevin Perkins, Team Leader
Planet Blue Program
Darshan Karwat, PhD. candidate
Aerospace Engineering & Environmental Policy
University of M ichigan
[Leader of Student Sustainability Ini tiative]
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