BFA in Graphic Design/
Mason Gross School of Arts/ Rutgers State University/ NJ/
Honored with Magna cum Laude/
//ME// I would like to think of myself as a liberal designer; with a growing
Let me describe myself in a passion towards new ideas and reformed thinking. With a refined
highly disciplined form of knowledge of design development, conceptual progression and
Japanese Poetry/ haiku: interesting marketing techniques, I perform my best to keep up with
creatively bold/ current industry standards.
instinctive in designing/ SUPER-HERO DESIGNER (I’d like to think of myself as one):
radically wild/ The design industry needs a visionary thinker, radical and enterprising.
I am your perfect fit. Challenge me, and I will strap on my cape, meet
//SOFTWARE// and overcome every obstacle that crosses my path to a future as a
MAC and PC savvy successful designer. Here’s a haiku that best describes what sort of a
Adobe Creative Suite 4 worker I am:
Corel Draw
Quark Express Thrive on challenges/
Microsoft Office Suite Year 2005, age 18; an epic relocation.
Quickbooks If you have an opportunity to live alone, work, and study, in a foreign
Rental Tracker country, not to take it would be a colossal fail. I moved to the States
from India; one of the most exciting things I’ve done yet. Scary, yet
//VISA STATUS// challenging. Working part-time and studying full-time, I found success
Permanent Resident/ No visa in my educational endeavors. Presently, the challenges of job hunting
sponsorship required has its own motivating outcome.
Dexterity in workspace/
President’s List/ 5.2008 -
Imaginative and artistic, I demonstrate strong versatility at my job. I
p.Assistant Scholarship/
create bold, instinctive and radical designs, with meticulous attention to
5.2008National Society of
detail, that embodies my personality. Resourceful and a skilled multi-
Collegiate Scholars member/
tasker, I have trained myself to be the perfect fit for the design
1.2008 - p.
environment. 4 years of freelancing has given me a resilient zest for
Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society
graphic design.
member/ 9.2007 - present
Highly passionate/ end of haiku
My core strength lies with print designing, particularly focusing on
typography, composition, layout, and color. However, I do explore new
realms of design, constantly move from one contemporary mode to
another, changing and adapting to the design timeline.
What am I looking for?
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The right opportunity to showcase my talent. I am on an optimistic
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wild goose chase; sort of being at the right place at the right time. If
you have an open position, I am your designer.
Contact me. I am only a phonecall/email/ping away from your desk.
Graphic Designer Intern/
Exit Art/ 10.2010 - present
Providing graphic design
assistance at Exit Art, an Brochure Designs/ InDesign and Illustrator/
internationally known non- 01 New Jersey Astronomy Center/ 1.2007 - 12.2009/
profit cultural center in New I created colorful and captivating brochures that promoted the
York City. Working directly Planetarium shows, appealing to the general public of all ages. Mailed
under Papo Colo, a well out to over 6000 in and around New Jersey for 3 consecutive years.
known interdisciplinary
artist and a graphic designer, 02 Piano Summer Workshop/ 1.2009/
I assist in designing the A unique summer camp filled with music and fun required a printed
posters and emailers for brochure, heavy on content and pictures, that is creative and
upcoming art shows. informational. I created a triptych that captured the lively atmosphere of
the camp where children of different ages composed and performed music
Graphic Designer and with various instruments.
Administrative Assistant/
New Jersey Astronomy 03 Devere Music/ 2.2010/
Center/ 1.2006 - 1.2010/ Two aspiring pianist, jazz and classical, who perform at weddings,
4 years working at receptions, corporate events, fundraisers wanted to promote their musical
the Museum of Raritan skills. I created a sophisticated bifold that incorporated the layout and font
Valley Community College of classical background and the colors of a mellowed jazz“ness”.
Planetarium provided me
with extensive knowledge Web-based Ad Designs/ InDesign, Illustrator and Photoshop
in creating interesting
and eye-catching marketing 01 Speak Music/ 6.2010
collaterals. Beginning Princeton International Academy Charter School pianists and violinists
as the Administrative wanted to promote their unique classes. An ad was created, e-mailed out
Assistant, I soon became the to the public in and around Princeton, designed bi-lingually in English
official Graphic Designer and Mandarin.
at the facility, designing
their identity, their 02 Pearl Observatory/ 12.2009
promotional brochures and An amateur astronomer running a travelling science museum, visiting
postcards and several schools and colleges with his fascinating collection of fossils and portable
museum installations. planetarium wanted to send out e-mailers to thousands of schools across
the country. With the combination of stimulating images and bold
typography, I called out to teachers, getting them interested in the
extensive curriculum Pearl Observatory offers.
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With interning and freelancing experience, I have a strong craving for a full-fledged creative adventure where I
can learn new aspects of graphic design and implicate them in my future endeavors.
Junior Designer/ Identity and Installation Designs/
The Lawrenceville School/ 01 Installation Designs/ New Jersey Astronomy Center/
1 - 5.2007/ 9 - 12.2007/ 2.2008 and 10.2008/ Mixed Media
Worked on three The Museum required colorful and striking displays that illustrates the birth
issues of the school’s and death of stars. I created a three-piece display, hand-made in
quarterly magazines. Job wooden/glass cases, using various media including foam boards, cotton,
responsibilities also glow-in-the-dark paints and black lights. It captured the attention of young
included assisting the Art adults for its appealing colors and captivating layout.
Director with designing
school catalogue, photo 02 Identity Design/ New Jersey Astronomy Center/ 9.2006/
color corrections, research Illustrator
assistance and organizing For a long time, the facility had no identity of its own. Being the official
and sorting. graphic designer, I took it upon myself to create a few mock-ups and proposed
them to the Director. Interested by the ideas I had projected, he asked me to
Freelance Designer/ take it up as a freelance project. The logo chosen was displayed in their
5.2006 - present/ website, promotional collagerals, mugs, bookmarks and t-shirts.
While looking for a full-
time position as a Graphic
Designer, freelancing keeps
me creatively in-tune with
the design industry.
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