A nth ony Melendez
*** **** ****** ** * *G, B rooklyn, N Y 11206
E ducation September 2004-June 2008
Metropolitan Coop Academy H igh School
Cour ses: Academic
Brooklyn, N Y
Work Experience:
Madison Interiors November 2009 –
Office Staff
. Assist staff with administrative duties as requested.
.Copy, assemble and mail Board packets
.Assist with completion of necessary tasks as requested.
.Produced mailing labels and reports as requested.
Political Campaign for 53r d Assembly Male District Leader J une 2010 – September
.Volunteered as required including door to door canvasser
.Meet and greet with staff and office volunteers
.Copy, assemble and mail Board packets
J M J Wendy's Corpora t i on JFK International Airport April, 2007 -November,
Crew Member
.Complied with health and safety regulations
.Complied with all Wendy's policies and procedures.
.Provided quality products and services in a clean and safe environment to each and every customer.
Register operator
Food preparation
Mc Donald Food Corporation, Brooklyn NY Nov, 2005 – April 2007
Crew Member
Worked the cash r egi ster at designated schedules
Assisted with the f ood p r eparation
Compli ed w ith all h ealth regulat i ons
. Complied with all McDonalds policies and procedures
. Provided great customer service
A nth ony Melendez
760 park avenue Ap t 2G, B rooklyn, N Y 11206
A l l Sa ints Roman Catholic Church, Brooklyn NY J ul y, 2005 - J ul y 2007
Maint enance & Office Assi stant
.Maintain and update filing, inventory, mailing, and database systems, either manually or using a
F axing/copying m achin e
D ata E ntry / E ntered infor mation into church database
H andle phones/screen call s
Mainta i ned cleanlin ess of t he premi ses.
M ade mi n or repairs as necessar y.
.Deliver messages and run errands.
K now ledge of M i crosoft Off ice Suite 2000: Word, Ex cel . T y pin g, F ilin g, Data Entr y
Customer ser vice t r ain i n g cer t i f icat e
8 hour s secu r i t y guard t rai n ing certif i cate
.Ability to work f lexible schedules
.Ability to take direction and work well with others as well as accomplish multiple tasks
R eferences:
L inda Pittari -1-609-***-****
Joe Sol ano/ Madison In teriors -1-917-***-****
St ev e/Wendy’s JFK -1-718-***-****
Kar en/McDonalds -1-718-***-****
A nth ony Melendez
760 park avenue Ap t 2G, B rooklyn, N Y 11206
Rob Solano/ Churches United for Fair Housing 347-***-****