S herida F reeman
G reenville, SC 29607
864-***-**** ( Home)
864-***-**** (Cell)
E xperience
Assistant Manager, Blockbuster Video
Februa ry 1999 - Apr il 2006
• Opened and closed store
• R econciled daily deposits
• Placed orders to restocked merchandise and handled
r eceiving of products
• Managed payroll, Scheduling, Reports, Email, I nventory,
D ata ent ry, T rained employees
• Great customer service,
• H andled plan-o-grams, Sales
Health Care Aid, I nte rim Health Care
July 2008 - August 2009
• P rovided customer service for clients
• Cooked, Cleaned, Assisted with hygiene and ambulation
• Ran er rands, P rovided t ransportation, Followed universal
p recautions
Me rchandising Rep, Acosta Sets and P rojects
D ecember 2008 - Cu r rent
• Set plan-o-grams, Resets sections, Cut-in new product,
S ales
• Complete assignment by scheduled dates, P roduct recall,
D ata collection
• N ew Store Me rchandising Setups, Auditing,
D emonstrations
• O'Bannon H igh School, Greenville MS
Computer Skills
• B asic computer skills, M icrosoft wor ks task launcher and
I n te rnet