Simone Basilio
407-***-**** ********@*******.***
P rofile
E n t h usiast ic and self-mot iva ted p rofessional w i t h 20+ yea rs of expe r ience
i n techn ical suppo r t, web design/developmen t, desk top publ ish i ng and
i nst r uc t ional design, w ho is able to:
ma i n t a i n a sense of h umo r u nde r p ressu re, wo r k i ng wel l as a tem playe r
o r i n dependen t ly,
meet p rofessional obl igat ions t h rough eff icien t wo r k hab i ts, p r io r i t i z i ng
a nd delega t i ng t asks, hono r i ng schedu les, and coord i n a t i ng r esou rces i n
a n effect ive and t i mely man ner,
commun ica te wel l ac ross al l levels of t he organ iza t ion w h i le being able
t o p resen t i nfo r m a t ion to execut ive and techn ical aud iences.
Recognized by U C F facul ty and staff membe rs fo r outstand i ng custome r
ser v ice and exceedi ng expecta t ions.
Skills Summa ry
Project Authorware
M anagement WebCT
Inst ructional Visio
Design Windows Movie
Web Design & M aker
Development Captivate
Database design
ADA Section 508
Needs analysis
Cold Fusion
Page Maker /
I nDesign
I l lustrator
MS Office
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Simone Basilio
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Employment H istory
UCF Institute for simulation and t raining 5/06 – present
P roject lead on t he developmen t and r edesign of E-Lea r n i ng fo r Sta te
a nd Fede r a l g r a n ts
Pe r fo r m ance of needs assessmen t and del i neat ion of p roject scope and
t i mef r ame
Supe r v ision of h u ma n r esou rces to assu re qual i t y and accompl ishmen t of
p roject goals and m i lestones
Resea rch and d i ff usion of i n dust r y standa r d E-Lea r n i ng technology
a mong team membe rs.
I m p lemen t a t ion of qual i t y assu ra nce p rocedu res fo r cou rse developmen t
Documen t a t ion, mon i to r i ng and follow-up of cou rse developmen t.
Qual i t y assu ra nce and r ev ie w of f i na l p roducts.
Technical Editor
Florida Foreign Language Association 2003 – present
Fo r m a t t i ng and placemen t of a r t icles and adve r t isemen ts t ha t compose
t he Jou r n a l.
Techn ical rev iew.
E mployment H istory, continued
U CF College of Education 01/00 – 5/06
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Simone Basilio
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Lead develope r on t he design, developmen t and i mplemen t a t ion of
C on ten t M a nagemen t Systems and othe r da t abase d r i ven onl i ne
a ppl ica t ions (Cold F usion, X H T M L, JavaSc r ip t, M S-Access, M ySQ L).
D a t abase design and p rog r am m i ng.
Resea rch and app l ica t ion of best design and coding p r act ices to t he
r edesign of exist i ng web pages i n or de r to max i m ize usabi l i t y and Sect ion
5 08 compl i ance.
Techn ical t r a i n i ng and suppo r t to facu l ty and staff.
Logist ic suppo r t to t he O f f ice of t he Deans on p rojects t h a t i nvolve web
a nd/o r da tabase appl icat ions.
L i a ison bet ween t he College of E d ucat ion and technology serv ice
p rov ide rs.
RWD Techlogy, Cocoa, FL 05/99 - 8/99 and 01/00 - 07/00
JHT Multimedia, Winter Park, FL 08/99 – 03/00
Interative Media, Orlando, FL 01/99 – 05/99 and 03/00 – 06/00
Design and developmen t of onl i ne i nst r uc t iona l ma te r i a ls, quizzes and
i n te r act ive exe rcises
I n teg r a t ion of i nst r uct ional componen ts ( tex t, aud io, v ideo and g r aph ics)
Qual i t y cont rol/qual i t y assu ra nce
Documen t a t ion of p rocedu res
Au t ho r w a r e and web p rog r am m i ng
G r aph ic design fo r web and C D-R O M based t r a i n i ng m a te r i a ls
M ed i a p roduct ion and i n teg r a t ion of i nst r uc t ional componen ts ( tex t,
a ud io, v ideo and g r aph ics)
Computer Systems Analyst
Sul America Seguros – Brazil 6/89 – 9/95
Cia. Atlantic de Petróleo – Brazil 6/88 – 6/89
I ME – Instituto Mi li tar de Engenharia – Brazil 3/87 – 6/88
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Simone Basilio
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Design, developmen t and deploymen t of t r a i n i ng on I B M ma i nf r a me
sof t w a re ( V M/C MS, F O C US, M US I C/SP)
H e lpdesk/t roubleshoot i ng
V M AS/SQL P rog ra m m i ng
Subst i t u te manage r fo r t he H e lpdesk Depa r t men t
University of Central Florida – Orlando, FL
College of Engineering and Computer Sciences
Design for Usability Certificate
In progress
University of Central Florida – Orlando, FL
College of Education
Masters of Ar ts Degree in Instructional Design, 1999
GPA: 4.0/4.0
Universidade Santa Ursula – Rio de Janeiro, RJ – Brazil
College of Engineering
Information Technology Certificate – Pending due to moving to USA
Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro – Rio de Janeiro - Brazil
Systems Analysis Certificate, 1986
Universidade do Eestado do Rio de Janeiro – Rio de Janeiro - Brazil
Computer Programming Certificate, 1985
Universidade Santa Ursula – Rio de Janeiro – Brazil
College of Engineering
Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering, 1984
Portuguese (native), English, good understanding of Spanish.
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