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Training Health

August 19, 2011

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Citizen of the Penobscot Indian Nation

** ***** ***** ****

Indian Island, Maine 04468


Founder and Former Program Coordinator,

Penobscot Nation Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Services Program

Founder and formerly responsible for all aspects of a culturally specific Native victim based

program responding to domestic abuse and violence, sexual assault, teen dating violence and

stalking, delivery of direct services, recruitment and hiring of staff, record keeping, statistical and

data reporting to grant funder, training, education and awareness to community and service

providers,24 hour crisis line coverage, facilitate support group, provide curricula and facilitate

women’s education group. Provide off reservation advocacy to local residential programs that

house both Native and non- Native women. Collaborate with Tribal, State and local Police

Departments, Tribal, Federal and State Courts, Tribal and local Housing Authorities, local non-

profit shelters as well as other Tribal, Federal, State and Local entities that provide services to

victims of Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, Teen Dating Violence and Stalking. Provided

training relative to all aspects of abuse to organizations, Maine National Guard sexual assault

advocates, universities, health care providers, law enforcement and Judiciary. Court

accompaniment, assistance in preparing court forms. Maintained membership in Tribal, National

and State organizations that address the needs of victims of abuse. Grant writing has been a new

challenge for me but after the successful award of funding to begin the DV and SA program for

my Tribe I have collaborated in writing another to specifically address a cultural and linguistic

program for our youth.

Spruce Run Association

Provided advocacy to victims of domestic violence in a supportive and confidential atmosphere,

face to face and on the crisis hot line. Justice System Advocacy Coordinator, peer support and

accountability, file writing, monitor two batterer’s intervention groups, provided assistance by

giving presentations to hot line training participants and other general duties as they relate to the

organization. Penobscot Nation and Northern Penobscot County Services Coordinator with a

focus on specific services needed in and provided to Native community.

Penobscot Indian Nation Services Coordinator, Northern Penobscot County Services


Provided confidential support and advocacy to victims of domestic violence and

their families both Native and non-native, including facilitation of support group, education

group, court accompaniment and advocacy, assisting in crisis hot line training, networking in a

coordinated community response to domestic violence, and provide general outreach and

awareness to the Penobscot Nation.

In Northern Penobscot County- served as an advocate to victims of domestic violence by

providing support and advocacy with the criminal justice system. Served on various local

committees to create awareness and share information to improve services to the community.


President, Board of Directors, National Coalition against Domestic Violence:

Member of: Battered and formally Battered Women’s Caucus and Institute

Women of Color Caucus and Institute

Board Member, National Indigenous Women’s Resource Center

Serve in underserved community seat on the Governors Maine Commission on Domestic

Violence and Sexual Assault

Nominee to the US Attorney General’s Federal Advisory Task Force, (awaiting confirmation)

State of Maine Multi-Cultural Office panelists

Board of Directors, Penobscot Indian Nation Boys and Girls Club

Contractual consultant to the Maine Coalition to End Domestic Violence

Volunteer Wabanaki Mental Health: advocate to victims of abuse

Penobscot Nation Fish and Game vice Chair

Co- founder Wabanaki Coalition to End Abuse with Directors of Passamaquoddy and Maliseet

Tribal Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Programs


Maine Coalition to End Domestic Violence Criminal Justice Committee

Spruce Run Legal Response Group

Spruce Run Community Response Group

Spruce Runs Northern Penobscot County Advocacy Group

S.P.R.I.N.T (a committee formed in Northern Penobscot County through healthy communities

initiatives with the goal of community services providers partnering to address the identified

unmet needs of the citizens )

Northern Penobscot County Networking Group

Penobscot Indian Nation Health Board

Penobscot Nation Constitution Development Committee

Penobscot Nation Land Committee 5 Year tenure with 3 as Chair

Penobscot Nation Personnel Committee

Elder Care Facility development committee

Committee to address appropriate behavior in our Tribal Facilities

Penobscot Nation’s Lending Law Committee

Ad Hoc interview committee for the hiring of a dedicated domestic violence police officer at

Bangor Police department in 2007 and 2008,

Member of Penobscot Nation’s Women’s Advisory Group on domestic abuse

Leadership committee for Project Connect, pilot program for the Maine CDC/DHS ( program

funded by Family Violence Prevention Fund to address women’s reproductive rights, pregnancy

coercion focusing on health care and school based screening and response)

Volunteer: Maine Troop Greeters

Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault specific trainings and education

Spruce Run’s 40 hour direct service hot line training

Maine Coalition against Sexual Assault 40 hot line training

White Buffalo Calf Women’s Society Sexual Assault response training

State of Maine Confidential Address certification

Muskie School Victim Witness Academy

Emerge Model, Batterers Intervention Training (certified to facilitate and monitor batterer

intervention programs)

Predominant Aggressor Train the Trainer at the Maine Criminal Justice Academy (certified to

train police departments)

Praxis International Safety and Accountability Training (certified to conduct systems audit)

Sacred Circle’s Native Women are Sacred Training

Stalking in Indian Country/and OVC Tribal Victims Program

Domestic Violence and Mental Health Diversity (Maine DHHS Training and Conference)

Maine Coalition to End Domestic Abuse/Department of Corrections, Training for the proper

writing of Protection from Abuse Orders

Maine Department of Corrections bail commissioners training

DOJ/OVW Grant pre-application workshop

DOJ/OVW New Grantee Conference


Maine Department of Health and Human Services, cultural diversity conference

Maine National Guard sexual assault advocacy programs

University of Maine Women’s Studies Program

Hutchinson center Women’s Studies and Social Worker Classes

Spruce Run’s Hot Line Training for Volunteers and Associates

Maine Coalition against Sexual Assault hot line training

University of Maine at Augusta ITV class

UMO Social Work ITV Class

Husson University/women’s studies

Statewide school based trainings

Maine domestic violence programs child protective liaisons to the State Department of Human


University of Maine Men against violence program

Facilitator/ Co-facilitator:

Penobscot Nation Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Support Group

Penobscot Nation Education Group

Ruth Jewell, Enrolled Citizen of the Penobscot Indian Nation of Indian Island, Maine

President, Board of Directors, National Coalition Against Domestic Violence

Member, Maine State Commission on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault

Member Board of Directors, Region IV, National Indigenous Women’s Resource

Center, INC

Member Wabanaki Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Abuse

Member Board of Directors Penobscot Indian Nation Boys and Girls Club

Consultant to MCEDV on Cultural Competency Trainings

Certified Train the Trainer, Predominant Aggressor Identification in DV Cases: Maine

S tate Police Academy

Certified Application Assistant, Address Confidentiality Program: State of Maine,

Secretary of State Office

Specialized Training in the following areas:

40 Hour Domestic Violence Hot Line

40 Hour Sexual Assault Services Crisis Line

P roject Development and Pre Application Workshop /DOJ OVW

F Y 2009 Grants to T ribal Governments Orientation program

Elder Abuse and Stalking In Indian Count ry/ OVC

Elder Justice Victim Centered Response to Abuse Later in Life

Praxis International Safety and Accountability Audit

Assessing Sexual Assault within Indian T ribes

T ribal Victims Services

Penquis Law Project: Addressing DV in our legal systems

Indian Nations Conference: Justice for Victims of Crime

DOJ T ribal Consultation: Ending Violence

DOJ/OVC/TTAC Sexual Assault Advocacy and Counseling Training

Coordinated Community Response to Sexual Assault in Indian Count ry

Bar r iers to Safety for People Affected by Abuse

Criminal Justice Systems Advocacy

American Indian and Alaska Native Long Term Care (Honoring our Elders)

Domestic Violence and Mental Health (Cultural Perspectives)

Department of Corrections Batterer In tervention Program Standards and Coordinated

Community Response

Confidentiality, Mental Health, Substance Abuse, Responding to Subpoenas, working with

v ictims with disabilit ies,

Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect

Trauma Services relating to Domestic Violence

Victim Assistance Academy

Building Grassroots Leadership for Social Justice

Counseling Abusers/Emerge

Profile and Behavioral Characteristics of Abusive Men

Women, Substance Abuse and the Criminal Justice System

The Guardians Ad Li tem Role in Parental Rights and Responsibilities

Stalking In tervention and Investigation In Maine

Addressing the Issue of Human Trafficking

Maine Youth Suicide Prevention Program

Grant Writer

Consolidated Tribal Assistance Grants peer reviewer


U niversity of Maine Women’s Studies

Maine and New Hampshire Victim Witness Academy

University of Maine Policy Students

University of Maine Social Work Students

University of Maine Women in Cur r icula Program

National Coalition Against Domestic Violence

Maine National Army and Air Guard: Sexual Assault Prevention Advocates

Spruce Run Crisis L ine Training

Rape Response Crisis Line Training

SAFE and SANE health care providers

Family Planning health care providers

M aine Cultural Diversity Panel for education and Awareness relating to domestic violence

and sexual assault

Department of Justice Office on Violence Against Women Peer Reviewer

Participant in Department of Justice Office on Victims of Crime in Indian Count ry

Response Panel

Founder: Penobscot Nation Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Services Program

Community Advocate Against abuse in our families and our community

Prior employment history:

Owner/ Operator small family restaurant

REALTOR Maine and Arizona

Certified Real Estate Appraiser

Community involvement:

Vice Chair Penobscot Nation Fish and Game Commit tee

Prior affiliations:

PIN Health Board PIN Personnel Commit tee PIN Land Commit tee

AD Hoc Commit tees:

P IN Elder Care Facility PIN Lending Law Commit tee PIN Constitution Commit tee

P IN Principles of Behavior in our Community

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