***** ****** ****** ***** *#***, Marina Del Rey, CA 90202
Cellular: 213-***-****. Em ail: pasilva19@ gm
Pepperdine University, G raduate School of Education and Psychology
M aster’s Thesis: “The Effectiveness of College Outreach Programs According to University Administrators”
M aster of A rts in Education April 2010
U niversity of Southern California
Study Abroad: International Institute of Spain in M adrid
B ach elor of A rts in English; B ach elor of A rts in Spanish D ecem ber 2005
Fluent in Spanish, w ith proficient reading, w riting and speaking skills. Know ledge of PC and M acintosh
system s; M icrosoft O ffice, all Internet brow sers, Blackboard, Thesys Course D esign and typing at 65+W PM
U SC U pw ard Bound, Los Angeles, CA D ecem ber 2010- May 2011
Eng lish Instructor
• D evelop 9 grade English course curriculum using Holt McDougall education materials
• Construct syllabus outlining rules, reading m aterials and projects to be executed during course of sem ester
• Perform as lead instructor in Saturday Academ y, teaching students f resh m a n Am erican Literature, w hich
com prises influences of W hites, Latinos, Blacks and Asian Am ericans to genre
• Educate students on three m ajor form s of w riting, w hich include: fiction, non-fiction and poetry
• Instruct youth on literature and w riting through lectures, group activities, class discussion, and sho rt
w riting assignm ents
• Assess student comprehension by administering multiple choice quizzes and essay exams
• M aintain w eekly grading checks and reports for all students using G oogle D ocs
Santa Ana U nified School D istrict, Santa Ana, CA October 2007-March 2009; O ctober 2010-Present
W hittier U nion H igh School D istrict, W hittier, CA September 2010-Present
Certificated S u bstitute Teacher
• Im plem ent lesson plans based on California Content Standards into long-term curriculum plan to
ensure continuity of education objectives
• Provided students guidance on various subjects, particularly English and English Language Learning
• Instruct and follow teaching guidelines s et by staff for grades K-12, including intervention students
• Educate high school continuation students in academ ic, social and career objectives
• Aid special education pupils in their transition from adolescents in working adults
• D evelop and foster a stim ulating learning environm ent to enhance and grasps students' attention level
• Com plete and organize daily report form s for subject teachers and academ ic supervisors to ensure
student com pletion of assignm ents and to relate student classroom behavior
Pepperdine University, Los Angeles, CA Septem ber 2009-D ecem ber 2009
G raduate R esearch A ssistant
• Perform ed research on various topics in the field of education policy, including student grant aid
program s, college readiness and access, diversity and participation
• Analyzed data on state educational testing results for K-12 students to review graduation and retention
rates am ong disadvantaged groups
• Interacted w ith higher education publishers to test education literature and advise faculty on content and
• Review ed education events and conference attendance to stay inform ed on special education
developm ents
Pepperdine University- Student Services, Los Angeles, CA M arch 2009-June 2009
G raduate A ssistant
• M aintained up-to-date folders on active and graduated student accounts by review ing files and
sending out com pleted versions to M alibu cam pus
• H andled databases by m aking phone calls to students in relation to their educational accounts
• O rganized a variety of adm inistrative functions such as copying, filing and m ailing out im portant
rem inders regarding the status of student accounts
• Preserved and tracked highly confidential docum ents related to student services and privacy
• Tracked m ilestone education events and conferences to stay inform ed on special developm ents