Lynn M. Wilson RN, BSN
Shoreview, MN 55126
(651) 482 - 8292
Bachelors in Nursing, 1979
Northern Michigan University, Marquette, Michigan
Registered Nurse with a current MN license.
MN School District 621 substitute nurse for elementary and middle school
health offices 2008 to present
Wellness Educator and CEU instructor partnered with a global health,
nutritional and educational company working out of my home on a small part-
time basis. Duties include; Continuing Education consultant, certify the
companies courses, applying for state certifications in CA and FL, as well
as conducting and speaking at seminars locally, FL, SC and a CEU cruise.
1999 - present
Part Owner of a small home care agency run out of my home. 1997 - 1999
Home based telephonic screener and case management worker for long-term
care insurance companies, thru Matrix Advocare1992 - 1997
Home care visit nurse with Kimberly Quality Care 1988 - 1997
Hospital supplemental staffing nurse with Favorite Nurses, in Seattle, WA
working at Harbor View, the areas major trauma center in their ICU and
Trauma units 1984 - 1988
Hospital staff nurse in Med-Surg - ICU Marquette General Hospital 1979 -
Related Experience:
Volunteer American Heart Association Go Red For Women Campaign
American Heart Association CPR Instructor
Previous ACLS Certification
Secretary Marquette Chapter, American Nurses Association
Camp Nurse for Girl Scout Day Camp 2001, 2002, 2003
Excellent Interpersonal and Computer Skills
Comfortable with public speaking lectures and educational seminars
Excellent telephone and computer skills
Experienced Using; Micro Soft Word, Power Point, Excel, Digital Cameras