Sherry Moos
Professional Experience
Mandan, ND 58554
Controller, Allstate Leasing, LLC from 5 1 10 to 7 22 2011
Cell: 763-***-****
Daily Bank Reconciliations, Cash Forecasting, Financial Statement
Preparation for a leasing company with $15,000,000.00 in revenue,
Career Snapshot
Debt Reconciliation for portfolios totaling $24,000,000.00, Asset
15 years of experience as Reconciliations, BNA Tax Reconciliations, Manager of an accounting
a controller in various staff of four, development of monthly Management Reports, yearly
businesses with a budgeting, and the processing of all equipment sales.
reputation for exceptional
performance and accuracy
Controller/Treasurer, WD Larson Company 6 7 04 to 4 30 10
in multi branch entities.
Superior skills in learning
financial reporting Bank and Credit Card Reconciliations, Cash Forecasting, Individual
systems. Experience in Financial Statement Preparations for 17 locations. Provided a
financial statement roll up for all locations with annual sales of
Financial statement
$225,500,000.00, Fixed Asset Reconciliations, Sales Tax Returns for all
preparation, budgeting
locations, BNA and Floor Plan Reconciliations for all locations.
and forecasting.
Worked on all aspects of yearly audit. Development of processes and
procedures that eliminated redundancy amongst administrative staff
History of improving
reducing head count from 8 to 4.
functionality, processes,
procedures, and insuring
Corporate Controller, Walden Auto Group 10 1 99 to 5 1 04
Excellent skills in account
reconciliations and
Worked closely with the 10+ dealership location controllers on various
improving financial
projects and provided controller training as needed. At the same time
reporting requirements.
I was also the controller for the Walden Fleet Group which sold
Computer Skills approximately 180,000 vehicles per year. I increased the speed of our
billing cycle from approximately 30+ days down to approximately 7
Word, Excel, Enrich,
days which allowed additional income to be retained. I managed and
Karmak, Reynolds &
provided the financial statements to our corporate facility. During this
Reynolds, Crystal, Access,
time I also worked on two sister company computer conversions,
and ADP
Mission Statement: Northstate Financial and Rosedale Leasing.
To obtain a position in
which I can become an
Controller, Burnsville Buick Nissan, 4 1 96 thru 9 30 99
integral part of the
business. To become an Responsible for all aspects of Financial Statement preparation for a
employee that helps the
car dealership consisting of New, Used, Finance, Parts, and Service
business reach its growth
departments. Responsible for all balance sheet reconciliations,
and profitability potential.
monthly and yearly. Compiled monthly and yearly management
reports for other department managers and corporate for the express
purpose of dealership profitability. Entirely responsible for the year
end audit process.
St. Catherine University Associate Degree in Accounting
I have enrolled this fall at the University of Mary to complete my four
year accounting degree. Remaining class list available upon request.
Available upon request