Waltham, MA **453-1523
S. B., MIT, February 1975, Electrical Engineering. Thesis: "Designing,
Patenting and Marketing an Innovative Musical Instrument."
B.A., Middlebury College, 1968, German Literature.
Certified League of American Bicyclists Effective Cycling Instructor/League
Cycling Instructor since 1982. Effective Cycling advisor for Massachusetts,
Enjoy bicycling, reading, music; experienced in machine shop, woodworking.
Hold Extra class amateur radio and first class commercial radio licenses.
Fluent in German, French; capable in Spanish.
Translations: I have translated three books from German for MIT Press; and
frequently prepare technical translations from German and French into
English, working mostly for linguistic Systems of Cambridg,e
Photography: experienced in sports and close-up work.
Extensive computer experience using PC and Windows with graphics, word-
processing, Web development, audio and video applications. I maintain four
Web sites.
Programming: expert programmer in Cakewalk Application Language
Gibson Corporation, Nashville, Tennessee: consultant on patented design
improvement of guitars for improved intonation.
Key Concepts Inc., Allston, MA: Chief engineer and founder of company
developing an innovative, computer-based keyboard musical instrument.
Mechanical design, production engineering. I hold three patents on this
Kronos, Inc., Waltham, MA: Designed, tested and refined mechanical
components of a computer-based workplace time recording system; this
included production engineering of drum and dot matrix printers.
2003-2004, 1996, 1992, 1984, 1980 Co-author, Sutherland's Handbook for
Bicycle Mechanics, third and subsequent editions (Sutherland Publications),
the bicycle industry's parts interchangeability "bible"; 1992: Co-author,
Sutherland's Handbook of Coaster-Brake and Internally-Geared Hubs.
2000 Translated Mallot, Hanspeter A.: Computational Vision, MIT Press,
Cambridge, Massachusetts: an introductory text on the neurobiology of
vision and on computer vision.
1987 Wrote booklet Bicycling Street Smarts, about correct and safe
techniques for urban cycling (Rodale Press). New edition published by Rubel
Bikemaps and on the Internet, 2002. Customized versions published as state
bicycle driver's manuals of Pennsylvania, Ohio, Florida, Arizona and Idaho
and by Breezer Bikes, a manufacturer of utility bicycles. Total circulation
over 400,000 copies.
1985-1986 Revised Glenn's New Complete Bicycle Manual, a major bicycle
repair text (Crown Publishers, New York).
1983 Translated Cremer, Lothar: The Physics of the Violin, MIT Press,
Cambridge, Massachusetts: A thoroughgoing analysis of the physics of sound
production and transmission in musical instruments of the violin family.
1982 Translated Blauert, Jens. Spatial Hearing, MIT Press, Cambridge,
Massachusetts: A widely cited survey of research into the psychophysics of
human auditory localization.(Second edtion, 1996).
1980 Author, The Complete Book of Bicycle Commuting (Rodale, 1981): a
comprehensive handbook for use of the bicycle as transportation under
demanding urban conditions.
1977- Author, over 200 articles in magazines