Joyce A.,Buehanan
'**'j'~ ~P:QshAve: ~~Ir: ~Q*-**y~t247
Orlando, FI _ri~a,32803 ihQ'2'~@yah(
Home: 40'7-~8EHi5,69
Salt Lake. Cily, UJ
1999;_pres~t\t !Jrti'il~l tytjf l,I~11Gt!Ij!lR~qi$; G£l'lter
HealtH Infonnatroll Coder
Speclatty.'Oitl'iQpedil:: elM and' s.lJrg~ry Coding fgdb~ J:1hys"i(ilal'ls.
•' ?Assis( itt iqter d~p.attm'e.ntal (juesfiQRs regarding coding. patient information 'and billing.
'Asar~t p'arfrijent mal1ager witb spe(;ial Projects.,; Reseatchlre-S(1h/~"d~JI!e:dc(aIlTr end,app,~als. rei::timiJIe m'onthly reports
• Tti(lnsrfew'stEiff''(h de~s. re;sidEfnfs,felloWs)
• Remote.cod:erfor new tem6fe'pirotprQgranr
• Worn n'i~ffily:(epo.rts. audif .and 'sssi'st With -data:entry ss;;needed.
• W~e'd With' J;Yalieot inSliran.he'c;:omp~t'lies t(:La,ss~slwithobtaining pa.yrnentfor'services.
WQr;k~d :l3n~IiJ'$af'anteq$lj~!i> nq w/iJe;<:Ipp'eaJ
. rtS,genc}"
• P(~afed ac~ounts f~rt
•. Attentfed court hearings as. neetl,etl.
• Aasi!ifed lhEHiri~ncialcoonsel~l"as ne'~$sary. with';~ymentnn<, in~l,Jirjes
Writt!': off: reque~ts ami PJI,Ym"tlnt
• Pr91{e~s~d R,s~jpg.
• Worked rnon:thlya®&.unii[lg~repD'rts. .. .
• p(ocE!'ssed;f~rund '~equest$ and -other dep,artmerlta;diustme nls.
• Balai'fC'lfd.mi!y wOrk.
• ReS:i%att1i~ PS,Yi;Tl,ents ~rrpr-l?, rhis'l!ipQ p'aym~rYts aJ1d'out 6f balance situations ..
.~isted patIent's. as needed,
ClilT.ent'CPC C'ertIfj~tion
ContihiJlng :education
Monthl.Y .c.or:nplia1"lC~opdates
Auqio c(mf~enees
t~a4,19:92 Valeli!i~ G:ommuni;tyColleg.e 0rt~ndO.FL
L~w, BtJsine$$ CQnimunlGfliQn~ .. -ngl!$h, £iU$lness'Wiititlg I.• Vili~ril_g
.- :BlJ,$iliEtSs E
JI! Banking History! B.usiness ~ath!GtJstom~r Servtce.. T~I~p~one'E1iguett,~aQfj ~§ji'l~S5'
psy, hoJogy.
1.975- 1971 'O-asa C.olim:a Business ScrrQl!)1 San Dimas, :CiJ.
• A~OOylitiAg /'
Ba"tcin.Sl Tr;al . ., Banking Skill$' • Trafr1ed all'newte!lers and 'sa'lin:g c.ol,lrTselorsCooducted cank ai;l(:hts
.. O\ler~aw creditcard and cashDI!)e£atrons fora large ski r-es-oo.Managed bet'Neenoand
to employe-e~.